Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 885: curiosity

Now, let me tell you some secret shifts. "The ferocious werewolf begged for mercy.

No, I will know even if you die. "Jiang Cheng pointed to the light knife on the ground, and immediately, the light knife training seemed to fly over, and the werewolf fiercely nailed the werewolf in the starting area of ​​the werewolf to fill in the Esko Werewolf and circled Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng was unmoved and still negative Hand stand

Quietly, the Werewolf Eske stabs Jiang Cheng's ribs with a claw from the back, while renting a big tail to sweep Jiang Cheng's thigh.

In the face of absolute strength, all the skills seem so weak.

Jiang Cheng grabbed the werewolf's arm, raised it high, and threw it out while spinning.

With a loud noise, the werewolf's body slammed on the wall, and blood flowed from its horns.

Let me go, I will tell you some secrets. "The ferocious werewolf begged for mercy.

No, I will know even if you die. "Jiang Cheng raised his foot and raised the light knife on the ground. The light knives seemed to fly over and nailed the werewolf to the wall fiercely. Jiang Cheng looked at the dead werewolf in front of him, and put his palms on its head, slightly He closed his eyes and began to read the memories of the wolf before his life.

After a while, he understood everything.

There is another one, Jiang Cheng is facing the evening breeze, watching the sky full of stars and thinking about something quietly

The grass doesn't remove its roots, and the spring breeze regenerates. Jiang Cheng said silently twice in his mouth, his figure stretched and disappeared into the vast night sky.

In the outskirts, there is a row of luxurious villas halfway up the mountain, which are used by wealthy people for vacations.

In one building 03, there is only the restaurant with the lights on. A werewolf is under investigation. The food of humans is irresistible to the werewolves on the planet Esker, and those exquisite foods except for some Only in the restaurant, and on the table of the rich and famous.

The werewolf could not appear in public, so the werewolf focused on these areas in the outskirts. The werewolf knew that this place was where the rich and noble people lived, and it was remote enough.

Sure enough, it ate human delicacies here. As for the few corpses still in a pool of blood that were killed by it, the werewolf did not take them to heart.

When the werewolf who was eating fast and eating happily stretched out his hand to pick up the cup on the table, he was surprised to find that, I don’t know when, a young human man was sitting quietly on the chair opposite him. His face was calm, but his eyes shot out a cold light, and a shiny silver knife was constantly flying at his fingertips.

The light of the knife flashed, and the werewolf's extended hand was nailed to the table, the tip of the knife was deeply inserted into the table, and the handle of the knife was still moving.

The werewolf resisted the severe pain, pulled out the knife that had been pierced into his hand, and lifted the table with the help of the trend, and the table full of food flew towards Jiang Cheng.

At the same time, the werewolf turned around and fled.

The figure flashed, and Jiang Cheng appeared in front of the werewolf.

With impulse, the werewolf stabbed the knife in his hand to Jiang Cheng's heart.

Jiang Cheng stood still, grabbing the werewolf's knife-holding hand and kicking it, under the werewolf's leaps, where the werewolf's key lies.

"Ming", the werewolf let out a stern cry, clutching his hands, shrinking and falling down, his body twitching slightly on the ground.

Jiang Cheng's face was as cold as ice, and the knife in his hand shot at the werewolf's head and disappeared deeply.

Taking a look at the human body lying in a pool of blood, Jiang Cheng sighed slightly, and his body disappeared.

In the lobby of the Fragrant Tree Lishe Hotel, Anyang Chief Staff Officer and his daughter accompany Jiang Cheng with peace of mind. The three of them talked and laughed happily.

Anyang's gentle smile, An Xin's delicate and charming face, especially Jiang Cheng, who is inexplicable and unclear, attracted the attention of many people.

"Mr. Jiang, thanks to your help this time, I taught my daughter and me. For this cup, I respect you Anyang with a toast, and the words are full of gratitude.

An Xin by his side also happily picked up the wine glass, but it was just a drink.

Sigh, "Jiang Cheng said: "It's all old friends, it's just a matter of raising a hand, what are you doing so politely?"

Yes, yes," An Yang said repeatedly: "If it weren't for your help this time, how could my daughter and I sit here and eat like this comfortably? Come on, have a drink!

Ding "The three wine glasses touched gently.

Putting down the wine glass, Anyang said again: "Since you are out this time, you will play in City A for a few more days. I will let An Xin take you around. You don't know, my girl worships you very much.

An Xin's face turned slightly red next to him: "Uncle Jiang, you must give me a signed photo of you this time. You don't know, the girls in our school are so excited when they mention you... I don't know how to describe it. Some of them posted your picture on the wall, some wanted to go to your house to be a maid, and some of them suddenly interrupted the tone and aroused the curiosity of the two men.

Anyang asked, "What else are you thinking about? Go ahead and say it.

An Xin said embarrassedly, "There are still people who want and want to marry you.

The two men looked at each other and smiled.

Anyang lit her daughter's nose: "You child, there are too many people pursuing your Uncle Jiang, you let your classmates wait in line slowly.

The three people joked for a while.

Jiang Cheng tapped the table lightly with his fingers, and thought if he said, "The planet Aix, I visited many years ago, and their level of civilization doesn't seem to be that high, and they don’t even have a spaceship. This time, those two How did the werewolves come to water polo?

Anyang lowered his voice and said, "According to our intelligence, the royal family of Aix has signed an agreement with a powerful civilization, and they have agreed to join the fight and cooperation initiated by the planet.

Jiang Cheng nodded: "I understand. To put it simply, that civilization paid for it and the planet Aix was born. No wonder they even have things like spaceships.

Yes, that's what you said. "Anyang said: "Furthermore, looking at the trend of cooperation in this fight, the goal is our water polo, which is why I started to develop a comprehensive water polo defense plan. "He leaned back and sighed: "The tree wants to be quiet, but the wind does not stop. It is not a bad thing to be prepared.

Jiang Cheng tapped his fingers gently on the table, and said intently: "In this case, I want to go to Aix planet for 080 a week. Offense is the best defense. If we can't understand the situation on that planet, then we are really It's an unprepared battle. "An Yang sees the upright man in front of him, without a trace of worry. Anyang couldn't imagine what this man could not solve, so Anyang nodded, raised his glass and said to Jiang Cheng, "Then I will prepare it for you. You can rest here tonight. Peace of mind, tonight Don't leave Uncle Jiang tonight." An Xin nodded and said, "I see, Dad." Jiang Cheng recognized the wine in the glass and nodded.

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