Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 886: Scared

The next morning Jiang Cheng and Anyang got up early to prepare. Actually, there is no need to prepare. It is nothing more than Anyang telling Jiang Cheng some things to pay attention to on the planet Aix.

Jiang Cheng came to the planet Aix and nodded silently to see if the environment of this low-civilized planet is infertile. Jiang Fen walked without shy, saying that being fearless is encountering, but he really didn't know what he needed to worry about for this absolute existence.

But soon Jiang Cheng was discovered by the monitoring system of Planet Aix. Some werewolves appeared shook the ground, they still don't know the nature of this man's existence. Jiang Cheng's absolute sensitivity had already discovered these werewolves, but he was not worried.

He flashed and came behind those werewolves, and countless swords condensed with thoughts had already appeared above the werewolves, silently. The werewolves were still looking for Jiang Cheng's existence, and Shu Yi felt a murderous look. Jiang Chengjing didn't want to solve it all at once.

Standing on the planet Aix, Jiang Cheng looked around blankly.

He was in a green prairie and looked around. He could not see a half-person figure at all times. What's the matter? Jiang Cheng thought to himself that when he passed the planet Aix decades ago, even though this planet was civilized It was underdeveloped, even far behind the water polo, but it was densely populated at that time, and it was not like it is now, even half of a person can not be seen.

When Jiang Cheng’s legs were tired, he finally saw the first smoke on the grassland.

When Jiang Cheng appeared in front of them, it was not the people on the planet Zhix who were surprised, but Jiang Cheng.

Although the appearance of the Aix stars in front of Jiang Cheng is somewhat different from that of the water polo people, they did not surprise Jiang Cheng. What surprised Jiang Cheng was that almost all of the stars in front of him were The old man and the woman are not even seen by an adult young man. In Jiang Cheng’s memory, when he passed the planet Vinks decades ago, young men with spears were everywhere. At that time, Jiang Cheng also received the hospitality of those hospitable Aix stars. Although the food was far from good food in his eyes, it could only be regarded as a solution to hunger, but he still mixed these foods like Aix stars He swallowed it kindly.

The hospitable Vinks even hosted an enthusiastic fire party because of his arrival.

At that meeting, the girls of the Aix star people took turns to invite Jiang Cheng to dance. In Jiang Cheng’s eyes, it was not so much a dance as it was the most primitive twisting of the wave body. Even so, that day In the evening, Jiang Cheng was very fast on the planet Aix. He and the people on the planet Aike danced a simple dance together, ate the roughest food together, and had a drink full of strange flavors, but he was very happy. He feels that the people on the planet Aix are full of human touch, and this feeling has always filled his heart so that the next morning, riding in the room specially prepared for him by the Askers, he has the thought of not wanting to leave. law.

The scene before him was very different from what he remembered.

With a sense of suspicion and incomprehension, Jiang Cheng walked to the Vinks.

What made him even more surprised was that those Aix star people who were lucky enough to see his figure were in a mess. Some Vinks began to raise some of them and drove them into the house while others kept the door behind. ", ~ Magnetic" closed with a beep, and more people turned it on.

The good memories of the planet Aix still remain in Jiang Cheng's mind, but the reality in front of him makes it difficult for him to accept.

The embarrassed Jiang Cheng stood alone in front of Kongli's house. He really did not expect that in front of Shuiqiu people, he was an idol among many people, and here he was regarded as a beast of Flood County.

Jiang Cheng was aware of the pair of eyes looking at him through the door or window of Weiyuan. Those relentless eyes made him feel like a thorn on his back; but he didn't bother these Aix stars, he chose to leave.

When he came to another town where the Zhixian lived, the scene in front of him made him angry.

A Werewolf of Eske with a few Nuans was robbing the people of Eske, and he kept beating them.

Jiang Cheng rushed forward. For a few days and a few districts, those little ones are only for playing on the ground. As for the werewolf, there is no such good luck. Jiang Cheng first discounted one of his hands. When he wanted to fight back, Jiang Cheng unceremoniously interrupted his other hand.

When encountering someone more rewarding than him, the werewolf can only ask for it.

The people in the district clapped their hands and applauded, and the courageous bases went up to the little couples.

Those little quarrels carried the half-crippled werewolf and ran away alone.

At this time, the people of Aikeju no longer fear Jiang Cheng. They told Jiang Cheng that because the royal family of Aike wanted to join the fight and cooperation, they collected more taxes from the ordinary people of Aix, and Aix The civilization level of the star was originally relatively low, which was only equivalent to that of the farmer in the water polo one hundred years ago. The people's life was originally suffering from hardship. This time, taxes will be increased again, and the people of course are not willing.

As for why I can't see the young Esk man, in addition to being arrested for military service, or being arrested for hard labor.

Those Eskers who were rescued by Jiang Cheng talked to him about the cruelty of the Esker royal family, and enthusiastically invited Jiang Cheng to be a guest at their home. They even invited Jiang Cheng to be the first one. There was a dispute.

Looking at the quarrelsome Esker stars in Zhou District, Jiang Cheng's long-lost feeling came back to his heart.

He rejected the hospitable people of Esker, and faced these kind-hearted people, he wanted to fight for them what should belong to them.

With a flash of body shape, Jiang Cheng disappeared among the ordinary people of Esker, which caused their worship.

In a mine of Esker Star, young and strong men are working hard. Those low-grade werewolves are constantly beating them with their scorpions. The ore in the coolie backlog, Jiang Cheng can see at a glance. That is iron ore from which gold can be extracted.

The sudden appearance of Jiang Cheng did not attract the attention of those guarding the mine chiefs. They came forward cursingly, trying to catch him in order to add another heat-free coolie.

Advocate, they made the mistake of not knowing Taishan.

Jiang Cheng looked at his mine guards in the Bao area coldly, and before they could do anything, Jiang Cheng sent the first shot.

Jiang Cheng, who rushed into the guard group, hit his feet and brought down the guards.

The head of the werewolf who was alarmed brought his men to teach, and Jiang Cheng, who was on the rise, happened to take them all.

With a punch in the air, the huge impact blasted the rushing werewolves into the air, and then fell heavily to the ground.

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