Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 887: Lucky

Jiang Cheng held the meat in his arms and looked down at the people who were twitching on the ground coldly. Jiang Cheng had made up his mind to show no mercy to these accomplices who were pitying tigers.

The coolies who watched all this blankly let out cheers. They knelt to the ground one after another, thanking Jiang Cheng for his instruction.

These young men who had been exulted by Ike listening to the stars regarded Jiang Cheng as the incarnation of a hero. They bowed their heads, and when they patted their heads, Jiang Cheng had disappeared.

In one day, Jiang Cheng successively taught the Askers in seven mines and three prisons. At the same time, there were hundreds of werewolves and other warmths who died under him, but he didn't stop there. , He wants to completely overthrow the royal family of Esoke, not only to relieve those ordinary people, but also to make Esike no longer a threat to the water polo

He went all the way, aiming directly at the big city of the Askers.

On the way to Esk Star City, Jiang Cheng was almost shocked by the poverty of this planet. This planet, which is obviously still in the agricultural period, has an aggressive heart towards water polo, which is really daunting.

There are countless things that make people feel unfair along the way. At first, Jiang Cheng continued to help, but there were too many such things. Jiang Cheng had to go to the big city of Esker Star immediately. The root must be Ace. The nemesis royal family, if they are not eradicated, there will be no change in the lives of these ordinary people.

Standing outside the walls of the Great City of Exoque, Jiang Cheng finally felt that there was a hint of tightness, which was also a big city.

Jiang Cheng wanted to enter the domain, but was stopped by two low-grade werewolf tutors at the door.

What are you doing?

The two werewolves kept patrolling Jiang Cheng with suspicious eyes. Jiang Cheng looked at them coldly without answering.

I want to ask you something! "One of the werewolf sergeants actually wanted to hit Jiang Cheng with a spear on his shoulders. With a light push with his hands, the two ruthless men drove away, and Jiang Cheng couldn’t reach them on the ground. Beside, the next sentence gently: "Only you, are you worthy of blocking me?" One kick flew, and the two werewolves moved away.

Jiang Cheng walked on the street, watching the houses and lively fields on both sides with great interest. In fact, what he was most interested in was the different lifestyles of the Askers and the water polo people.

Jiang Cheng's apparently different appearance and costumes from the Esker Stars also caught their attention, and a group of soldiers armed with weapons occupied him.

"You just assaulted our tusher?" asked the leading low-ranking werewolf.

Jiang Cheng nodded.

Then there is nothing to say, the leading werewolf shouted to his men: "Catch him!

The group of elders stood in front of him aggressively.

Passers-by exclaimed if.

Jiang Cheng lightly touched his foot on the ground, and a sudden powerful shock wave sent the elders away.

Looking at the elders who can't afford to struggle on the ground, the crowd clapped their hands and applauded. It seems that these elders usually dominate the people, bully the people, and they deserve it!

Jiang Cheng didn't care about these things at all, and he walked straight to the place where the Esk Star Palace was located.

Now it’s alright. A large group of Askers followed him, and they didn’t get too close. Jiang Cheng’s unique appearance, cold face, and indifferent attitude made them think he was Come to find the difference.

There were more and more people following Jiang Cheng's advancement, and his momentum became stronger. At first, those people only talked in a low voice, but slowly, their voices became louder and louder.

Jiang Cheng still kept his indifferent appearance and walked in front of the crowd.

The elders of Eske Star were really slow to react, and the elders of the brigade arrived when Jiang Cheng and the others were about to come to the royal official.

Even Zi could see that the leader was Jiang Cheng.

Therefore, the elders drove away the Askers who were ready to watch the heat, and aimed their finger at Jiang Cheng.

An Esker star who was clearly different from other tutors came to Jiang Cheng and looked at Ruo Jiang Cheng, his eyes filled with hope.

But Jiang Cheng's cold appearance still made him have to suppress his anger.

After walking around Ruojiang Cheng for two rounds, the Asker star stood still in front of him.

His face almost touched Jiang's face, and his figure was taller than Jiang Cheng, so he looked down at Ruojiang Cheng with his condescending eyes full of anger.

He often uses this method to treat people he wants to deal with, and the effect is often very good. Under his fierce pavilion's eyes, many people will tremble involuntarily after a long time, and some people will even feel weak Ground.

But this time he met Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng has traversed the universe for decades. What kind of evil men and evil beasts have not been seen? He simply dismissed this Eskerian's trivial skill to defeat insects!

When the Asker star wanted to say something, he suddenly fell into his arms and fell down, writhing on the ground in pain, and the terrible sound made the elders feel scared.

Jiang Cheng lowered his waist and said to the painful Asker star: "What are you talking about? I can't hear you.

The crowd in the district laughed, and their hearts were very happy. This alien in strange clothes gave them a big breath.

The elders who were stunned by Jiang Cheng finally reacted. Someone carried the Esker star who fell to the ground out, and then they reconstituted Jiang Cheng, and they didn't know what to do next.

Seeing their stupid appearance, Jiang Cheng was a little bored, and his feet were lightly on the ground for a moment, with a bang, and the elders flew away.

The effect of Jiang Cheng's exposed hand is obviously very good. Those who are standing far away not only applaud from each other, but also clapped loudly. All of them were elated, and felt fortunate to see such a wonderful performance today.

The gate of the palace opened, and several teams of brightly armored elders ran out. What surprised Jiang Chengsheng was the number of light weapons in their hands. It seems that this is also the highly civilized planet that gave Ai Part of the battle aid on the planet Skr.

It seems that this is the most elite force on the planet Esk, because they are guards guarding the palace. The elders that Jiang Cheng met along the way, almost all the cold weapons they took, now I actually see the soil holding the laser weapon. Scholar, this contrast is too great.

These elders armed with laser weapons have also received advanced combat training, so as soon as they walked out of the palace gate, the elders in the front row immediately kneeled, and the sergeants in the back row stood with their guns open. Aiming at Jiang Fen.

Now the ordinary people of the planet Aix don't let the difference, they exclaimed that they could escape more luck, for fear that the city gate would catch fire and narrow the pond fish.

Behind the elders walked out a sturdy man, this is the prince of the Aix planet royal family, Prince Charles, who is famous for his brutality and lust.

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