Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 889: warm

"Why should I forgive you?" Jiang Cheng beckoned, and a chair flew up in the air. He sat down Shuzoi, looking at King Charles I, waiting for his answer.

Jiang Cheng’s academy-like performance once again calmed down all the people on the planet Aix. Those who were bold enough to like to watch Hot Week came up again and saw Jiang Cheng all the way. After breaking into the palace, they quietly followed behind.

King Charles I, kneeling on the ground, has no confidence anymore. His backer, he has never seen anyone who can play this hand among the Asseks. As an old prestige with some knowledge, he does not think that Jiang Cheng is playing magic. Although he didn't understand, he knew that it was definitely a manifestation of strength.

As the ruler of the planet Aix, Charles I knew what he had done to water polo, so he also knew what the powerful water polo man in front of him wanted.

Charles I, who ran on the ground, looked up at Jiang Cheng sitting on the chair.

I assure you, "Listen, the ruler of the venerable Aix planet used the honorific title, and he continued: "Never send any creatures on the Aix planet to the water polo, and never become an enemy of the water polo!

Jiang Cheng didn't speak, kneading his fingers, making the sound of Pa.

Seeing King Charles I bowed his head in fear: "Also, I swear that there will be a fighting alliance initiated by Asek! Please believe me!

That's all? Nothing else?" Jiang Cheng asked, looking at his hand, seeing the highest ruler "Four One Zero" on the planet Aix as nothing.

Charles I was speechless, and he didn't know what else the water polo guy wanted to achieve.

Ah, Charles I, who suddenly realized it, suddenly understood: "Hero, I will offer you the treasures of the palace, please accept it to show my little respect; besides, the face of this noble ruler suddenly became wretched. , He took two steps, lowered his voice and said, "There are still some beauties in my palace.

Jiang Cheng looked at Charles I with confidence, this was something he didn't expect, Charles I would actually use these worldly things to buy him.

Go away! "Jiang Cheng's disgusting eyes made Charles I feel unhappy.

Jiang Cheng sighed slightly. People are selfish. This is not false. The ruler of the planet Aix has hardly involved himself. It seems that I should remind him.

Jiang Cheng stood up and looked down at Charles I: "I will help you add a few more points. First, you must not treat the people roughly; second, you must not charge more taxes to the people. Third, no matter who it is. Once you break the law, you must be severely evil!" He looked at Charles I who was kneeling on the ground: "Do you have any comments?

All listen to you, all listen to you. "Charlie I nodded and did not send it, alive like an echo worm.

Jiang Cheng smiled slightly, and shook his head: "You promised so quickly, do you want to glue me?

Not right, dare not. "Charlie I didn't know whether it's better to nod, or to hold your head.

"I tell you, I will now pick some people I think is suitable among the people of Aix. I will leave him the current contact information, and they will secretly observe what you do. If you violate My rule, then they will notify me, you know in your heart, what will happen to you then?

Jiang Cheng sneered, the laughter made Charles I feel like he was in ice water

At that time, you will eagerly choose to die as a relief!

The cold words contained indisputable elements. Although he was the ruler of the planet Aix, Charles I believed the words of the superb water polo man in front of him.

He fell to the ground in frustration. Jiang Cheng's words were equivalent to indirectly stripping away his privilege as the ruler of the planet Aix; of course, his family was also included.

Jiang Cheng turned and left.

Speaking of, he can do it!

The people on the planet Aix who Tian was at the gate of the palace first suspected, and then they believed it. They believed that this human from the water polo would do what they said. Therefore, the applause rang out. It sounded like a ring, and each of them hugged forward, held their hands high, and shouted Cheng Ruo, hoping to be the person Jiang Cheng thought was suitable.

In the face of Ruo such a scene, even if he was cold-hearted as Jiang Cheng, he had to admit that he was touched by the love of the people of Aix.

He felt he had to say a few words.

The following is Jiang Fen’s speech in front of the Aix planet people before leaving, but it is actually just a few words

Dear friends of the planet Aix, you have the right to choose the life you want. Well, your life should bring joy and satisfaction to other people on the planet Aix. At the same time, you have All of this should not be treated incorrectly, including the royal family.

Jiang Cheng looked around the people of the planet Aix around him and looked at the eager gaze in their eyes. His voice was full of truth and emotion: "If the royal family and their children of the planet Aix, they can’t do it. To the promise to me, then please tell me.

The fire went out, and the sky gradually brightened. It was already 0 in the morning.

Jiang Cheng has already embarked on the path forward.

Last night, after hearing Jiang Cheng’s speech, the people of the hospitable planet of Aix were in an unprecedented high mood. They circled Jiang Cheng, the enthusiastic girls of the planet Vinks. In front of and behind him, dancing, even so, they can’t express their enthusiasm for Jiang Cheng! In this case, a fire meeting is necessary and inevitable.

The blazing fire illuminates the planet of Aix. They sing and dance. When their body language can’t fully express their hospitality, then there is only wine-Makoto Ike believes that the planet Aix This kind of drink with a weird taste is equivalent to the wine that humans drink in the water polo and will be babbled and headed after one round, and those who drink too much will be more enthusiastic.

What is this not wine? It's just that the name is different.

That night, when Jiang Cheng was invited by the girls on Aix’s enthusiasm, he also made it difficult for him to move forward and twist a few times. Of course he didn’t know that, as a master in all aspects, his randomness This action is full of power and beauty.

And these movements are better than those primitive body twists on the planet Aix.

Therefore, the mood of the people at the fire party became more enthusiastic.

They walked around Jiang Cheng and kept toasting to Jiang Cheng.

To be honest, Jiang Cheng would never drink these bizarre alcoholic beverages in Water Ball, but here and on the planet Aix, the people here use their enthusiasm to make up for the lack of drinks.

One person, Bi Liang can't ask too much.

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