Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 890: proud

So, when he woke up early the next morning, Jiang Cheng still had a terrible headache. At the fire party last night, he didn’t know how many drinks with a strange smell he had drunk. His last memory stayed with a beautiful person. Girl, holding a far bipp

Passed a bigger glass and drank it with him.

Jiang Cheng was sitting by the bed, and the experience of last night came to his mind one by one. What impressed him the most was the beautiful girl who drank a large glass of life.

Jiang Cheng smiled. That girl, with a beauty different from the people of Aix. Jiang Cheng woke up very early. When he endured a headache and walked out of the room, he was once again attracted by the enthusiasm and boldness of the people of Aix. Moving.

As a distinguished guest, he has his own room when he gets drunk.

And the ordinary people, after drinking so much, the heaven and the earth are their quilt and bed.

Now, what was shown in front of him were the people from the planet Aix who had drunk last night, and those people on the planet Aix who have not yet woken up. They sleep in different places with different sound types-a big tree. Go down, next to the well, or under the minister.

Jiang Cheng saw the man who gave his room to his ministers, the bald, long beard, and fat man from Planet Aix. He is now scented by a haystack, even though he is screaming loudly. , The empty wine glass in his hand didn't mean to let go.

The people of Aix always put their joy and gratitude in the wine. They firmly believe that the drunk will reveal his true face; therefore, wine, or wine, is the fastest way to deal with them.

The kindness of the honest and hospitable people of Aix, who has no utilitarian attempts, always makes Jiang Cheng slightly moved.

For Jiang Cheng, who traveled across the universe and almost every planet in the universe, the Aix planet people would always leave a deep impression on him.

In a situation like this, there is no need to say goodbye one by one.

Jiang Cheng, who was about to travel, once again watched if the sleeping planet Aix people silently said goodbye to them.

When Jiang Cheng's figure was about to flicker, a beautiful girl suddenly ran out.

Her appearance made Jiang Cheng had to stop.

"Zao Shuiqiu people, are you trying to go inside?" The girl enthusiastically greeted Jiang Cheng, who had great powers, and really didn't know how to answer.

"No matter where you want to go, you should have breakfast first, right?" the girl laughed.

Without waiting for Jiang Cheng to speak, she opened the bag Hui she carried with her and took out the food with the temperature inside.

She gently lifted up an Ike off the planet who was sleeping on the table, in order to make him sleep more comfortable and to make more places on the table.

Two porridges cooked with unknown ingredients seem to be full of appetite. A cage of steaming steamed buns and three kinds of side dishes, namely, egg, capers and mapo tofu.

Jiang Cheng stood there blankly, but his stomach immediately surrendered.

As a water polo man, even if he has traveled the five continents, four oceans, or stepped on every planet in the universe, there are many reasons why his roots are still in the Huajia District. The important reason is of course. He is from the Hua family, but there are other reasons. One of them is his risk! It is the supernatural power and knowledgeable person like Jiang Cheng who belongs to the Hua family district, and he is really unclear about why he likes flowers so much. Meals and dishes in the home area.

Jiang Cheng likes to eat the snails and foie gras in the rooster area; Jiang Cheng likes to eat the fish roe of Laozi, and Jiang Cheng also likes to eat the fish roe of the district

But deep in his heart, what he likes most is the food in Huajia District.

When he was in Huajia District, Jiang Cheng would always take time to eat those delicious foods to the high-end secret halls and down to the Cangpu restaurants. He kept trying and hoping to find his favorite food.

But the Huajia District, which has a history of five thousand years, does not say anything else, only talks about food. Ordinary people may not be able to taste it in a lifetime.

Even Jiang Cheng, who is in the universe, has deep memories of the food in Huajia District.

And now, he has stayed on the planet Aix for several days.

Therefore, when the girl put a breakfast of Huajia District on the table, he immediately felt hungry.

This is a morning when the sun is first born, the mist has not yet gone, so the sun does not seem so hot, the air is fresh, the wind blows, the wind with unknown flower sounds lingers in people’s nose, which makes people can’t bear it. Those who live want to take a few deep breaths: the most pleasant color in the Zhou area, the prairie on the outskirts of Aix planet, the green grass, the wind blows, the green waves undulate, the unknown flowers in the green grass, like little stars , Point level among them.

The dining table is placed in this grassland.

The girl in front of me, with a sweet-looking face and a smile like a flower, makes people feel comfortable. This portion on the table, the authentic Huajia District food, is constantly exuding a seductive fragrance.

It's embarrassing for this girl to think so thoughtfully.

In this case, eating is a rare enjoyment.

How is it? Can you still be used to it?" the girl asked.

The thick porridge is just right, and the backward agricultural appearance of Aix can produce fragrant and poppy rice.

As for the steamed buns, they are authentic Huajia District flavors. The main dishes are tasted, and meat is the main ingredient.

The three side dishes: egg, meat and sour beans, and mapo tofu are traditional delicacies in Huajia District.

Jiang Cheng ate heartily.

One bowl of porridge, three steamed buns, and three dishes of side dishes almost all fell into his abdomen alone. The girl just picked a few pieces shallowly, drank half a bowl of porridge, and ate a steamed bun and persuaded him to eat more. .

In a while, only clean bowls remained on the table. Jiang Cheng is not a disciple. Yi is on the contrary. With his practice, he doesn't need food to satisfy his body's needs.

Therefore, for Jiang Cheng, eating is not for the sake of the stomach at all, but the real sensory needs.

This kind of psychological and physical satisfaction.

After tasting an authentic Huajia District breakfast, Jiang Cheng's mood became more cheerful, and he became more talkative.

Yes, the early taste is great. "Jiang Cheng praised: "Did you make these all?"

Of course, this kind of authentic Huajia District food cannot be done by people on the planet Aix. "The young girl's tone is arrogant.

Which planet are you from?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"I am a planetary exchange student. I have studied in Huajia District for five or six years. This five-year-old district has deeply attracted me, including his diet." The girl seemed to be a little bit unreasonable.

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