Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 102 Can you catch the hat?

Sun Zhuo has four game repeat challenge cards this season, two of which have been used so far, and the remaining two have not been used.

Seeing that there are only seven games left in this season at most, according to the rules of the game, these two challenge cards will become invalid after the end of the season. Therefore, if there is no need for the finals, when will we wait?

Once the game repeat challenge card is used, coupled with Sun Zhuo's own corner three-point ability and double turn dunk bug, it is not impossible to surpass O'Neal and Kobe and become the best player in the team.

Of course, Sun Zhuo only has two repeat challenge cards, and FMVP depends on his performance in the entire series. The probability of Sun Zhuo actually getting it is still very low, but people always have to have dreams. What if he sees a ghost?

When it comes to the ownership of this year's FMVP, Wade is also interested. In his opinion, the Lakers have a very good chance of winning, no matter whether the opponent is the Pacers or the Pistons, but now there is a lot of controversy about the power struggle between O'Neal and Kobe. At the beginning of the season, there were even rumors about them. The two almost came to blows, and O'Neal even threatened to find a killer to kill Kobe.

Wade was also interested in gossip for a while, and asked Sun Zhuo: "Do you think Kobe will be willing to be a green leaf this year? Will Shaq win the FMVP? Based on my understanding of Kobe, he should not be able to do it. There were a lot of complaints about Shaq last season, and after this season, there is a high chance that the two of them will separate."

Sun Zhuo did not want to hide Wade, "The relationship between the two of them is indeed very subtle, which is also one of the uneasy factors in the finals. Once Kobe wants to grab the FMVP, Shaq will definitely not want to give it to him. Then the strength of our team will be If they become weaker, the result may be that neither of them can win the trophy, and the FMVP will be taken by the Pacers' Jermaine O'Neal or the Pistons' Chauncey Billups."

People are selfish. In the past three years, the Lakers have won the championship, O'Neal has won three consecutive FMVPs, and Kobe has not had one. This has greatly damaged Kobe's historical status. Based on this alone, even Kobe has won six or even seven. A championship, he still can't compare with Michael Jordan.

In the 2011 NBA Finals, the Heat lost to the Mavericks for this reason.

When superstars work together to win a championship, you must first figure out one thing, and that is who is the real core of the team.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Phil hasn't solved the problem between them for several seasons, so let's not worry about it." Sun Zhuo said, picked up the basketball, grabbed the ball with one hand with the big palm given by the game, and turned on Facing Wade in a fighting stance.

Wade also realized that Sun Zhuo wanted to play, so he also took a defensive stance.

Sun Zhuo, who is level 35, is much stronger than when he first met Wade. Now he won't suffer too much in a singles match with Wade. So, after grabbing the ball with one hand and pretending for a while, he broke through with the ball and made an emergency stop. CIC.

Wade jumped up to block the shot. Wade is indeed one of the strongest shot-blockers among defenders, and he actually blocked a little bit.

"You're not the only one who can block shots." Sun Zhuo didn't mind. It was originally meant to be entertainment, and he didn't take off with all his strength. But next time he was the defender, and he wanted to return the favor to Wade.

Wade smiled, got the ball, and casually made a layup with a wandering step. The layup was very slow and the shot was also very slow, so he was naturally slapped by Sun Zhuo.

After being photographed, Wade suddenly asked Sun Zhuo a question: "Sun, can you catch the hat?"

"Capture?" Sun Zhuo was stunned when Wade asked him. He had never thought about this problem before.

Wade picked up the ball and said with a serious face: "Yes, catch the shot! Your hands are so big and your bounce is so good, you should have no problem catching the shot! Brother, think about it, when you face the opponent's layup Or dunk, instead of batting the ball away, you directly grab the ball in your hands. This will be such a shocking and humiliating move for the opponent!"

Wade is also a fellow who likes to show off, so he gave Sun Zhuo a suggestion to show off, which is to catch the hat.

Block-catching is the highest level among shot-blocking and one of the top methods of humiliation. If you want to complete block-catching, you must have two talents. One is super jumping. Whether it is catching the block or marking the big block or hitting the board. Ordinary blocking is a must-have condition. Only by jumping high can you block your opponent.

The second point is to have big palms. Only if your hands are big enough can you hold the ball in the air with one hand.

"Yes, I should be able to catch the hat!" Sun Zhuo also suddenly realized this. The hat-catching move is one of the highest-level pretentious moves. Once used on the court, he will be absolutely domineering!

"Here, I'll throw another layup, and you try to catch the ball." Wade took two steps back, wanting to witness with his own eyes the shocking moment when Sun Zhuo caught the ball.

"Okay, don't throw it too high. I'm a little tired today and can't jump anymore." Sun Zhuo also took a defensive posture again.

"Okay." Wade said, slowly took off, then jumped not very high, and threw it casually towards the basket.

Sun Zhuo also jumped up and tried to grab the hat. This height was just right for Sun Zhuo, but when Sun Zhuo tried to grab the hat, his big hand seemed to have slipped when it touched the basketball, and he could not be reached by Sun Zhuo with one hand. After controlling the ball, Sun Zhuo finally touched it with his fingertips.

The hat catch was unsuccessful!

"how so!"

Sun Zhuo felt that this matter was very strange. Logically speaking, he should be able to catch the ball, but the moment he caught the ball, he suddenly felt a little powerless, which reminded him of his identity as a game character. .

The discovery of a three-pointer from the bottom corner last time made Sun Zhuo know that he should think more about the problem from the perspective of game designers and game players. If he thinks about it in their identities, it seems to make sense.

Sun Zhuo is only level 35 now, which is still far away from the full level. If the player can complete the top-level shot-blocking move like grabbing the shot at this stage, then when the player reaches the full level of 50, he will not be able to realize the difference between the two levels. gap, so the game designers must have designed it so that you can only catch hats when you are at full level!

"Damn "NBA World" designer!" Sun Zhuo always felt that the designer of this game gave him warmth. Either he had this bug or he had that skill. He didn't expect that being a game character has a bad side. !

No one will catch you if you are below level 50!

In other words, it may not necessarily be level 50, but the blocking value must be upgraded to the highest or a certain standard in order to activate the ability to catch blocks.

All of Sun Zhuo's potential points are added to dunks, and his block value is not high.

"I want to upgrade, I want to reach the full level as soon as possible!" Sun Zhuo began to want to upgrade like crazy. He knew that as long as he reached the full level, he would definitely be able to capture the hat.

However, Dwyane Wade didn't know Sun Zhuo's mental activities at this moment. Wade thought to himself: "I can do a normal level of catching the shot. Sun Zhuo's palms are bigger than mine and his bounce is better than mine. There is no reason." To do this...I know, this is also one of his hidden abilities! He hasn't planned to expose it yet!"

Wade felt that he and Sun Zhuo had already established a friendship, and even lived directly at Sun Zhuo's house in Los Angeles. They talked about a lot of things every day these days, so Wade directly said, "Sun, are you the one who caught the hat?" One of the hidden abilities? You can confess it to me, and I promise not to leak it to anyone."

Since Wade can deduce that Sun Zhuo should be able to catch hats, other people should also guess it if they are interested. In addition, Sun Zhuo will definitely be able to catch hats in the future. If he says not now, then Wade will I definitely feel that Sun Zhuo doesn't regard him as a friend, but if I say yes now, it would be just showing off in front of a good friend...

Sun Zhuo was in a dilemma.

"There is no doubt that I can catch the hat." Sun Zhuo immediately replied, "You guessed it right, I want to suddenly do it on the field one day. It's not interesting to show it to you casually. "

Wade smiled and threw the ball to Sun Zhuo, "I knew you had a hidden trick! Haha, but can I ask when you plan to perform the hat-catching show? The finals?"

Sun Zhuo estimated that he would only be able to catch the shot if the blocking value was full, so he said: "Let's do it next season."

Wade thought for a while, and seemed to have thought of something terrible, and suddenly asked cautiously: "You are not preparing it specifically for LeBron James, are you?"

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