Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 103 Can BUG be fixed by fixing it? !

Since Sun Zhuo can obviously catch shots, why not use it in the finals where the whole world is watching, but wait until next season?

Wade suddenly remembered that Sun Zhuo's dunking ability also gave up the All-Star Game stage, which was the most suitable stage to showcase, and chose to wait until he beat James to use it.

This made Wade wonder if Sun Zhuo was hiding his ability to deal with James again...

Sun Zhuo smiled bitterly and said, "It's not that coincidental..."

Wade said: "At first, I thought LeBron's arrogant and pretentious look was annoying, but after getting in touch with him, I found that he is quite good. He is actually very humble and has a good character. No. For bad guys like Laimbeer or Bowen, I think you can also try to change your view of him. Don't save the cap for him. You can save it for humiliating Ron Artest."

Sun Zhuo nodded. He had never thought of using the shot-blocking method to target James. If Wade hadn't mentioned it, he wouldn't have known that he had to have a full block value before he could catch the shot.

That night, Sun Zhuo called his agent Emma and made an appointment to meet with a game designer tomorrow. Even if he was not a 2K game designer, he had to know more about the "game", that is, "himself". Understand.

Early the next morning, while Sun Zhuo was having breakfast with Wade, Emma's car drove into Sun Zhuo's home. Two people got out of her car, one was a middle-aged white man, and the other was 14 or 5 years old. Little white girls left and right.

Emma introduced the middle-aged white man to Sun Zhuo: "Sun, this is the game designer of "Tomb Raider", Danny Laidlaw. You are lucky. He was still in Washington with his daughter the day before yesterday. Just arrived in Los Angeles yesterday.”

Sun Zhuo couldn't wait to contact the game designer. Emma didn't know the reason, but as an agent, she must do her best for Sun Zhuo. Sun Zhuo wanted to talk to the designer of 2K Games, but the headquarters of 2K Game Company It's not in Los Angeles, but in New York. Last night, Sun Zhuo said that any game designer could do it, so Emma asked someone to find a more senior game designer.

"Hello, Mr. Laidlaw." Sun Zhuo smiled and shook hands with the affable-looking white young man, and glanced at his daughter who came with him.

This little girl around 14 or 5 years old is very cute and pretty, with a delicate face and a bit of a chubby face, but she is already well developed at this age. If she puts on clothes worn by mature women and adds some make-up, she will look like a cute girl. It's really hard for people to tell her true age.

For some reason, Sun Zhuo always felt that this little girl looked familiar, as if he had seen her before, and she looked a bit like Scarlett Johansson.

Seeing that the little girl was very friendly, Sun Zhuo praised her casually: "Your daughter is very beautiful, a bit like Scarlett Johansson. I guess she can also be a big star in the future."

The little girl who was praised by Sun Zhuo also laughed, and her smile became even sweeter. Obviously, this girl also has the dream of becoming a star.

After exchanging pleasantries with each other, Sun Zhuo said: "D-WADE, Mr. Laidlaw and I are discussing some gaming matters. Are you interested in listening together?"

"Oh, forget it, I'm not interested in investing in games yet." Wade said.

"Then please help take care of Mr. Laidlaw's daughter. You know, Emma often calls in, and I'm afraid I'm neglecting this little beauty." Sun Zhuo also hopes to have a free chat with the game designer alone. Because the questions he asked were not from the perspective of investors.

Wade glanced at the girl and smiled: "No problem, I'll take her to play basketball. Hey, beauty, do you like basketball?"

"I like it very much!" The girl nodded excitedly and seemed to really like basketball.

In fact, if the girl didn't like basketball, the Laidlaw designer wouldn't have agreed to the invitation of a basketball player so easily.

The white girl wears a pink skirt. This is not an outfit suitable for playing basketball. She always has an innocent smile on her face, but it is not a silly smile. She is very smart.

"Why did your friend avoid us and talk to my dad alone?" Laidlaw's daughter asked Wade while walking and looking up.

Wade smiled, reached out and touched the golden hair of the little girl who was only as tall as his shoulders, and said: "This friend of mine always has a lot of secrets. He is a guy who likes to create surprises, just like if you are in love, Yes, your boyfriend has prepared a gift for you, but when he goes to buy the gift, he must hide it from you and prevent you from following him, right?"

The girl pouted, as if she didn't agree with Wade's metaphor, and then asked: "Who is the best basketball player in the NBA now? Where do you and your friends rank?"

Unexpectedly, this little girl values ​​rankings quite a lot. Girls should be very excited when they see a player who can enter the NBA, right? But from the way she sounded, she looked down on him even if he wasn't the best player in the NBA.

Wade said: "This year's MVP is Kevin Garnett, Shaq may be FMVP, and Tracy McGrady is at his peak, and so is Kobe. The best candidate, I will be on T- Choose between MAC and Kobe. As for me and Sun, there is no ranking yet, but in a few years, we will be the top three in the league, or the first."

Hearing this answer, the girl smiled and said, "Well, in a few years, when I will be my most beautiful, we can reach the peak of life together!"

Sun Zhuo and Danny Ledlow discussed game-related issues in the living room. Danny Ledlow brought a Dell Inspiron 300M laptop, which is the latest thing in this era, but in Sun Zhuo's eyes it already looks very old. Old.

After casually chatting with Danny about some innocuous issues, Sun Zhuo began to try to get to the point, which was the aspect he was most concerned about: "Danny, I really want to know if there are any bugs in the game "Tomb Raider" ? Or not limited to this game, what kind of bugs may there be in any game?"

Danny was stunned for a moment, thinking that Sun Zhuo was chatting with him because he was interested in investing in games. Why did he start asking about the bug like a player?

Danny turned on the computer, demonstrated it to Sun Zhuo, and said: "BUGs do come in various forms. For example, this archived BUG is found in the first level of the South Pacific in the third generation of "Tomb Raider". Find the underwater key. When you are on the wooden house line, cross the suspension bridge and enter the dam to turn on a switch. A patch of needles will appear on the other side of the water flow, making it difficult for players to pass. But if you reload the file and look again, the needles will disappear! Also, In Antarctica, if you save in water and reload the save, you will find that Lara's cold resistance tank is filled again, so this save bug can help players overcome some difficulties."

"Archive bug?" Sun Zhuo also became serious, thinking carefully about whether this thing would be of use to him.

"NBA World" does not have an archive, because it is not a clearance game, but it does have a similar "match repeat challenge card". Danny just mentioned that the archive bug can make the existing difficulties disappear. , Sun Zhuo suddenly thought, could the "match repeat challenge card" help Sun Zhuo and make the BUG that no longer existed exist?

"I can use the game to repeat the challenge card and play the game again where I discovered the bug!"

Once the repeated challenge card is used, Sun Zhuo will immediately return to before the game as if he traveled through time, and Sun Zhuo's strength will also return to the strength before the game.

The most important thing is that once he fights again, the previous challenge will no longer exist. Since it does not exist, it will not affect Sun Zhuo's ability.

In other words, Sun Zhuo can use the repeated challenge card again to challenge the Cavaliers game, so that the matter of constantly using it to fight bugs will completely disappear and become non-existent. Since the event does not exist, relying on fighting bugs will disappear. It will not be repaired. In this way, Sun Zhuo will be able to rely on fixing bugs again!

Sun Zhuo was so excited that he stood up unconsciously. The only question he was worried about now was that it had been a long time since that game. Can he still challenge it again?

With an anxious mood, Sun Zhuo spoke to the game system: "I want to use the repeat challenge card to re-challenge the game against the Cavaliers on December 17, 2003!"

Sun Zhuo was extremely nervous and held his breath waiting for the system's answer!

Hehe, you didn’t expect that? Do you remember when you saw the Legend Challenge in the last book? If any reader starts to worry, first of all, I would like to give you a thumbs up. The question that may arise in your mind is precisely the most special thing about this book. I said in Sanjiang's speech that passion will never disappear, and accidents will never disappear. PS, I heard that giving rewards to authors can reduce the number of times they break chapters!

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