Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 104 Endless inspiration

This may be the longest second that Sun Zhuo has ever experienced.

The answer of the game system will have an extremely important impact on Sun Zhuo's career in this life. It is not just a simple fix and fixing bugs. Sun Zhuo is not even aware of these at the moment.

Bang bang...

Sun Zhuo seemed to hear his own heartbeat.

"Reading the competition data of December 17, 2003..." The system's voice suddenly sounded!

The big stone hanging in Sun Zhuo's heart finally fell! Every game Sun Zhuo has experienced has been saved by the system. This is a very good signal!

"The game data has been read. Do you want to consume a game repeat challenge card to re-challenge this game? Friendly reminder, since this game has been a while ago, when you challenge again, your current situation may be affected. career and ability to make an impact or change.”

Sun Zhuo also frowned and thought deeply. Yes, we can indeed go back to last December to change the game and regain ownership by fighting bugs. However, this is equivalent to changing history. After coming back again, some things may change accordingly. .

However, all Sun Zhuo had to do was to reduce the number of fights. He did not kill anyone and did not impregnate anyone. The impact on the game was minimal, let alone any impact on his career or the world.

Therefore, this news is absolutely good news for Sun Zhuo as long as he pays a little attention!

"Haha, I can have it again by fixing bugs!" Sun Zhuo was very excited. If it weren't for this designer, Sun Zhuo would probably jump up.

"Are you sure you want to consume a repeat challenge card to challenge?" the system asked again.

"Give up!" Sun Zhuo directly chose to give up. It was not because he was afraid of any changes in his career when he returned, but because he only had two repeat challenge cards at present, and he had to use them all in the finals.

"Are you kidding me? I want to compete for FMVP."

Even if Sun Zhuo now regains his BUG-fixing card, he cannot use it frequently in a game, otherwise it will still have to be repaired. Therefore, in terms of value, a BUG-fighting card is far less valuable than a repeated challenge card.

As for regaining possession by fighting bugs, you can wait until the end of this season and wait for the system to issue challenge cards for next season before using them.

Sun Zhuo was overjoyed. Emma had really found the right designer. Although it was a different type of game, a casual communication gave Sun Zhuo the possibility of fixing bugs again!

Sun Zhuo was so excited that he couldn't help but hold Danny Laidlaw tightly with both hands, and said excitedly: "I...I really like you so much, Mr. Laidlaw!"

Danny was a little frightened. He just saw Sun Zhuo looking complicated and standing up again as if he was thinking about something. Danny wondered if Sun Zhuo had a mental problem. Now it seems that his sexual orientation is not quite right. .

Danny struggled to break away from Sun Zhuo's big palm and said with some embarrassment: "You can like Miss Laidlaw. My daughter has always dreamed of dating the top star in the NBA, and she is also very beautiful. As you can see, I... I already have a wife, and nothing has changed so far.”

Sun Zhuo also coughed twice and shook his hand in excitement. Didn't this old guy think too much? Because Sun Zhuo is a Christian, he still doesn’t want to be misunderstood about his sexual orientation. After all, Christianity is against homosexuality in general, because God created women in order for men to have companionship and reproduce. God took Adam’s rib. Eve was created for men and women to fall in love and get married. At this point, homosexuality violates God's original intention of creating men and women.

Of course, neither Protestants, Catholics, nor Reformed Christians believe that Christians should exclude homosexuals. Simply put, it is about the situation and not the person. Although Christianity considers same-sex behavior to be a sin, it is like Jay Chou's "In the Name of the Father" As the song goes, "We all have sins."

Sun Zhuo relaxed his mood, sat down again, and said: "Danny, I think we have a lot to talk about, please continue!"

"Should we continue talking about bugs?" Danny asked.

Sun Zhuo nodded, his eyes filled with hunger.

Danny clicked on the game with the mouse, and after a while, he pointed at the computer screen and said, "Look, there is also a small bug in the sight of this gun."

"How do you say it?" Sun Zhuo couldn't wait and stepped forward to talk again.

Danny said: "When you press the observation button to enter the aiming state, press the number button to change the gun, and when you hear the sound of action, you will find that you are aiming with a gun that does not have a sight at all!"

Sun Zhuo was immediately shocked and stood up. He was shocked and said in his heart: "Wow, you're trying to steal something, this one is good, this one is good!"

Sun Zhuo immediately began to think, how could such a BUG be related to his game?

After thinking for a full two minutes, Sun Zhuo suddenly thought of something that could be used, but this idea was fleeting! I don't know why, but it ran away from Sun Zhuo's head in an instant.

"Ah, I just felt like I had thought of it, but why is my brain going blank again now!" Sun Zhuohuo became more and more anxious and couldn't think of it. People are like this sometimes. Ideas are fleeting and no matter how hard you try, you can't get them back.

But Danny looked at Sun Zhuo with confusion, not understanding what the young man was thinking. He hid his hands very well this time.

Sun Zhuo knew that if his idea was missed, it would be a mistake, and he might never come back in his lifetime, so he took a pen and wrote it down first. This made Danny couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Sun, are you planning to develop a copycat of "Tomb Robbers"?" "Laiying" game? Then you don't need to copy all the bugs."

Sun Zhuo smiled awkwardly and said, "To thank you for coming today, I will give you a gift later. Please continue the conversation."

"Okay." Danny shrugged and continued to click on the game screen. Soon, the game screen changed into a small room, with the heroine Laura facing away from them, standing in front of a piece of glass.

Danny said: "Look, this is a control room at the sea base. There is a piece of glass here. The game design is that Lara has to lure the gun-wielding guard to the control room, and then use the gun-wielding guard to shoot and break the glass window. Then Laura jumped out of the window and left here. However, in fact, if you do this, you can jump down without breaking the glass window. "

Danny used his keyboard and mouse to demonstrate how to jump out of a glass window without using conventional methods.

"Wow, it's useless. This one is good and this one is good!" Sun Zhuo stood up again...

He had to think carefully about whether this useless thing could be related to his game. There are no windows in NBA games, but there are no windows, but there are backboard glass. Sun Zhuo was thinking about it, and suddenly there was a picture of himself passing through the backboard glass. Appear in front of you...

"It's a mess..." Sun Zhuo felt that it was not the right time to think now, so he had better write it down first and think about it later.

So, the two continued to talk about game bugs. Sun Zhuo took a pen and wrote down some important things in Chinese characters. Danny didn't know what Sun Zhuo wrote.

After chatting for an hour, Sun Zhuo still had more to say, but Danny wanted to end it because he didn't know what Sun Zhuo's intention was in talking to him.

This conversation had a great impact on Sun Zhuo, so after the conversation, Sun Zhuo gave Danny a watch and a bottle of valuable red wine. Danny loved drinking, so he only accepted this bottle of wine and said: "Since You like chatting with me so much, so I will save this bottle of wine for you to drink when you come to see me. In fact, we have never met before, and I didn’t really want to come after receiving Emma’s invitation, but, my My daughter admires basketball stars very much, and you are the All-Star MVP this year, and now your team has reached the finals, so I am actually here for my daughter."

"That's it. Thank you for chatting with me so much. Since your daughter is my fan, I should repay her in return. I will go to the basketball court and teach her how to play basketball!" Sun Zhuo also wanted to repay the designer. .

However, before he even got close to the court, he heard the hearty laughter of Danny's daughter. Looking from a distance, she and Wade were playing hard. Moreover, the girl who looked very shy on the surface was not shy about being with Wade now. As soon as Wade got the ball, she would grab Wade's arm with both hands and try to resist it with her petite and cute body.

Danny said: "I don't think we should go there for now, they are having fun, aren't they?"

"Ah..." Sun Zhuo was stunned for a moment. Although this little girl is not old, she will definitely confuse all living beings in two years. He is now a little worried that Wade will not be able to control him. Wade and his wife have now appeared. If there is no problem, divorce will happen sooner or later.

But if Wade's divorce was because he came to Sun Zhuo for vacation, that would be bad. Siobhan would blame Sun Zhuo!

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