Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 105 Recommended sparring partner

Although the sales of Siobhan's autobiography were disastrous, Sun Zhuo didn't want to be written in this way. Of course, Sun Zhuo was definitely overly worried. The girl was still young, and Wade just treated her as a child. Wade seems to be very serious on the court, but in private he is a very kind person, especially to children.

Wade had a great time playing with the game designer's daughter, and Sun Zhuo also took the opportunity to chat with Danny for a while. After a while, seeing that they were sweating profusely, the two of them walked over to give them water.

"It seems that you get along well." Sun Zhuo handed the two of them a bottle of Gatorade drink and said with a smile.

Wade smiled and said: "This little girl really likes to play basketball. She has played with me for so long and she doesn't even feel tired!"

The little girl didn't seem to have enough fun yet. She looked up at Wade and said, "Can you accompany me to Washington? I also want to play ball with you."

Sun Zhuo was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that the little girl would become dependent on Wade.

The little girl said: "Sun has a game now and can't accompany me. Your Heat team has been eliminated. You have a lot of time now!"

Wade smiled awkwardly. At this time, Danny also stepped forward and spoke to ask Wade not to take it seriously.

Speaking of Washington, Sun Zhuo suddenly thought of someone and asked the little girl, "Do you go to school in Washington?"

The little girl nodded.

"Is your school far from the National Christian College?" Sun Zhuo asked.

"It's not far away, what? Are you going there?" Danny, the little girl's father, replied first.

Sun Zhuo smiled, "Little beauty, I specially invited Dwyane Wade to vacation in Los Angeles, and he has already bought all the tickets for the next finals. It is also a VIP seat. He spent a lot of money. So you can’t snatch him away, but if you want to find a sparring partner in Washington, I can recommend someone to you.”

The little girl showed an arrogant look, "Humph, if you are not the top star in the NBA, I don't want it! Why don't you stop playing in the finals? Anyway, your team has Kobe and O'Neal, and you can't win the MVP of the finals. Why don't you go practice with me?"

As soon as they finished speaking, the three grown men all burst out laughing. It seemed that this beauty was naturally beautiful, but she was really spoiled. She actually said such childish words, but her innocent side made people feel better. Hair cute.

"Sun, don't mind, she always speaks so unabashedly." Danny smiled and apologized for his daughter.

Sun Zhuo waved his hand, not minding at all, and then stepped forward, put his hand on the little girl's soft shoulders, and took her a few steps forward. It seemed that he had something to say to her. Looking from a distance, the two of them could see each other. The body forms the "cutest height difference" that many girls like.

Walking away from Danny Wade, Sun Zhuo said: "The person I recommend to you is the top star in the NBA, but he hasn't entered the NBA yet. Once he enters the NBA, he will become like me and Dwyane Characters like Wade and Kobe."

"Oh? Really? Don't lie to me." Although the little girl acted very childish, she was still 16 years old and no longer a child.

Naturally, Sun Zhuo didn't lie to her, because the person Sun Zhuo recommended was the future NBA superstar, Kevin Durant, who was also 16 years old and attending school in Washington at the moment!

Sun Zhuo recommended Durant to the girl not only because of objective factors such as their age, Durant's good skills, and being in Washington, but mainly because Sun Zhuo felt that the girl looked like Scarlett Johansson, and as we all know, Durant is He likes Scarlett so much that he wants to drink her bathwater, so Sun Zhuo wants to use this little girl to tease Durant.

There is no way, James was so screwed by Sun Zhuo this season that he doesn't even dare to come to Los Angeles to train together, so he can only tease the young Durant.

Sun Zhuodao: "Of course I won't lie to you. His name is Kevin Durant. He is the same age as you and goes to school at National Christian College. I also learned the name of this black talented boy from the owner of our team. Now Many teams are already interested in him, and our boss Buss even thinks that his future achievements will be higher than Kobe! If you really don’t believe it, you can check his ranking on the Draftexpress website, and I want to remind you, he is there He won't be in school for long, he will transfer to another school soon, and when he becomes a superstar in the future, you won't have a chance."

When Sun Zhuo said this, the little girl really became interested, "Is he really that good at playing? Well, then I will go to him to practice!"

Sun Zhuo continued: "By the way, I was chatting with your dad just now. He said that you dream of dating an NBA star, but your dad doesn't like you finding a black boyfriend in the future. Kevin Durant is also black, so I hope When you are in contact, it is best not to develop emotionally, otherwise, your dad will definitely blame me."

The little girl said: "You are thinking too much. I will only agree to date him unless he becomes an NBA star now!"

Sun Zhuo nodded, but continued: "But this boy Kevin has never been in contact with beautiful women, nor has he been in love. You can give him the illusion that he is in love."

The little girl frowned, "You are so contradictory in what you say. You ask me not to be nice to him, but you also ask me to be nice to him. Wait until I see him first!"

After saying that, the little girl trotted back to Danny, and Danny and his daughter said goodbye and left. Before leaving, the little girl specifically asked Wade for his phone number.

After Danny and his daughter left, Sun Zhuo patted Wade and said, "Originally, this little girl was only willing to come because of my reputation. I didn't expect that in the end, she only asked for your phone number. I don't have this benefit."

Wade couldn't laugh or cry: "In my opinion, this seems to be a trouble."

Although the girl is young, she can be raised!

"By the way, how was your conversation with this game designer?" Wade knew that Sun Zhuo had been looking forward to today's meeting since he got up early in the morning.

Sun Zhuo smiled and said: "Very good, a lot of benefits. Chatting with him always helps me figure out some problems, but I'm not very familiar with him now, and he's not willing to contact me for a long time. Just so you can coax his daughter." That’s good. Now that we have contact information, you can communicate with them when you have time. Maybe the next time we meet, it will depend on your face.”

Wade laughed loudly: "If I had known, I would have gone to Washington with her. It happens that a friend in Washington is getting married. Are you planning to go to the training ground now? Let's go out together. I will go shopping outside."

Sun Zhuo felt that Wade came to Los Angeles alone, and his wife and children did not come with him. This was also related to the conflict between the couple. Sun Zhuo was afraid that Wade would be too lonely alone, so he invited: "D-WADE, come with me. How about going to the Lakers training facility?"

"It sounds cool. If it's convenient, of course I'd be happy." Wade also really wants to feel the current atmosphere of the championship team.

"Phil is a very nice person. Shaq and Kobe don't hate you either. You should come here." Sun Zhuo felt that Wade had such a connection with O'Neal and Kobe in his previous life. Now that they are both in Los Angeles, there should be more opportunities to meet each other. .

Thanks to Dadi for the 5000 reward!

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