Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 118 Grab the FMVP!

The first time he played this game, Sun Zhuo could get the highest score in the team. Now if he plays it again, Sun Zhuo can not only easily get the highest score in the team, but also far exceed the data of O'Neal and Kobe.

Of course, no matter how high the data is, it means nothing if you can't win. If we do it again, Sun Zhuo will win! He wants Rasheed Wallace to stop thinking about killing the Lakers at the Pistons' home court!

Who says the battlefield can’t return to Staples!

The game started soon. Sun Zhuo knew that if nothing unexpected happened, the Pistons would get the ball. Then Ben Wallace would single out O'Neal and hit the Pistons' first goal.

The script remained unchanged. The Pistons got the ball and soon it was transferred to Ben Wallace.

Sun Zhuo was standing on Ben Wallace's side near the sideline at this moment, watching Ben Wallace's actions facing O'Neal, holding the ball with both hands and taking tentative steps. Sun Zhuo knew that Ben Wallace would directly hit the target next. The shot was successful.

Since he knew that this goal was going to be scored, how could Sun Zhuo watch this happen?

When Ben Wallace was about to take off, Sun Zhuo had already rushed over at a high speed. Ben Wallace did not notice that Sun Zhuo on the other side of his body had already taken off and had just taken a shot.


Sun Zhuofei made a big block in the past and directly blocked Ben Wallace's shot!

In terms of real height, Ben Wallace is not as good as Sun Zhuo.

However, on the court, Ben Wallace was the center after all, and Sun Zhuo was the outside player. This scene really shocked everyone.

"Oh my god! What is Sun doing? He abandoned his defensive players and ran over to block Ben! What an adventurous guy."

"Sun Tai came here randomly. If only I had noticed it in advance, we would have had an open three-point opportunity!"

If Ben Wallace's ball was blocked by his opponent O'Neal, there would be nothing to say, but if it was blocked by Sun Zhuo who came here specially, everyone felt very baffled. Even as Pistons fans, they felt The Lakers would not allow Sun Zhuo to defend like this, after all, he almost missed someone.

The Lakers didn't have time to worry about what didn't happen. After Sun Zhuo covered Ben Wallace, he quickly got the ball and went straight to the frontcourt for a fast break. Sun Zhuo, Kobe and Hamilton and Prince were two on two, because Kobe didn't either. Absolutely open, Sun Zhuo did not pass the ball to Kobe, but pretended to pass it to Kobe, and then made a surprise layup and hit two points.

"Although it's a bit risky, it's a great job." Kobe gave Sun Zhuo a pat and encouraged him.

The situation has become different. Previously, the Pistons beat the Lakers 6-0 at the beginning, but this time, it was the Lakers who scored first.

"Two points and one block." Sun Zhuo silently memorized his data. In this finals, he will surprise everyone!

The Pistons were very calm and did not suffer any impact from this ball. After all, the game had just begun. If the opponent scores two points, you get two points. It doesn't matter. Next, the Pistons continued their second attack as originally planned.

Billups is holding the ball at the 45-degree three-point line on the right wing. Big Ben Wallace is in the low post on his side of the basket. O'Neal is still somewhat defensive. Big Ben puts his hand against O'Neal's waist. Didn’t reach for the ball.

"Same." Sun Zhuo saw this formation and knew exactly what the Pistons were going to do next.

"Next, Rasheed Wallace will come over to set a screen for Billups. Karl Malone and Gary Payton should miss Rasheed, and then Rasheed will receive an alley-oop and dunk."

Sun Zhuo knew what kind of plot would unfold next, so he gave O'Neal a wink on the inside.

O'Neal was suddenly startled, and the insider was confused: "What does Sun mean by winking at me suddenly? Why does it feel like he is attacking the front basket..."

Before he had time to think about it, Rasheed Wallace had already come over to screen Billups. Billups moved sideways to the left, and then passed the ball to Prince on the left. At this time, Ben Wallace also moved quickly. To the left side of the basket, O'Neal followed suit.

Neither Gary Payton nor Karl Malone noticed that Rasheed Wallace was empty. Sun Zhuo didn't notice before either, but this time, Sun Zhuo kept staring at him!

Sun Zhuo did not rush over immediately, because once he did, Prince would change his strategy and pass the ball to his opponent Hamilton. Sun Zhuo had to wait until Prince locked his eyes on Rashid before taking action. Prevent.

Prince looked at Rasheed, who stretched out his hand and ran toward the basket.

Prince made a gesture of passing the ball!

Sun Zhuo started quickly!

The ball had been passed out. At this time, everyone realized that Rasheed Wallace was empty, but when they looked over, they also discovered that Sun Zhuo was also flying!

This sprint jump can be said to have reached Sun Zhuo's limit. Fortunately, he is already level 35 and can still stop alley-oops from normal heights.

Before Rashid got the ball, Sun Zhuo intercepted the pass first!

"What? The air connection was cut off? How is this possible!"

"No one on the Lakers was aware of this pass, so why would Sun notice it?"

Everyone thought of Sun Zhuo's first show and his amazing prejudgment performance! Is it... going to happen again?

"I understand!" O'Neal suddenly cheered up and rushed out the moment Sun Zhuo grabbed the ball. At the beginning of the game, he still had plenty of physical energy. His huge body ran quickly, following Sun Zhuo. He knew what Sun Zhuo meant by winking at him just now. Sun Zhuo needed him in this game!

After Sun Zhuo stole the ball, the Pistons quickly returned to defense and immediately flanked Sun Zhuo who was holding the ball. Sun Zhuo kept sprinting with the ball and came to the front basket. After attracting the defense, he threw the ball high. Shark O'Neal followed up and filled the frame with both hands!

Among them, Prince focused entirely on Sun Zhuo. He had no idea or expected that O'Neal could follow up at such a fast speed, so he turned his head and tried to reach out to cover O'Neal.

As you can imagine, the thin Prince was directly knocked away by O'Neal!


The Lakers dugout was completely boiling!

"Ah!" O'Neal also roared, showing his domineering power!

"Well done!" Sun Zhuo stepped forward and high-fived O'Neal to celebrate.

O'Neal high-fived Sun Zhuo gratefully and praised: "Keep doing this, Sun, you will lead us forward today!"

Although Phil Jackson thought Sun Zhuo was risky, he was very satisfied with the start, "Very good, Sun. It's the best thing to let you control the rhythm. It's up to you how to balance Shaq and Kobe."

O'Neal made the free throw and successfully hit a three-pointer. The Lakers started 5:0. Sun Zhuo has already scored 2 points, 1 assist, 1 block and 1 steal.

Sun Zhuo looked at the masked man Hamilton. According to the previous script, it was Hamilton's duel against Sun Zhuo next.

"This time, whether you use the pick-and-roll or challenge me one-on-one, don't even think about scoring again! Maybe as the game progresses, there will be many situations that have not appeared in previous games. However, at the beginning , I have the final say! Every time you score a goal, you must ask me first!"

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