Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 119 10 points in a single quarter!

The Lakers have started 5:0, but this advantage is obviously not enough. Sun Zhuo will continue to use his "prophet" to expand the score.

The Pistons' third attack was a little different from the previous one. It wasn't Hamilton who attacked, but Billups who shot directly from outside the three-point line. Unfortunately, a little bit of luck, the Pistons still didn't score.

The ball bounced very far. When it bounced to Karl Malone, Karl Malone flicked the ball in the direction of Gary Payton. Sun Zhuo didn't know that this rebound would appear, but he immediately contacted Kobe Bryant. Quickly, Kobe walked to the middle, Sun Zhuo walked to the right corner, Gary Payton came to the frontcourt, and chose to pass the ball to Sun Zhuo. Sun Zhuo received the ball for a three-pointer and scored another goal!


Sun Zhuo's personal score also reached 5 points.

The Pistons did not call a timeout. They felt that maybe they were playing too fast and should slow down and be more careful.

This time, Billups handed the ball to Hamilton.

"Is it coming again?" Sun Zhuo has been waiting for a long time.

As before, Hamilton did not challenge Sun Zhuo one-on-one, but asked Ben Wallace to come forward to cover him.

Sun Zhuo suffered a loss before and gave Hamilton a chance to shoot. This time, Sun Zhuo decided to take the shot before Hamilton dribbled the ball!


Sun Zhuo didn't have the confidence to deal with Hamilton and Ben Wallace, so before Ben Wallace came to block him, he suddenly reached out and knocked the ball out of Hamilton's hand.

Hamilton was about to dribble and use the screen to get rid of Sun Zhuo, but he did not expect that Sun Zhuo would take action in advance. The ball was directly shot away by Sun Zhuo, but Hamilton's reaction speed was still very fast, and he immediately grabbed the ball from Sun Zhuo.

Sun Zhuo had quick eyesight and quick hands. He did not compete with Hamilton for control of the ball. Instead, he stretched out his hand and pushed the ball directly to the front court. Then, it was Kobe and Prince who competed for the ball.

"Kobe is so tough, Prince can't steal it from Kobe!" Sun Zhuo knew that there was a high probability that the ball would fall into the hands of the Lakers this time.

Although Prince is taller and has longer arms than Kobe, this advantage only applies when grabbing the first ball. After the ball has fallen, the competition is reaction speed and physical confrontation. Not to mention that Prince's physical confrontation is not as good as Kobe's. A tough guy like Artest may not be able to beat Kobe.

As expected, Kobe fought hard to grab the ball and used his body to squeeze Prince away and gain control of the ball. However, Prince was still unyielding to Kobe, and the fight between the two caused someone else from the Pistons to catch up. Kobe's ball If you want to do it yourself, you have to be prepared for one versus two.

"Hey, here!" Sun Zhuo had already reached the familiar bottom corner again and reached out to Kobe for the ball.

Kobe took too many shots in the first two games, and Phil also discussed this issue with Kobe. Therefore, Kobe did not choose to force the ball, but distributed the ball to Sun Zhuo in the corner.

Sun Zhuo took another quick shot after catching the ball!

With a 90% hit rate, there is basically no need to look at the results!

Hit again!


Sun Zhuo has already scored 8 points!

The Pistons finally called a timeout.

"Well done!" Fisher jumped up excitedly off the court. They have never led the Pistons with such a start. In the past two games, it was difficult for them to score every point, but this time, there was no two starts. He scored 11 points every minute, and Sun Zhuo alone scored 8 points. If Kobe and O'Neal show off again, how can the Pistons resist it!

O'Neal returned to his seat and was in a rare happy mood: "We should have made such a start a long time ago. This is the Lakers. Thanks to Sun, these 11 points are all related to him. I told you that we should give this guy more balls." Right."

Kobe was happy that his team could take the lead, but O'Neal's words made Kobe not very comfortable. In the previous two games, Kobe couldn't lead the Lakers with so many shots, but Sun Zhuo was so efficient. Kobe was also a little jealous of Sun Zhuo, but this time This kind of jealousy will be transformed into positive energy on the court, prompting Kobe to play harder.

It was a bit miserable for the Pistons. Larry Brown was furious and yelled at the players.

Larry Brown pointed at Ben Wallace and said: "Sun was blocked on the first shot in the game. Before you shoot, do you only look in front and not see if there is anyone around you? And you, Chauncey, you have always been very calm. Why did you throw a three-pointer out of nowhere? Richard, do you know how many steals Sun is averaging this season? You were just intercepted by a rookie? I simply can’t understand the two minutes just now. You guys were on the court. What are you doing! Do you think we can sit back and relax because we have three home games next? They are the Lakers!"

Larry Brown scolded Ben Wallace, Billups and Hamilton. He thought it was because the players were playing one to one with the Lakers in the away game and thought they could definitely beat the Lakers, so they were inflated. Larry Brown didn't I feel that Sun Zhuo is really capable of leading the team to an 11:0 start.

"No. 24 over there is just a rookie. Remember, he is in his first year playing in the NBA. This is his first finals! Don't embarrass me on the court again!" Larry Brown looked angry.

Others also felt aggrieved. Although Rasheed Wallace was not accused by name, he also felt embarrassed. But having said that, Sun Zhuo's several steals were all unexpected. Who would have thought that he would suddenly appear in that place? Location? And sometimes his actions are quite risky, right?

After returning from the timeout, all the Pistons players looked embarrassed after being trained. Rasheed Wallace and Ben Wallace all glared at Sun Zhuo. Hamilton walked up to Sun Zhuo and said, "Boy, this is your personal performance." It's over. Next, don't try to steal my ball again or score in front of me."

Sun Zhuo smiled and said: "I don't think so, Masked Man, I advise you to take off your mask, so as not to see clearly how I scored on your head."

After the timeout, the Pistons finally scored with free throws, but only one point.

It's the Lakers' turn to attack again. Sun Zhuo continues to take the initiative to get the ball this time. He is going to start using his new abilities!

Wind step!

"Don't blink." Sun Zhuo reminded Hamilton in advance before catching the ball.

Hamilton felt that Sun Zhuo was being mysterious and didn't take it seriously.

Sun Zhuo ran to the top of the arc and broke through instantly after receiving the ball!

Huh? Why is Hamilton still in front of Sun Zhuo?

Sun Zhuo immediately stopped the ball.

"Uh... Wind Step was not triggered."

The scene was very embarrassing...

Seeing that Sun Zhuo did not get rid of his defense, Hamilton smiled disdainfully. If it were a wild golf course, he would have burst out laughing. He also said such big words that he should not blink, which is simply ridiculous!

Sun Zhuo didn't force the ball, but passed it back to his teammates, and it happened again.

The probability of triggering the Wind Step is very high, and such an accident will never happen twice in a row.

"How dare you ask for the ball?" Seeing Sun Zhuo reaching out for the ball immediately after passing it back to his teammates, Hamilton was scornful again. He wanted to tell Sun Zhuo, no matter how hard you play, you can't break through me.

Unexpectedly, this time Sun Zhuo broke through after catching the ball, but instantly left Hamilton behind.

Hamilton felt that Sun Zhuo was blowing by quickly like a gust of wind, and he couldn't catch up at all!

"how so?"

While Hamilton was stunned, Sun Zhuo had already stopped his shot and hit again!

10 points in a single quarter!

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