Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 134 OK to get back together

This season's Lakers are O'Neal and Kobe's team. This is something that basketball fans all over the world know.

However, now we have to add a premise, that is, the Lakers before G3 of the Finals were O'Neal and Kobe's team. Starting from G3, the protagonist became Sun Zhuo.

Akron, Ohio.

The place where James lives is surrounded by trees and has a quiet environment. His girlfriend Savannah is pregnant, so living in such a place is perfect.

In four months, James' eldest son, James II, will be born. James, who will soon be a father, is very excited, so he spends this time with his girlfriend as much as possible and does not pay attention to the NBA Finals, which is in full swing.

That night, not long after the fourth game between the Lakers and Pistons, Carmelo Anthony called James.

"Sorry to disturb your FVT. I know you haven't paid attention to the finals recently and have been with your girlfriend. But there is something I think I should tell you in advance so that you can be mentally prepared." Anthony knows that James has always been concerned about it. Sun Zhuo.

James guessed what Anthony wanted to say, smiled and said: "I guess what you are going to say, man, the Lakers should be about to win the championship, right? There is nothing to be mentally prepared for. They have Shaq and Kobe. I have already It’s okay to guess that the Lakers will win in the end. Although Sun has one more championship than us, this championship has nothing to do with him, so we don’t need to take it too seriously.”

Anthony said: "This is exactly what I want to tell you, LeBron. The Lakers are now leading the Pistons 3:1 to get the match point. The person with the highest average per game is not Shaq or Kobe, but Sun! He is now the best Popular FMVP candidate!"

"What did you say?!" James' decibel level increased more than twice. He couldn't imagine what Anthony said. "How is it possible? How is it possible? How could he perform better than Shaq and Kobe? How could he have so many The first chance to make a move?"

Anthony also sighed: "I know this is unimaginable, but it is what happened. If you have time to watch the videos of these games, LeBron, if he can win the FMVP in his first season, it will be really great." He is one level higher than us, so we can’t be idle during the offseason, we must train all the time to catch up with him!”

After hanging up the phone, James immediately started watching the videos of these finals games. After watching the four games, James stayed in the same position on the sofa for twenty minutes.

"You want to win FMVP in the first year? Sun, can't you wait for me? How can I chase after this!"

Great players like Michael Jordan struggled for six years before winning the championship. Today's Cavaliers are definitely not a team that can compete for the championship. James will definitely not win the Finals MVP in just a few years. Therefore, rookies like James and Anthony have already felt that Not just jealous, but filled with a deep sense of powerlessness.

At the same time, this also had an impact on his future winning ideas.

"Like Michael Jordan, waiting for the team to operate and the teammates around him to grow, and then challenge and gain experience year after year, it is too time-consuming. The fastest way to win the championship is like Sun Yat-sen, find superstar teammates, and then work hard to become one of them. leader!"

James was just impatient, but someone else was really in conflict and entanglement.

Detroit, a group of five buildings on the Erie River, the most beautiful place in Detroit, the 73rd floor of the Renaissance Center, where the entire Lakers team lives in the Marriott Hotel on this floor.

"Riviere du Detroit." O'Neill shook the red wine glass, stood in front of the window, overlooking the beautiful scenery of the Detroit River, and unconsciously called its name in French.

O'Neal, who has always been cheerful and carefree, has become sentimental, which is a rare sight.

"Sun cheated on me. I was so sad. He didn't want to help me. Kobe helped me three times in the finals. From this point of view, Kobe is better..."

When O'Neill was melancholy, he suddenly found someone knocking on the door.

"It's rare for a woman to know that I live here, so she throws herself into my arms? Well, I'm in such a bad mood now. As long as you are the kind of woman who doesn't expose things, I will consider it. The premise is that you have to grow up. Not bad." O'Neill put down the red wine glass and walked to open the door.

"Kobe?" O'Neal was really surprised. He thought it was some female model who wanted to make money or use the opportunity to promote herself. The two had not communicated with each other this season. He never expected that Kobe would come to him.

"Can we talk?" Kobe said coolly.

O'Neal invited Kobe into the room. No need to say anything, the two had already guessed what the other was thinking.

Kobe first joked: "How does it feel to be compared to Sun Yat-sen?"

O'Neal forced a smile and said: "You are overthinking, Kobe. I have always believed that Sun has the strength to become a leader."

"Stop pretending, Shaq, I know what kind of person you are. You and I were basically the ones doing the work throughout the playoffs, but Sun jumped out at the most critical moment in the finals and took away our Credit, I don't believe you would be so generous." Kobe spoke very directly. If O'Neal really had the idea of ​​"abdicating his position and giving way to others," then the two of them would not have been so violent. O'Neal has always valued the authority of his boss. It is absolutely impossible. I hope Sun Zhuo steals the FMVP.

How could O'Neal pretend in front of Kobe, who knew him so well?

O'Neal put away his smile and finally spoke his mind: "To be honest, I would rather you win that award. After all, you helped me three times."

Hearing these words, Kobe's heart was touched. Kobe wanted to ask O'Neal, why didn't he say this earlier?

"Shaq, I think we can temporarily put aside our previous grudges and work together again. The FMVP can only be you and me." Kobe looked at O'Neal and sent a signal of cooperation.

O'Neal smiled, and then took the initiative to reach out to Kobe: "Although when you said, 'Shaq did it too,' I wanted to kill you, but you are right, the FMVP belongs to both of us, and Sun Yat-sen did it too." It’s a good thing, he made our data equal, and then, as long as we surpass Sun at the same time, we may have this honor at the same time.”

Kobe also reached out, and the two formally reached an "unanimous external" agreement.

Early the next morning, Sun Zhuo came to the training ground for training. The coach, Malone, Payton, and several substitute players arrived early. Sun Zhuo greeted them in turn. Except for Malone and Payton, everyone else seemed to be interested in Sun Zhuo. Zhuo was not as enthusiastic as before, especially Phil Jackson and the assistant coach. They used to take the initiative to chat with Sun Zhuo for a long time every time they met in the morning, but this time they became very cold.

Sun Zhuo knew that this was because Sun Zhuo threatened O'Neal and Kobe. Everyone thought that Sun Zhuo was also an ambitious person, but he really helped the team get the match point. This is indeed a very important thing. If not He, now leads the Pistons 3:1.

At this moment, a scene that surprised all the Lakers players appeared!

O'Neal and Kobe actually came to the training ground together, and they were talking and laughing all the way, as if they had been mingling together since they woke up early in the morning. The rarest thing was that after they came to the court, the two actually played one-on-one!

"Hey, Shaq, let me guard you." Kobe threw the ball to O'Neal.

"Haha, Michael Jordan can't guard my steps, don't you know?" O'Neal said with a smile after receiving the ball.

Then, just like he did against Jordan before the All-Star Game, O'Neal used his back-up moves to beat Kobe, but Kobe intercepted the ball.

Kobe smiled and joked: "Your reaction is much slower than when you beat MJ, haha."

O'Neal also smiled innocently, not at all embarrassed by Kobe stealing the ball.

At this time, the entire Lakers team was completely dumbfounded.

what happened?

Why are the two so harmonious!

At this time, Sun Zhuo walked to the coaching staff and said to Phil Jackson and the assistant coach: "Actually, I scored 40 points in two consecutive games on purpose..."

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