Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 135 The Fifth Battle

The scene of Kobe and O'Neal exchanging swear words and almost fighting in the locker room this season is still vivid in my mind. In addition, this season is about to end, and Kobe and O'Neal have also gone their separate ways. Who would have thought that in this At that time, would Kobe and O'Neal get along so harmoniously?

This is completely illogical.

Sun Zhuo was also shocked by this rare scene of love. He knew that he must have contributed a lot to the reconciliation between Kobe and O'Neal. It was precisely because Sun Zhuo threatened the two of them that they had a common "enemy". will unite together.

Kobe and O'Neal were laughing and having fun at the training ground, which made Phil Jackson and the old Lakers players extremely emotional. Kobe and O'Neal used to be "like a stick" and had a very close relationship. O'Neal could even tolerate Kobe riding dunks on the training ground. He saw that the two of them could joke and train again, which made Zen Master and others feel that time had returned to when OK was first formed a few years ago.

At this time, Sun Zhuo also sighed with emotion, and said to Zen Master and others with a painstaking expression: "OK is one of the greatest groups in history. I don't want to see the two of them have the same relationship as before. It's over, and now that they've reconciled, I think I've completed my mission. Coach, in the fifth game, I won't have so many risky steals, and I won't go out of my way to look for shooting opportunities."

Zen Master and the assistant coach beside him were stunned for a moment. Could it be that Sun Zhuo did it deliberately with 40+ points in two consecutive games? Just to stimulate O'Neal and Kobe and make them put aside their grudges and get back together?

They always thought that Sun Zhuo was the most selfless and loving player in the team, but after two crazy 40+ games, they no longer dared to think so. However, now Sun Zhuo has taken the initiative to say that he will take fewer shots in the fifth game, and he will not Deliberately stealing to increase the number of shots seems really sincere...

In fact, Sun Zhuo's repeated challenge cards have been used up this season. If he wants to repeat the magic of G3 and G4, he can't do it. If the Lakers want to win the championship successfully, they really have to rely on a good combination.

On June 15, 2004, Game 5 of the Finals continued at the Pistons' home court.

The Pistons were already 1:3 behind. As long as they lost one more game, they would be eliminated. Before the game started, the faces of Pistons fans were full of worry.

"The Lakers are so good. They could win the championship today. It's so frustrating that we lost to a rookie."

"The first quarter will be the key to this game. The first two losses were all at the beginning. Sun always has the ability to lead the game at the beginning. If he is still in control of the beginning today, then there will be no suspense for the Lakers to win the championship. .”

Not only Pistons fans, but even Pistons legend Thomas the Smiling Assassin is also deeply worried.

"The last time we met the Lakers in the Finals, I led the team to sweep them out. This time, they are coming for revenge."

The game fell into a tense atmosphere from the beginning. Everyone knows Sun Zhuo's ability to lead the game at the beginning. The Pistons also played their best defense against Sun Zhuo and never allowed him to lead the rhythm again.

Without the repeated challenge card, Sun Zhuo has no way of knowing what will happen next or which of his teammates is in better condition. Moreover, now that O'Neal and Kobe have become closer, they occupy control of the ball, and Sun Zhuo cannot bring out the rhythm.

In the first quarter, the Pistons played the best defense. Not only Sun Zhuo, but also O'Neal and Kobe Bryant, no one could score at will. In the entire first quarter, the Lakers only scored 15 points.

The outcome of this game does not matter to the Lakers, but to the Pistons, it is a life and death battle, either win or be eliminated, so in terms of momentum and attitude, the Pistons must be tougher than the Lakers.

In the second quarter, the Pistons' defense still made the Lakers uncomfortable. In this quarter, the Lakers scored 17 points, only 2 points more than in the first quarter. The total points in the half were only 32 points. The Lakers never scored in the half. Such a low score ever.

This gave the Pistons hope of a comeback.

Halftime, Pistons locker room.

Rasheed Wallace looked excited and was completely different from his state before the start of the game. "Have you noticed that Sun's risky steals and shots have decreased, and even the number of passes Shaq and Kobe passed to him have also decreased?"

Larry Brown leaned against the wall with his hands folded across his chest, adjusted his glasses, and said with deep eyes: "I know what you want to say. You want to say that there are conflicts within the Lakers."

Rashid took off the red headband on his head, stood up and said with excitement: "Isn't it? We all know that Sun's statistics in the first four games are the best for the Lakers. If the Lakers win this game, as long as Sun's The statistics are similar to those of Shaq and Kobe, so the FMVP will belong to Sun. Shaq and Kobe definitely don’t want Sun to win the FMVP, so they isolate him. All three of them want to grab it! This is an opportunity for us! "

Rasheed Wallace's words made other Pistons players excited. Larry Brown had long seen this, but said: "Maybe they really think so, maybe they don't. We can't pin our hopes on them." The problem is, whether they are united or not, as long as we defend well and attack well, we will definitely be able to come back."

"We will definitely make a comeback!" Rasheed Wallace put on the red headband again and became more motivated again.

The second half of the game once again verified Rasheed Wallace's conjecture. Today, Sun Zhuo's data is no longer as good as Kobe and O'Neal. However, the Pistons cannot be defeated by the OK combination alone. Sun Zhuo plays a crucial role in the game. As a result, Sun Zhuo failed to perform bravely again, and the Lakers also lost to the Pistons again.


The Pistons pulled one back.

Maybe the Pistons shouldn't be too optimistic, because the next two games will be played at the Lakers' home court, but now they have seen that O'Neal, Kobe, and Sun Zhuo all want to win the FMVP selfishly, and the Pistons have never been like this. The problem exists, everyone can take it, can't a team that works together win from a team that works independently?

On the plane back from Detroit to Los Angeles, the Lakers players were very quiet, and basically few people communicated with each other during the whole process. The team is now in a very strange atmosphere, but everyone is well aware of the cause of this strangeness.

In the fifth game, O'Neal had 16 points, Kobe had 16 points, and Sun Zhuo had 14 points. The average data per game were still almost the same, which means that the internal competition between the three will continue.

The current unhealthy state of the Lakers made team owner Jerry Buss very uneasy. On the night Sun Zhuo returned to Los Angeles, Jerry Buss invited Sun Zhuo to his home for dinner. This was the first time Sun Zhuo had joined the Lakers. This is the first time he has received such treatment since joining the team.

That night, beautiful agent Emma drove Sun Zhuo to the old Bass's mansion. However, Bass did not come out to greet him in person. What came out to greet him was a mixed-race woman with a devilish figure. She looked very charming from a distance. It looks like a professional model.

The mixed-race beauty opened the car door for Sun Zhuo in person, glanced at Emma, ​​who had a good figure in the driver's seat, and praised: "Your girlfriend has a great figure."

"You misunderstood, she is my agent." Sun Zhuo didn't know who this woman was, but she always felt familiar, as if he had seen her somewhere.

"Oh, really?" After hearing this, the mixed-race beauty actually reached out her hand to tease Sun Zhuo's face.

Seeing this, Emma was about to get out of the car, so she put on her seat belt again and said: "Sun, I guess Bass saw that you played too hard in the finals and wanted to reward you. He didn't want to talk to you about work. I won't disturb you anymore."

After saying that, Emma reversed the car and left directly. No matter how much Sun Zhuo yelled, he couldn't stay.

"Let's go, Mr. Bass has been waiting for you for a long time." The mixed-race beauty took Sun Zhuo's arm and said with a charming look.

Sun Zhuo was a little at a loss: "Old Buss won't force a woman on me like Shaq did, right?"

Thanks to Overlooking the Earth and Xing Weiyuan for the 1000 reward!

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