Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 136 Those who are capable will live there!

Sun Zhuo didn't know why he was suddenly invited by his boss, but it must be related to his recent amazing performance. Maybe Old Bass finally realized Sun Zhuo's value and wanted to use some benefits to tie Sun Zhuo down?

The shocking scene when O'Neal found Sun Zhuo a black woman last time was still fresh in Sun Zhuo's memory. Sun Zhuo carefully looked at the woman who greeted him. Fortunately, at least her figure, appearance and skin color were acceptable...

"Your eyes are beautiful." Sun Zhuo stretched out his hand to break away from the woman's arm. He was not used to walking so intimately with a strange woman. He and Jessica Alba had never walked arm in arm like this.

By the way, Emma won't tell Jessica about today's incident when she goes back, right?

Hey, I didn't do anything!

"I am of mixed German and Irish descent." The woman who was praised said, not caring about being pushed away by Sun Zhuo, and brought Sun Zhuo into the living room with a smile.

"Hey, look who's here, Ben Shaming, the best rookie of our Lakers! Haha, Sun, welcome to your arrival, I hope Debbie didn't make you bored, she has become less and less good at making people happy recently. ." The 70-year-old Jerry Buss still looked radiant and hugged the mixed-race beauty named Debbie who just greeted him. This made Sun Zhuo also have to admire the old Buss's energy. Exuberant.

Sun Zhuo still knows something about Jerry Buss, a well-known figure. He is definitely the most successful team owner in the NBA, but his private life is also absolutely colorful. It is rumored that he has at least a hundred lovers. Whether it was when he was young or when he got old, Jerry Bass's life in the colorful world never stopped. When he passed away in 2013, someone broke the news that although Jerry Bass had other diseases, he was really The cause of death was renal failure.

"Bonjour, Le grand numéro 24, ERIC, SUN." A man wearing a chef's uniform looked at Sun Zhuo with a smile. Sun Zhuo's words were also unclear, but from the first sentence of his greeting The red, white and blue pattern on the collar of the kimono chef's uniform shows that he is French.

Jerry Buss introduced: "This is the French chef I specially invited, Ben Shamin. His cooking skills are world-class and he is also a good friend of mine. This is Debbie. You should have met her. You just arrived. During that time with the Lakers, she also served as the captain of our Lakers cheerleading team.”

After Bass's introduction, Sun Zhuo suddenly realized that no wonder he thought this beauty looked familiar. It turned out that she was once a cheerleader for the Lakers. Old Buss was really first-come-first-served. He was 70 years old, but he was only 20 years old. The young girl who took the initiative was really... so courageous!

In fact, the income of cheerleaders has never been high, especially compared with NBA players and owners. They belong to a different world, so they are easily tempted. There are many romantic team owners like Buss, and Buss is still He is kinder to his lover. After his death in his previous life, he left a legacy of a mansion and a luxury car to a certain lover.

Sun Zhuo had no intention of paying attention to old Bass's private life, and expressed his gratitude to Bass for entertaining him so grandly.

Soon, a dish of "Saint Jacques Scallops" with exquisite presentation was brought up, and Old Bass also brought over a bottle of red wine. Sun Zhuo was deeply afraid that Old Bass would get him drunk and then have one of his hundreds of lovers come to him hard. The purpose of telling it to himself was to evade it on the pretext of playing in the finals, but Bass had already heard about Sun Zhuo's drinking capacity and asked Debbie to forcefully pour him a drink.

How can you eat French food without pairing it with red wine?

This Benshamin's cooking skills are indeed top-notch. Sun Zhuo has never had such a delicious dinner.

"These dishes are the most delicious French food I have ever eaten. Ben Shamin is really first-class. By the way, what did he mean by the French he said when he greeted me just now?" Sun Zhuo enjoyed the delicious food and asked The French chef was full of praise.

Old Bass laughed and said: "Haha, I thought you understood just now. Let me translate it for you. He said, 'Hello, great No. 24, Eric Sun'."

Sun Zhuo took a sip of wine, but shook his head with a smile, "Bensha is obviously very complimentary. No. 24 can be called a great, but Eric Sun can't be called one."

Old Bass didn't know why: "No. 24 is you, you are No. 24. Why can No. 24 be called great, but you can't? Is there any difference?"

In Sun Zhuo's heart, the Lakers' No. 24 not only represents himself, but also Kobe Bryant, who won two championships for the Lakers. That can naturally be called great. But Sun Zhuo, who has not won a championship yet, can naturally be called "great." Not available.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just said it casually. You don't have to take it too seriously." Sun Zhuo couldn't explain it clearly to Bass, so he just passed it by casually.

Old Bass frowned. He had already learned it from Phil Jackson, Jenny Buss and others. They said that Sun Zhuo was an unpredictable guy. Sometimes you might not understand what he said. , now it seems that this is indeed the case.

Not long after, Old Bass asked the mixed-race beauty Debbie to leave, and Benshaming also left, leaving only Old Bass and Sun Zhuo.

Old Bass also said directly: "Sun, I have always been extremely lucky that we were able to select you with the 24th pick. You are not only the hope of the team's future, but also saved the team this year. When you bring When I went to Detroit with a total score of 1:1, I was extremely uneasy. It was three consecutive away games. I was really afraid that you would never come back, but I didn't expect that you would bring "3:1" with you. The score came back, and the third and fourth games were all due to you."

"The boss has given me too much praise. This is all because my teammates and coaches trust me." Sun Zhuo also expressed his humility, so as not to be like Thomas Jr. who took his wife out of the city to eat hot pot and sing songs, and was suddenly sold. Of course, Sun Zhuo didn't know about the transaction between Thomas and Irving.

Old Buss continued: "I thought you would use this momentum to win in one fell swoop and bring back the championship trophy in Detroit. But in the fifth game, you had no desire on the court. To be honest with me, it was It's not because Shaq and Kobe don't want you to win the Finals MVP, so you deliberately get emotional, you deliberately don't perform, and then tell them with a loss, look, they lost without you, right?"

Sun Zhuo sat up attentively. It turned out that Bass invited him here because he felt that Sun Zhuo deliberately let himself go in the fifth game and did not play seriously, and he was also upset because he could not win the FMVP...

Sun Zhuo didn't want his boss to see him like this, so he hurriedly explained: "Boss, I'm not..."

"Well done!" Before Sun Zhuo could explain, Old Buss suddenly laughed, "That's what you should do, let them know your value, and let them know that the leader of our Lakers should be the one with the ability!"

Sun Zhuo was shocked, didn't Old Buss want to sell both the Sharks and Kobe...

"However, compared to personal emotions, is the championship the most important?" Old Bass changed the subject and began to communicate this issue with Sun Zhuo in a gentle tone.

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