Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 137 Game 6!

From a team owner's perspective, winning a championship is definitely more important than anything else. Basco doesn't care who the most valuable player is, he only cares about whether the team wins the championship in the end.

Therefore, from the perspective of Old Bass, he never wanted Sun Zhuo to get emotional, but Old Bass also respected Sun Zhuo and did not complain. After all, being able to select Sun Zhuo with the 24th pick, He should be thankful already.

Sun Zhuo's abilities were erratic, and outsiders didn't know his secrets. Many people mistakenly thought that Sun Zhuo was in a mood for the fifth game.

"Of course the championship is the most important thing, Mr. Buss. I will never give up the championship that is within easy reach just because of a personal honor." Sun Zhuo expressed his thoughts to Buss. This was also Sun Zhuo's heartfelt words. He was indeed in fourth place. There is the idea of ​​grabbing FMVP in the fifth game of the game, but if Sun Zhuo is the player with the best statistics in the series, then the Lakers cannot win the championship. Sun Zhuo would rather give up this honor. After all, he is still a rookie, and there will be more opportunities in the future. Grams and Kobe are both Hall of Fame players. It is not a shame to be a role player under them for one year.

Moreover, Sun Zhuo is very persistent in changing the history of his previous life and has an extraordinary pursuit. If the Lakers have him without him, the outcome will be the same, losing to the Pistons. Even if Sun Zhuo ranks first on the team in statistics, he will feel very worthless. , he would feel that he was unworthy of this God-given opportunity of rebirth.

Therefore, in Sun Zhuo's heart, the championship is definitely greater than the MVP of the finals.

Seeing Sun Zhuo's serious answer, Old Buss, who has read countless people, could feel Sun Zhuo's sincerity when he said this, so he continued: "To tell you the truth, since I learned that our opponent in the finals is the Detroit Pistons, , I have been having trouble sleeping, Debbie knows, you can ask her, I often wake up in my sleep, the Pistons make me feel uneasy, I always have a premonition that they will steal our championship, There is a saying in China that 'the night is long and the dreams are many.' I think the 'dark night' should not be too long. We must resolve this matter as soon as possible and deal with them in the sixth game, what do you think?"

In fact, Old Bass's idea coincides with Sun Zhuo's. Sun Zhuo's only two remaining game repeat challenge cards have been used up. There is great uncertainty in the next two games. If it is postponed to the seventh game , no one knows what will happen. In the seventh game, anything can happen. Not to mention that Sun Zhuo is only level 35 now. Even if he is at full level, he may not be sure of victory. No matter how strong the team is, I get nervous about tie-breaks.

Sun Zhuo nodded and said: "You are right, we should end this series in the sixth game, but whether we can win the championship depends on Shaq and Kobe..."

"Don't worry about them for now. Can you guarantee that you will try your best in the sixth game?" Old Buss said preemptively.

"I promise to go all out in Game 6, whether Shaq wins the FMVP or Kobe wins the FMVP, I will help the team win without reservation." Sun Zhuo gave his promise.

Old Buss finally let go of the big stone in his heart, and a smile appeared on his face, "Sun, you will be the greatest player of our Lakers, I have a hunch. Your future is limitless, and I am thinking, how should I let you be here?" Los Angeles is a little more comfortable, what do you think of Debbie just now? You can have her tonight."

Sun Zhuo quickly shied away: "No, no, no, you don't need to do this to me, and you don't need to give me any benefits. The Los Angeles Lakers themselves are a huge attraction. There is no reason why I don't want to stay here."

Old Bass is straightforward, but you can't just send your lover over here...

Old Buss laughed twice: "I know, you have a rumored girlfriend, a Hollywood movie star, called Jessica Alba, right? Will she come to Staples to watch the sixth game?"

Talking about Jessica Alba, Sun Zhuo really misses her a little. Ever since Sun Zhuo proposed that Jessica and Jackie Chan shoot "The Rescue", the two began to work on the details of their cooperation, and now the movie is already being filmed.

Sun Zhuo shook his head and said, "No, she and Jackie Chan are filming in Paris and shouldn't have time to watch the game."

Old Bass said: "How can that be done? You are about to win the first championship in your career. How can your girlfriend not share such great joy with you on the spot? I have Jackie Chan's phone number. Just call Jackie Chan and ask him to bring Jessica to Los Angeles, and I will prepare them the best location at Staples."

Sun Zhuo knew that Old Bass was doing this, and he also hoped that Jessica's arrival would stimulate Sun Zhuo's performance and allow Sun Zhuo to help him win the championship that he thought about day and night. Of course, Sun Zhuo hopes to see Jessica again. However, he has always respected the other party's work. If the entire crew's progress was delayed because of her alone, Sun Zhuo would feel bad.

Sun Zhuo said: "She and I don't have that kind of relationship yet. There is no need for her to come to the scene."

However, things decided by a rich man like Old Bass will not be changed. He called Jackie Chan on the spot. How could Jackie Chan not give Buss face? He also immediately promised to stop work for two days and bring Jessica Alba. Los Angeles watching Game 6.

Old Bass hung up the phone and said with a smile: "Try to solve it in the sixth scene. You don't want the crew of "Rescue" to be suspended for too long, right?"

This old guy is really good at it, but Sun Zhuo also planned to settle the series in the sixth game. In addition, old Bass helped Sun Zhuo get another chance to see Jessica, so Sun Zhuo didn't say anything.

Two days later, Game 6 of the Finals between the Lakers and Pistons is about to begin at the Staples Center Arena.

The scene was packed with stars, including rap kings JAY-Z and SNOOP DOGG, as well as the newly established FORT MINOR pop music king Michael Jackson, pop queen Britney Spears, Hollywood movie stars Leonardo, Jackie Chan, Jay Sika Alba, and Dwyane Wade.

This finals attracted a lot of celebrities.

Since Jessica and Jackie Chan had just flown to Los Angeles not long ago, Sun Zhuo only had the opportunity to meet them when they arrived at the venue.

Sun Zhuo took the initiative to greet the two of them and felt a little apologetic, "I hope I didn't disturb your work process."

Jackie Chan smiled and said: "We really didn't come here because of Bass's invitation. Jessica and I had already said that we would go to Los Angeles to watch the sixth and seventh games of the finals. We can shoot the movie later. , but to witness the championship, missing it will be a lifelong regret. Come on, win glory for us Chinese, you can do it!"

"Thank you." Sun Zhuo said hello to Jackie Chan and looked at Jessica. Jessica looked a little thinner and looked a little tired. It seemed that filming was very hard during this period. When Jessica looked at Sun Zhuo, she was still A little shy, maybe in front of the person you like, you will always be like this. Unless you really become an old married couple, holding hands will become like the left hand touching the right hand.

Just as Sun Zhuo was about to say something, the lights in the venue suddenly dimmed, and there was a burst of surprise in the audience. Sun Zhuo also immediately turned his head, not knowing what happened, and feeling a little curious.

At this moment, a cold and soft hand suddenly grasped Sun Zhuo's palm.

Sun Zhuo smiled, feeling warm in his heart, and didn't care what tricks were going to be played next.

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