Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 164 European step foul?

August 26, 2004.

Athens Olympics, men's basketball quarterfinals, timeout in the second quarter of the United States vs. China.

Sun Zhuo has just experienced a time travel challenge, and now he has returned to the scene again!

After coming back, Sun Zhuo looked around anxiously. He was afraid that what he just did in 2003 would have an impact and change on the present.

Sun Zhuo looked across the way. His opponent was still the arrogant American team. Larry Brown and Popovich still looked at him with cold expressions. The Lakers won the championship, the Chinese team ranked first in the group stage, they met the United States in the quarterfinals, they were evenly matched with the United States in the first quarter, and they were suddenly attacked by the United States in the second quarter. These have not changed.

"OK, it's time for us to play. Now the American team wants to expand the score and eat us in one go. We can't let them succeed. We must bite the score and catch up with the difference!" Chinese coach Harris said to the players.

Players from both sides returned to the field. LeBron James, who was not taken seriously by Brown in this Olympics, was also sent to the field at this time to specifically guard Sun Zhuo.

Sun Zhuo and James looked at each other. Sun Zhuo felt that James' hatred for him was not that great anymore. Before, James saw Sun Zhuo either not daring to look at each other, or gritting his teeth.

"Our first confrontation was evenly matched, and I didn't bully him by playing bugs. Because of this change, his hatred for me should not be that great."

Sun Zhuo thought for a while, then carefully searched through the memories of the past half year or so, and found that after he changed the course of the game on December 17, 2003, one thing changed, which was the All-Star Rookie Game.

James was cheated by Sun Zhuo before and failed to win the Rookie Game MVP. But now, through searching new memories, it is found that James did win the Rookie Game MVP.

Since James failed to appreciate the bug in Sun Zhuo's play when the two met for the first time, he naturally would not choose to pass it to Sun Zhuo at the critical moment.

"I didn't expect that in order to restore the bug, I was so cautious and consistent, but still changed some things later. It seems that the 'travel challenge' should be used with caution in the future. However, I don't know if such changes can be used for me... …”

James walked up to Sun Zhuo. Although the deliberate targeting in the first confrontation was erased, the incident of Sun Zhuo greeting him with a double turn and dunk in the second confrontation still existed. The relationship between James and Sun Zhuo was still very bad.

"Hey, congratulations on winning the MVP of the rookie game." Sun Zhuo was happy for James. He didn't want to take the blame for a long time. Everyone thought that Sun Zhuo was stingy and deliberately missed the shot, unwilling to help James, but in fact Shang Sunzhuo is really powerless.

James was confused for a moment, why did Sun Zhuo mention what happened so long ago? Besides, what is there to congratulate about being the MVP of the rookie game? Sun Zhuo even won the All-Star MVP. James felt that Sun Zhuo's words were mocking him.

James chuckled and said: "Now our situations are reversed. The one with a strong opponent is me."

What James means is that every time we play against each other in the regular season, I lose. That's because you have two powerful helpers, O'Neal and Kobe. But in today's showdown, it is you, Sun Zhuo, who loses.

Sun Zhuo no longer talks nonsense to James. He has recovered by playing bugs. On the first ball, he will use it on James!

"Speaking of which, Zhan Zhan is really destined to fight the bug. When he first discovered this bug, he almost had a mental breakdown by beating him. He finally erased this history. I didn't expect to use this bug again. He was the one guarding me..."

When the Chinese team attacked, Sun Zhuo and James were in constant physical contact, trying to catch the ball in the best position and hit it behind the back.

The ball was passed smoothly to Sun Zhuo, who immediately relied on beating James!

"Relying on hitting?" Larry Brown had a bad premonition. Although Sun Zhuo didn't use relying on hitting many times in the finals, it was used, and the hit rate was very high. Now is the time when the Chinese team is most desperate to score. If If the opponent can be contained, the American team will be able to win in one fell swoop.

"Guard him!" Larry Brown yelled from the sidelines.

When Sun Zhuo was about to turn around, Stephon Marbury also came to guard Sun Zhuo, but Sun Zhuo still took action resolutely!


BUG is BUG, ​​under the two defenses, shine in!

"Refreshing!" Having a bug again made Sun Zhuo suddenly feel refreshed. It was a kind of joy that came after a long drought.

But in fact, since the game was changed in 2003, Sun Zhuo has been relying on playing bugs for more than half a year. It's just that the old memory still exists and is clear, but the new memory is very vague.

Popovich whispered to Larry Brown: "Sun has always been targeting LeBron. He challenged him at the beginning of the season. He dunked so well that he didn't even use it in the All-Star Game. He had to wait until he played against the Cavaliers. LeBron was there. Go up, I’m afraid it will make Sun fight even more energetically.”

Larry Brown understood what Popovich meant and quickly replaced James and continued to let Richard Jefferson defend Sun Zhuo.

However, since Sun Zhuo plans to use all his firepower, a little Richard Jefferson can't even think of completely restraining Sun Zhuo.

There will be no problem if Sun Zhuo uses it three or four times in a game to hit bugs. Now is the critical moment of chasing points. After relying on James, Sun Zhuo hits Jefferson again and hits without any suspense. The score difference narrowed to 6 points.

The Chinese players all felt Sun Zhuo's call to chase points and began to defend desperately. Liu Wei risked his own life to steal Marbury, and then passed the ball to Sun Zhuo. Sun Zhuo quickly came down and faced Jefferson's defense. He made a signature European step layup, easily deceived Jefferson, and succeeded in a light layup.

Off the court, Anthony knew that this was Wade's best move and said with a smile: "Sun's European step layups are getting better and better. I remember when I played with him for the first time, his technical moves were not so superb. I guess This is the result of training with you regularly.”

Wade smiled, "We did discuss the technique of Euro-step layup together. I dare not say that I made him better, but as far as Euro-step layup is concerned, I don't think he has mastered it yet." , His jumping is very good, but he can't European step and dunk in front of the defender, I can."

Anthony knew something about Wade and knew that Wade was not bragging, so he said: "Maybe it's because Sun's physical strength is not as good as yours? But this guy's strength should be pretty good. He didn't suffer a loss in a fight with Ron Artest."

Wade shrugged, "I don't know. Could it be that he can also European step and dunk when someone is guarding him, but he just hides this ability?"

"Oh, please don't, I don't want Sun to have any new abilities in this game." Anthony was a little frightened.

In the second quarter, relying on Sun Zhuo's continuous play and the Chinese team's tenacious defense, they finally caught up with the score difference and continued to maintain the score.

After halftime, the match between the US team and the Chinese team was still stalemate.

In the third quarter, Wade took turns playing. Since Wade and Sun Zhuo are very familiar with each other, the two often trained together in private and had many one-on-one meetings. Wade was very familiar with Sun Zhuo's technical characteristics, so he would also play defense. Sun Zhuo's great responsibility.

Once Sun Zhuo broke through and faced Wade, he unconsciously used the European step again. Wade defended Sun Zhuo's European step more than once. Sun Zhuo had already practiced the European step layup well. In addition, facing Wade Wade has the advantage of height and long arms. If Wade just lets him go for a layup, he will probably score it.

Wade defended Sun Zhuo several times before, without any physical contact, and let Sun Zhuo go for a layup, but Sun Zhuo made the layup.

So this time Wade was close to Sun Zhuo, and it was inevitable that he would come into physical contact with Sun Zhuo. Wade also paid attention to his movements and tried not to let the referee call a foul. De felt as if Sun Zhuo was using all his strength to hit him. The collision was very powerful for him.

Wade also had to increase his efforts to fight back. As a result, the two people's movements became too big. The referee whistled Wade for a defensive foul. Wade had no choice but to raise his arm and then touched his leg.

Sun Zhuo saw that Wade's expression was not good. He had previously injured Wade, whose leg had not recovered, due to a Euro-step layup. This made him feel bad. Even though he was his opponent now, Sun Zhuo still asked with concern: "Did it touch the location of your leg injury?"

Wade shook his head, "I'm fine, I just didn't expect you to rush so hard."

Did Sun Zhuo rush very hard? Not at all. He wouldn't be so cruel to Wade.

Sun Zhuo couldn't help but think of the previous scene where Wade was injured due to a European step layup. Sun Zhuo didn't fight Wade hard that time, but why did Wade have such a big reaction after having physical contact with Sun Zhuo?

Such an unreasonable phenomenon occurred twice in a row, which made Sun Zhuo think about it.

After the double turn, the bounce value of the game character will increase. So, after the European step, will the game set the character's physical confrontation to become stronger?

If this is really the case, once there is physical contact after the European step, it will greatly increase the probability of Sun Zhuo committing a foul!

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