Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 165 Harden is possessed!

In basketball games, the ways to score are not just shooting, dunking and layups, but there is also a way with a higher shooting rate, which is to make foul shots and score.

A person stands on the free throw line and shoots, and everyone can only watch. There is no defender to defend. This is a beautiful thing that I believe every player except O'Neal will like.

However, how can it be so easy to get a foul?

There are many masters of fouling in the NBA, such as Martin, Durant, Wade, Pierce, Ginobili, and Kobe. They are all good at drawing fouls. They have many tricks to deceive their opponents into fouling.

However, when it comes to drawing fouls, one person can be ranked in a separate category.

He is James Harden, known as "Nightclub Ha" and "Hard Rock"!

When others commit fouls, they all use skills and footsteps to deceive their opponents. Harden has obviously reached another level.

Once upon a time, there was a game between the Rockets and the Clippers. Harden was holding the ball on a fast break, and Griffin was running in front of Harden. Griffin originally wanted to defend the Rockets on a fast break, but when he saw the one coming with the ball, it turned out to be James Harden! Suddenly panicked, where is the will to defend? He took steps and ran forward hard, just hoping to run out of the court early before Harden arrived and not be beaten 2+1 by Harden.

Block Harden? That is absolutely unthinkable.

However, how could Harden let Griffin, a man with a bloody head, go?

Shout out, Silly Fen, where are you running?

He quickly rushed forward and chased Griffin. Before Griffin ran out, he bumped into him, and he missed two free throws.

During the fast break, there is really no one other than Harden who can chase the defensive players for free throws.

As early as 2015, Harden scored more than 700 free throws in a single season. In 2017, the number of free throws in a single season was close to 900...

There is no doubt about Harden's ability to draw fouls, and the way he is best at drawing fouls is the European layup. Not only for him, but for any player, the European layup is the easiest. Of course, any skill in making fouls requires diligent practice. Not everyone can do it. If you are not careful, you will be blown away.

The reason why Harden is able to do what no one else can, and can use the European step to get so many fouls, in addition to his set of skills, there is another reason that cannot be ignored, and that is his power.

Harden is very strong, especially his upper body strength. In one game with the Rockets, Harden was able to hit Monroe head-on when he was on a layup, which was enough to prove that Harden's physical confrontation is very powerful. This is also what you make. The basis for the foul.

Because a layup is a foul, you must first ensure that you can protect your ball. If there is even a slight physical contact and your body balance is affected, the opponent will directly cut the ball away and not give you a layup at all. An action that draws a foul.

Now, Sun Zhuo has learned about another hidden setting of the game. The European layup will increase the strength value, which is to enhance the ability of physical confrontation. As a result, Sun Zhuo has a body that is comparable to or even better than Harden. , with this basic condition, you only need to master the skills like Harden, and you can easily get fouls.

In fact, many times when a defender commits a foul, he does not intend to commit the foul before defending. During physical contact, if he feels that his opponent is provoking and putting pressure on him, he will also increase his strength to fight back against the opponent.

The foul just happened was like this. Wade didn't intend to use force, but after physical contact with Sun Zhuo, he discovered the ferocity of Sun Zhuo's strength. This triggered his conditioned reflex and unconsciously used force to stop Sun Zhuo, thus causing a foul. .

"I can use this to make fouls!" Sun Zhuo was overjoyed. Unexpectedly, he discovered a new ability in the Olympics!

And this time, we are playing against a team with James!

"James is really my lucky star! Every time I play a game with him, I can find bugs! Looking back, I have to see when the first game against the Cavaliers in the new season is. That may be the day I gain new abilities..."

Sun Zhuo called it a "European step layup that caused a foul BUG", but he knew that this should not be considered a BUG. Like the corner three-pointer, it is a setting that can be used multiple times in the game.

In fact, this setting has many uses. It is not limited to drawing fouls. It can also help Sun Zhuo complete an action that he has long wanted to complete, and that is a European step and dunk!

Players who have played basketball games, especially the 2K series, know that after you perform the Euro-step, you can only end up with a layup. The game does not allow dunking after the Euro-step. Just like in basketball games, it is never allowed. It will allow Curry or any player to easily hit a long three-pointer.

What can't be done in the game, Wade can do it in reality.

Is Wade the best jumper among NBA players?

Zach LaVine can jump higher and stay in the air longer than him. Why can't LaVine do it?

This is because of power.

If you don't have enough strength to compete with the defender, you won't be able to Euro-step and dunk over someone's head.

Now Sun Zhuo's strength value is average, and the designer of this game seems to be a bit racist. The strength of the self-created characters is not comparable to that of NBA stars.

At this time, Sun Zhuo suddenly remembered the time when Wade dunked Varejao. After a European step, he collided with Varejao in the air, knocked Varejao out of the air, and then completed the dunk!

"After the European step, my physical confrontation increased. Whoever was guarding me, I would knock him out and complete the dunk just like Wade dunked Varejao!"

Sun Zhuo became excited. He felt that he could now try to do such incredible moves as a European step and dunk!

"Either draw a foul, or directly challenge for a dunk. Once I use the European step, it will be your nightmare! Humph, do you think you can restrain me by guarding my three-pointer from the corner?"

Sun Zhuo once said that the corner is his home. If he could, he would stay in the corner for the whole game, but his opponent did not give Sun Zhuo a chance to make a move from the corner. This made Sun Zhuo uncomfortable and angry. , Larry Brown and Popovich are too much!

Next, Sun Zhuo immediately greeted the American team in James Harden's way!

A European step layup went directly to the basket and hit Tim Duncan. Both of them fell over and the referee immediately called a foul on Duncan.

Seeing that the physical contact between the two was still quite intense, Yu Jia couldn't help but remind him: "Sun Zhuo is a little anxious to score. Why did he rush into the paint like that? Be careful of getting injured if you collide with a big center like Duncan. , it’s still a big disadvantage.”

"Yes, although I got a free throw, this method is very risky. The score has not been widened now, so there is no need to do this." Zhang Weiping also said.

In fact, when Sun Zhuo took a European step for a layup, the physical confrontation had increased a lot, and he was not as disadvantaged as everyone thought. Sometimes, Sun Zhuo would also act out to get a foul.

Immediately afterwards, after Sun Zhuo started the Wind Step, he used the European Step again, causing a foul by Richard Jefferson.

This time, Larry Brown and Popovich couldn't sit still and yelled at the referee: He was committing a foul!

But this is not the NBA, so why are the referees offending them? He said to two well-known NBA coaches: "You should first understand the differences between NBA and FIBA ​​whistleblowing standards, and then you can yell at me!"

The U.S. team was chased by the Chinese team one after another, and the U.S. team was forced to call a timeout. Larry Brown yelled at Richard Jefferson: "Why do you let Sun Yat-sen University commit fouls on you so easily? When he used the European step, Go ahead and cut his ball. Didn't you see how many times Sun was cut by his opponents when the Lakers played the Rockets in the first round of the playoffs, and how many times he missed layups?"

Richard Jefferson was very aggrieved: "I tried, but I couldn't cut it at all! He pressed me with one arm, and I couldn't move my arm at all. I didn't want to use such a big move to defend him, but I didn't use all my strength. , there’s no way to prevent it!”

Richard Jefferson's words stunned all American players. Is Sun Zhuo so powerful? Never heard of it!


At this moment, James suddenly coughed twice.

Larry Brown turned to look at James and glanced at James' strong muscles. James was very physical. Is this a hint that he wanted to play against Sun Zhuo?

Only a second later, James saw Larry Brown looking at him expectantly, and quickly explained: "Coach, don't get me wrong, I really have a cough!"

Shamelessly asking for votes!

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