Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 169 The Rise of Asia!

Compared with China's victory over the United States, China's defeat of Italy is no longer surprising. With the three powerful combinations of Sun Zhuo, Yao Ming, and Wang Zhizhi, they can challenge any team in the world.

After the match between China and Italy, there was the match between Spain and Argentina. Sun Zhuo wanted to know who among them would be the opponent of the Chinese team in the final, so he stayed at the scene to watch.

Spain and Argentina are worthy of being world-class teams. Although Spain won the group stage, Argentina was the Olympic champion in its previous life. When it comes to the knockout rounds, their fighting status is very strong.

From the beginning, Argentina struggled to play, relying entirely on Ginobili to link up with his teammates or score goals himself to maintain the score. However, Spain as a whole was too strong. Pau Gasol was simply the number one center in this Olympics. It was so good. Others also gave him a lot of help. In the end, Spain narrowly defeated Argentina and advanced to the final!

The Chinese team's opponent in the final is Spain. As long as it beats Spain again, the Chinese team will be the world champion!

I remember the year before last, the 2002 World Cup, which was the only time Chinese football participated in the World Cup. The Chinese fans were so enthusiastic that they burst into tears. It was not easy. They were finally able to enter the World Cup and show their faces. In order to let the Chinese boys compete in the World Cup After playing well, some rich fans in China said that whoever can score a goal in the World Cup will be given money, one million per goal.

Nowadays, China has also made a major breakthrough in basketball. They are only one step away from winning the world championship. This is an honor for all Chinese people. There are also many local tycoon basketball fans in the country. Sun Zhuo has heard some rumors in the past two days, saying that as long as China If the men's basketball team can win the Olympic gold medal, they will privately give as much money as they want to these heroes who won the championship.

Sun Zhuo felt very angry!

Because no one contacted him!

"I absolutely believe that these rich people are enthusiastic about rewarding our players for the sake of national honor. However, they don't have my contact information. How can they send me money after the event is completed?"

It's melancholy, it's really melancholy.

Honors must be fought for, but if you can earn some money on the way, that would be great too.

The director of the basketball team has been following the Chinese men's basketball team for the past two days. He has been inseparable. He has told Sun Zhuo no less than 800 times how if he wins the championship, it will improve China's image abroad, etc., but the national reward will definitely not be too much. He He didn't have much hope, so Sun Zhuo asked the director to help contact several wealthy people in the country.

"Hello, Mr. Ding? I'm Sun Zhuo from the Chinese Men's Basketball Team. I'm glad to be talking to you. I'm a die-hard fan of Fantasy Westward Journey! This game of yours will definitely become a classic. Ten years from now, I believe There are still people playing it! Now that there is only one page of the Kuoku emoticon page, you have realized the importance of the emoticon market. The Baozi emoticon is so cute. Your ideas are very advanced!"

"Hey, it's Sun Zhuo. I didn't expect you to play Fantasy Westward Journey? Don't miss the business by playing games! Speaking of which, you boys in the men's basketball team have really given us China a face. Now all of China is here We are talking about whether your men's basketball team can win the championship, and our whole company has become your fans!"

"Mr. Ding, for the sake of national honor, we have to work hard to win, but we must also have motivation!"

"Okay, I understand. You play well, lead the team to defeat Spain in the final, and bring glory to China. I will personally reward you two million!"

Mr. Ding was the richest man on the Hurun Report in 2003, with two million, which is a trivial matter.

Immediately, Sun Zhuo contacted Mr. Chen of Shanda.

"Mr. Chen? Your bubble hall is so fun! The game characters are cute and adorable. Just put a few bubbles on the map and then explode them. I can only dream about doing these things..."

"Well, hello, Sun Zhuo, I must have heard about the Chinese men's basketball team advancing to the finals and the sensation in the country. But, I'm sorry, I'm not a sports fan and I don't usually watch basketball."

"That's it, it doesn't matter. I just want to ask if the bubble hall can stop for the past two days. As you know, the final will be played against Spain soon. I played until I forgot about food and sleep every day, which affected the final and China's championship. When the time comes... "

"I'll give you three million!"

After a few phone calls, Sun Zhuo has already asked for a bonus of 10 million... Of course, it's not just him, but also other players. Some rich people are really willing to give it. Even if Sun Zhuo doesn't make this call, they are still willing. If you do this, Sun Zhuo is forcing you to give it. If you don't give it, it's up to you to lose. Of course, it's just a joke. Ten million is actually not a lot of money for Sun Zhuo. He has made more than half a year from futures. He doesn't get more than this amount of money. He just wants some rewards, real rewards. This is what the players deserve.

The day before the final between China and Spain was the men's 110-meter hurdles final. Sun Zhuo specifically found Liu Xiang on this day, cheered for him, and told him: "You will win the gold medal, you will break the record! This year, we will This is the year when yellow people and Asian people will rise completely!"

When he walked on the runway, Liu Xiang kept Sun Zhuo's words in mind. The Chinese men's basketball team gave Liu Xiang a lot of confidence. Why can't yellow people beat black people and white people? Why are Asians not as good as Europeans and Americans in track and field and basketball?

"The Chinese men's basketball team can beat the United States, and I want to win too!"

Liu Xiang held back his energy and ran a time of 12.89 seconds in one breath!

"Liu Xiang broke the Olympic record! Liu Xiang broke the world record! In the men's sprint world, Asia has never seen a world-class athlete, but today, Liu Xiang became the world's first person in the 110 hurdles! Who says that yellow people can't Fei, who says the Chinese can't be number one in the world! Just like this year's Chinese men's basketball team, they defeated the United States team, and they are very likely to beat the Spanish team tomorrow and become the world's number one in the field of basketball! The 2004 Athens Olympics is destined to belong to China! Are these records an invitation letter from Chinese athletes to invite the world to BJ in 2008? I just want to say, welcome to the magical sports power in the next Olympics!" Yang Jian couldn't hide his excitement and said in one breath A lot.

After the game, when Liu Xiang was interviewed, he also said that it was the Chinese men's basketball team that gave him strong motivation.

Sun Zhuo was also very excited. In his previous life, Liu Xiang's time was 12.91 seconds, but with Sun Zhuo's encouragement and the encouragement of the men's basketball team, he improved again!

Sun Zhuo also wants the gold medal!

The next day, the Chinese men’s basketball team played against the Spanish men’s basketball team!

"The Chinese team is very powerful this year. Whether it is basketball or track and field, they have made such a big breakthrough. It is really difficult to deal with." Spanish core Pau Gasol is a little melancholy. If the men's basketball team in this Olympics has to choose one person to be the MVP If so, the only two candidates are Gasol and Sun Zhuo.

"We didn't use our full strength in the last game and that's why you were lucky enough to win. If you think you can definitely beat us if you beat the United States, then I'm sorry, you can only win the silver medal!" Gasol is still full of confidence. I think it’s time to celebrate happily when the Chinese men’s basketball team can win the silver medal.

However, for Sun Zhuo, second place means nothing.

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