Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 170 Finals!

On August 29, BJ time, at 3:30 in the morning and 10:30 in the evening, Athens time, the Olympic men's basketball gold medal competition officially began.

Before the start of this Olympic Games, who would have thought that the Chinese team would be able to stand on the stage of the finals? And the opponent is not the American team.

This year's Olympic basketball game is destined to produce a miracle.

As the Olympic Games come to an end, the gold medal winners in each event have been announced one by one. Sports fans around the world have focused their attention on today's men's basketball final. They all want to know who can replace the United States as the winner. World number one.

The stadium was already packed with people, and most of them were Chinese. Of course, there were many Spanish fans, but they were still inferior to the Chinese. Before the game started, these enthusiastic Chinese fans held up small flags in unison. They shouted: "China team, come on! China team, come on!"

The scene has become the home court of the Chinese team.

"Haha, as soon as I heard the cheering rhythm, I knew that almost all the fans were here. Our cheering rhythm is always the same, and we can't do it even if we skip a beat in between. However, the cheering sound is not monotonous today. It's not vulgar, maybe because you are in this magical game, even such ordinary cheers have become extraordinary, right?" In the audience, a middle-aged man with glasses and long hair spoke. Said, he is Gao Xiaosong.

As Gao Xiaosong smiled and sighed, a man with long hair next to him said calmly: "It's interesting that Teacher Gao doesn't pay attention to the players on the field, but cares so much about the fans' cheering rhythm."

This man’s name is Zhang Jiawei.

Gao Xiaosong ignored who the person next to him was and said with a smile: "I originally planned to drive to Miami, Keywest, and Orlando. As soon as I heard that the Chinese men's basketball team defeated the American team and reached the finals, I immediately booked the tickets. When I come to Athens, I’m not a basketball fan, but I like to witness miracles.”

Zhang Jiawei said: "The Olympic Games only happen once every four years. This will be the only chance for the Chinese men's basketball team to win the championship. Four years later, the US team will assemble the strongest players at the moment and regain their dominance. You are right."

This year's Olympic finals are a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for both China and Spain. The level of American basketball is still far higher than that of other countries. This cannot be caught up in just a few years. As long as they want to play seriously, other countries still cannot. opportunities, so while the US team fails to reach the finals this year, China and Spain will try their best to win the championship.

Because this may be the only time they can win the Olympic championship.

The game started quickly. The Spanish team had lost to China once in the group stage. In order to let China know their true strength, they scored consecutively from the beginning and attacked very fiercely, trying to continuously open up the score.

"The Spanish offensive is very fierce." Gao Xiaosong was slightly worried.

"In the last semi-final, Sun Zhuo started with full firepower and established an advantage at the beginning. He suppressed Italy from beginning to end. Spain did not want to be led by the Chinese team, so it struck first to gain the upper hand." Zhang Jiawei said.

Gao Xiaosong looked at the court, squinted his eyes and smiled: "It's really interesting to watch Spain and China compete on the highest level of basketball. In the last century, Spain and China were dominated by Britain, France, Germany, Russia, the United States, and Japan. A group of strong men fought against the old rich man. China is better than Spain. He only suffered internal injuries, but Spain was skinned and cramped."

"Are you watching football? Why do I think you are watching the war between Spain and China?" Zhang Jiawei asked.

At this time, Gao Xiaosong pointed to the field and said: "Look, isn't this just a war? It's all bleeding."

On the court, when Sun Zhuo was holding the ball from the outside, Spain's Reyes suddenly stepped forward to steal it. How could Sun Zhuo be easily intercepted by him? I thought I could dodge a behind-the-back dribble, but I did dodge the opponent's steal, but I couldn't dodge the opponent's facial attack.

When Reyes reached for the ball, he hit Sun Zhuo's face directly. The two people's faces came into contact. Sun Zhuo's nose was hit and bled on the spot, and Reyes was also seriously injured.

"Shameless!" some Chinese fans yelled at the scene. Sun Zhuo is the core of the Chinese team. Without him, the Chinese team would be one or even several levels below the team. There is no way to compete with Spain. Spain obviously wants to do this. Use dirty methods to prevent Sun Zhuo from affecting the game.

"MD." Sun Zhuo was also very angry. Not long after the fight, he was directly hit in the face. After treating the wound, he could continue to play. However, Spain showed such a tough attitude. It is estimated that this situation will still happen next. .

Zhang Jiawei sighed and said: "Spain wants to win too much, or maybe they are proud in their bones and feel that the Chinese team does not deserve to win the gold medal. China does not have a sound and complete basketball system like Spain, nor does it have the tacit understanding and ability to unite and cooperate like they do. Why should we step on their heads and win the championship?”

Gao Xiaosong lamented: "Times have changed. The Spaniards were not so impolite in the past. When I sailed to the Philippines, I would ask around to see if there were any Chinese. At that time, I admired the Chinese very much and felt that Chinese things were very awesome, so I specially ordered You have to be polite when you see Chinese people, but you met two Chinese boats. Unfortunately, before they could express their respect, China fired directly at them. Today they got them back. Before you could fuck me first, I'll look for you first. It’s something, haha.”

Sun Zhuo was not afraid of Spain. He did feel Spain's determination to win the championship, and he felt it at the cost of blood. However, did Spain feel his determination to win the championship? No worse than you!

After returning to the court, Sun Zhuo continued to fight. Spain started very fiercely, and Sun Zhuo had to take the lead to score and stabilize the situation. He had two trump cards: playing bugs and European stepping fouls. With the ball in hand, he wanted to score. It can still be done.

However, you can't use it too many times to fight bugs, and you have to save it for key shots or winning shots at the last moment. Although there is no limit on the number of times you can use the European step, you can't use it all the time. The European step itself should be used It is used when the opponent does not expect it, to achieve the effect of surprising the opponent and deceiving the opponent. You use the European step every time you break through, which is very deliberate, and the opponent also knows how to defend.

Gradually, Spain restricted Sun Zhuo even more severely because they found that Wang Zhizhi, another key figure in the Chinese team's victory, did not perform well today. Others like Liu Wei and Li Nan also did not have a good touch. They put all their energy into They were all used to defend Sun Zhuo and Yao Ming. Sun Zhuo repeatedly saw his teammates have good opportunities and passed them the ball, but they couldn't score.

By the time of the third quarter, the Chinese team was already 8 points behind.

On the one hand, the other players of the Chinese team couldn't score. On the other hand, Gasol and Navarro of the Spanish team played too smoothly. The two almost took over the Spanish team's scoring. They were unstoppable inside and outside.

Among the two, the one who plays a more critical role is Navarro.

Sun Zhuo finally found a chance to take a shot from the bottom corner and hit a three-pointer, but Navarro actually turned around, took the ball to the three-point line, and hit it directly!

Subsequently, Navarro broke through with a speed that Liu Wei and others could not keep up with. Moreover, when he got to the basket for a layup, he even committed a foul and was beaten 2+1 by him!

Navarro scored 27 points alone!

Navarro also became proud. He walked up to Sun Zhuo and challenged him: "Do you know what my nickname is?"

"Is it a gopher? So good at drilling." Sun Zhuo thought to himself, but did not reply to him. He now has to concentrate on remembering all the details of this game, because if he loses, he will use the game to repeat Challenge card one more time.

Seeing that Sun Zhuo was silent, Navarro took the initiative and replied: "Boom!"

Navarro's nickname is "Bomb", and his English is not particularly good, so he directly uses his voice to tell Sun Zhuo his nickname, which makes him appear more domineering and provocative.

After hearing this, Sun Zhuo asked: "Does your family sell popcorn?"

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