Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 171 World Champion!

Boom, your sister Boom!

What are you talking about? Is the nickname "Bomb" awesome?

You're just popping popcorn on the roadside, but do you really think of yourself as a powerful weapon of destruction?

But it’s no surprise that Navarro is in really good shape today. He is the person Sun Zhuo has encountered in this era who most resembles Curry in long-range shooting. He also has fast speed and good layup and throwing abilities. .

In the 2012 Olympic finals against the United States, Navarro hit consecutive three-pointers at the beginning and scored 21 points at halftime, scaring the U.S. team into a cold sweat. In the 2011 European Championship, because Gasol was out of form, Navarro Luo's various Curry-style X**T directly brought Spain to the championship.

Navarro also joined the NBA. It was at the invitation of Pau Gasol, and he played with Gasol for one season with the Grizzlies, because that year Gasol happened to join the Lakers, and Navarro did not My interest in staying with the Grizzlies and playing in the NBA continues.

In today's final, the Chinese team lost because of this guy Navarro. The Chinese team had no way to deal with him.

The time has arrived in the fourth quarter, and Spain is still leading the Chinese team. The Chinese team must start chasing points, and the pursuit of points can only rely on Sun Zhuo. Sun Zhuo’s fastest scoring ability is the three-pointer from the corner, but the three-pointer from the bottom corner To score points, you have to play without the ball and cooperate with your teammates. Sun Zhuo's current situation is different from when he was with the Lakers. In the Lakers, Sun Zhuo is not the core, and he can still rely on Kobe or O'Neal to attract defenses to give Sun Zhuo the ball. But in the Chinese team, Sun Zhuo is the absolute core. Everyone is staring at Sun Zhuo. It is almost impossible for Sun Zhuo to get an open opportunity in the bottom corner.

The BUG and the double-turn BUG cannot be used all the time. With Sun Zhuo's current level 36 ability, he is still unable to do one-on-two like Kobe. Sun Zhuo can only pass to his teammates when he is double-teamed. However, his teammates do not Can give him the help he wants.

In the end, due to Navarro's hot state and the cold hands of most of the Chinese team's players, Spain defeated the Chinese team.


The Spanish players ran excitedly on the court, everyone hugged each other, and the Spanish coach even burst into tears with excitement. They actually reached the top of the world's men's basketball team!

"We are No. 1 in the world! We are No. 1 in the world!" Gasol hugged Navarro tightly and jumped excitedly.

In the audience, Zhang Jiawei glanced at Gao Xiaosong and said, "What should I say?"

Gao Xiaosong said with a smile: "In the end, the two Chinese ships were sunk by Spain and one was captured. Although Spain was the first to provoke the battle today, the result seems to have not changed. But I think the Chinese team lost today , and lost with dignity, at least China also has a heroic figure who makes its opponents fearful."

After losing to Spain, Sun Zhuo was not in a hurry to use the game repeat challenge card. He would definitely use the game repeat challenge card. This is the Olympic Games held every four years. This is the final of the Olympic Games. If you don't use it at such a critical moment, you have to wait until when?

However, Sun Zhuo wanted to feel the pain of defeat more, not because he was masochistic, but because he wanted to use it as motivation to play again in the next game.

In 2009, Kobe won the championship for the first time after leaving O'Neal. His opponent was the Orlando Magic led by Howard in his prime. The last finals game was at the Magic's home court.

After the Lakers won the championship, they had to hold the championship award ceremony at the Magic's home court, but Howard actually stayed at the scene to watch in person how his opponent received the award at his home. Although this behavior was quite stupid, he was so kind The determination to stimulate and motivate yourself is still worth encouraging.

In 2008, the Lakers lost to the Celtics in the Finals. Kobe always kept his unwillingness to lose to the Celtics in his heart. In 2010, he finally got his revenge by fighting against the Celtics again.

Sometimes, failure is not entirely a bad thing, it can inspire a person.

Reluctance and regret are the best nutrients for those who are competitive.

The gold and silver medals have been given. Members of the Spanish national team and the Chinese national team have all stepped onto the podium. Officials have awarded them gold and silver medals one by one. Gasol and the others stand higher than Sun Zhuo and have brighter smiles than Sun Zhuo and the others. At this moment , Sun Zhuo felt the pain of being only one step away from the championship for the first time.

"Kobe Bryant lost to the Celtics in 2008. It must have been the same feeling, right?"

The Spanish flag has slowly been raised and the national anthem has begun to be played. Sun Zhuo can no longer listen to it. He wants to vent his anger. He wants to rewrite history and change the results.

Sun Zhuo immediately used the game repeat challenge card to challenge the game again. After using it, Sun Zhuo only had two game repeat challenge cards left this season. This will have a great impact on the Lakers playoffs in the new season. , but Sun Zhuo doesn't care anymore. Even if he uses all four cards, he will beat Spain today and make China the number one men's basketball team in the world!

The game begins again!

"China team, come on! China team, come on!"

Chinese fans cheered one after another at the scene. The game had not yet started and the outcome was unknown. Every Chinese fan tried his best to cheer for the Chinese team.

The finals have started again, and Sun Zhuo has two major tasks to do. First, Spain will use all kinds of methods in this game. Be careful of your opponent hurting yourself. He had his nose hurt by his opponent before, so he must avoid it this time. The second is to guard against Navarro.

After the game started, Spain was still fierce, but with Sun Zhuo's understanding of Spain's offense, he prevented Spain from scoring once and prevented Spain from scoring consecutive goals smoothly.

Soon, it was time for Sun Zhuo and Spanish Reyes to face off again.

"This bastard deliberately broke my nose when he stole the ball. I can't let you succeed this time." Sun Zhuo felt a little unhappy when he saw this guy.

Sun Zhuo was not afraid and continued to dribble, tempting him to steal. Reyes reached out as expected. Sun Zhuo dribbled the ball behind his back. Reyes still did not give up and rushed over to get the ball. At the same time, his face He bumped directly into Sun Zhuo.

"Still want to hit me?" Sun Zhuo was well prepared, leaned back, and then deliberately lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground. At the same time, he tripped Reyes' leg with his foot, causing Reyes to lose his balance instantly. , fell to the ground with a thud.

"Ah!" Reyes screamed in pain. He just wanted to steal the ball with both hands. Without any precautions, his face was directly pressed to the ground, and his nose immediately started to bleed.

Spain failed to hurt Sun Zhuo, but its own players were injured instead.

Sun Zhuo knew that he must not play against a headwind against Spain, because other Chinese players did not perform well in this game. Once Spain completely restricted Sun Zhuo, it would be difficult to chase points, so Sun Zhuo actively launched an attack at the beginning and would deliberately challenge When playing with Navarro, as soon as he encounters Navarro, he will immediately use the European step to cause a foul. Sun Zhuo hopes to send this most troublesome person off the field as soon as possible.

On defense, Sun Zhuo specially came to guard Navarro. His height advantage completely restricted Navarro's crazy three-pointers. Navarro gave up the three-pointer and turned to breakthrough floaters. The touch was not bad, but two After all, points are not as good as three points, and it is already difficult for Spain to open up the score.

Having just experienced the pain of watching his opponent win the gold medal, Sun Zhuo was full of fighting spirit and his heart for revenge was always burning. Coupled with the poor touch of his teammates, he tirelessly tried to score every time.

Perhaps Sun Zhuo's desperate attitude infected other Chinese players. Wang Zhizhi, Zhu Fangyu, and Liu Wei suddenly felt better in the second half of the third quarter, and the score that had been stalemate became the Chinese team's lead!

Sun Zhuo finally breathed a sigh of relief. The number of times he could use his rely on to fight bugs was running out. Fortunately, his teammates stepped forward. Otherwise, even if Sun Zhuo could maintain the score at the last moment, he would not dare to use his rely on again. There is a BUG.

Although Spain also struggled to catch up in the fourth quarter, they were always one goal behind. In this case, with Sun Zhuo who relied on playing bugs, there was nothing to worry about.

Just like playing against the American team, as long as the difference between the two sides is one goal at the last moment, as long as Sun Zhuo succeeds by playing, you will definitely lose. What's more, in today's game, China is still ahead by one goal.

In the last attack of the Chinese team, Sun Zhuo scored another goal by relying on the ball. This goal can be said to be a fatal blow to Spain.

Spain fell behind by three points at the last minute and had no choice but to shoot a three-pointer. The Chinese team tried their best to defend against this shot!

In the end, China defeated Spain and became the world champion!

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