Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 172 Dating in the UK

BJ, Sanlitun bar, five o'clock in the morning.

"Ah! Won! The Chinese team won! We are the Olympic champions! We are the world champions!"

"I just want to ask who else! Who else is there! Who else is there! Who else is there!"

For all domestic basketball fans, tonight is destined to be sleepless. After staying up all night, at 5 o'clock in the morning, it should be the time when the body is the sleepiest, but everyone is the most excited at this moment. It is not because of alcohol. Alcohol brings people I couldn’t be more excited than this victory!

Director Jiang Da, who made "Let the Bullets Fly", also came to a bar in Sanlitun today. The drunkenness and the excitement after seeing China become the world champion made him stand on the chair and said the second paragraph above. talk.

SH, TJ, HZ... Every city in the country is performing the same exciting scene. At five o'clock in the morning, you can see this group of people cheering on the streets of major cities...

Athens, final scene.

With Sun Zhuo's last fatal goal, the Chinese team defeated Spain again. In this year's Olympics, they won the championship with a complete victory and won the gold medal!

"We are number one in the world! We defeated the United States, Spain, and the whole world!" Liu Wei ran excitedly on the field. Like many people, they all felt that this moment was too unreal.

Sun Zhuo once again experienced the award ceremony. In the award ceremony just now, the Chinese team stood below Spain and received the silver medal. Now, the two have completely changed positions.

The Chinese team stood on the highest podium and accepted the gold medal award ceremony!

After winning the championship in the NBA, Sun Zhuo won another Olympic championship. Unexpectedly, Sun Zhuo would win these two important honors in just one year!

All Chinese players stood on the podium, hung their gold medals around their necks, and watched the familiar five-star national flag rise.

"Get up, people who are unwilling to work hard and build our new Great Wall with our flesh and blood. The Chinese nation has reached its most dangerous time..."

Every player sang along with the music. As they sang, tears fell down the faces of Yao Ming, Wang Zhizhi, Liu Wei and others.

They cried.

"These people are really, why are they crying? It makes me want to cry too..." Sun Zhuo's nose suddenly became sore, and his eyes instantly became moist.

Countless Chinese people shed tears at this moment. Think about when Wang Shipeng only defeated Slovenia, how many Chinese people cried?

Now, at this moment, China is the world champion!

Besides, even in the United States, more than 17% of gold medal winners cry, which is much more likely than in China.

It is so difficult for the Chinese men's basketball team to achieve such a world-class honor. This gift and miracle they have given to the Chinese people is really too big.

In the previous life, the Chinese team barely made it into the top eight. This time, with Sun Zhuo, they directly won the championship. Although this time they consumed two challenge cards in the Olympics, Sun Zhuo already felt that it was perfect.

After winning the championship, he had a great time partying. Of course, Sun Zhuo would not forget to collect money from the rich men who promised him rewards, play a game, and casually earn another 10 million.

Major leaders also expressed their intention to commend the Chinese men's basketball team. The Chinese men's basketball team shocked the world at this Olympics and made all members of the Chinese delegation proud.

At the Olympic closing ceremony, China's eight-minute performance once again shocked the world. Four years later, at the 2008 Olympics, we are waiting for you at BJ!

Just thinking about the game four years later, Sun Zhuo was a little worried.

"In the 2008 Olympics, the U.S. men's basketball team will not be as randomly assembled as this year. In addition, the United States lost to China, and they will definitely want revenge. Four years later, the Olympics will be held in China, and they will definitely try their best. There is no way to take revenge for this year by taking the gold medal at our doorstep. However, after four years they have become stronger, and so have I!"

Sun Zhuo has a hunch that the BJ Olympics battle four years from now will be more intense and difficult than this year.

The Athens Olympics has come to a successful conclusion, and Sun Zhuo has also returned home. There is still one month left for the preseason of the 2004-05 season. Before the start of the new season, various teams have undergone changes. For example, Yao Ming's Rockets are about to usher in a new season. After the Chinese team won the championship, McGrady generously called Yao Ming to congratulate his new teammate for winning the gold medal. Of course, he also told him on the phone that if McGrady goes to participate in the Olympics, this year's number one China It can't be taken.

In addition to transactions, this year's draft also increased the depth of each team's lineup. Sun Zhuo's Lakers chose Vujacic.

In fact, as a future person like Sun Zhuo who traveled through time in 2017, Sun Zhuo can give some suggestions to the Lakers management. He can help the team select the strongest rookie among the current draft. However, due to the Lakers’ first-round pick Ranked 27th, players like Howard and Iguodala, who are the best in this class, would not even think about it, but there are also second-round picks in this class who can perform well, such as Ariza.

Ariza was only selected in the second round of 2004 in his previous life, and he also played for the Lakers. He is very adaptable to the Lakers system. Sun Zhuo feels that it is a good thing to get Ariza early, and he has already cooperated with Bass. I mentioned this matter to Phil, but Phil had already been fired. Bass and Kupchak did not listen to Sun Zhuo's suggestion, but insisted on their idea and chose Vujacic.

Sun Zhuo's impression of Vujacic is not bad. This guy does a good job in dealing with others. The relationship within the Lakers team has always been tense. It is a good thing to have such a player.

Ariza doesn't have Vujacic's ability to flatter anyone. He's a bit boring. Besides, Ariza couldn't play well in the first two years. For the Wizards who selected him, he is a dispensable player. When will the Lakers want him? You can get it anytime.

After playing in the NBA and being busy with the Olympics, Sun Zhuo really needs a break now. He wants to stay away from basketball for a while and go on a date with Jessica Alba.

Basketball players who are always full of passion and enthusiasm cannot be without the company of the opposite sex, otherwise it is not a good thing that hormones cannot be released.

On a long-distance flight from Los Angeles to London, England, Sun Zhuo and Jessica Alba were sitting in the first class cabin. They had just woken up from a nap, and they couldn't help but approach each other and start talking sweetly.

The two are making good progress. Jessica Alba is already considered to be pursued by Sun Zhuo, but the media has not yet confirmed that the two are really dating. However, this trip to the UK, once it is exposed by the media, fans all over the world will guess. It can be guessed that their love affair is confirmed.

"Being too tall is really troublesome. People will notice me wherever I go. Even if those people don't know me, they will still look at me twice." Sun Zhuo was a little melancholy. His height was much higher than ordinary people. If only At just over 1.80 meters or even 1.9 meters tall, the two of them could carry out their trip to the UK quietly.

Jessica was wearing a gray top and black trousers, which was her favorite outfit when traveling. Jessica patted the back of Sun Zhuo's hand gently and comforted: "It's really annoying to be recognized while traveling. If you don’t like being taken for photos all the time, I can stay with you in the hotel all the time.”

Sun Zhuo smiled and said: "How many British people watch the NBA? My reputation in the UK is definitely not as good as yours, but I should worry about whether you will be targeted."

The two were talking and laughing. Soon, the plane landed at the London Airport. It was already very late. The two went directly to the hotel they had booked to settle in and rest, because they had not progressed to that point yet, and they were both public figures. , so two rooms were opened.

After returning to the hotel room, not long after taking a shower, the hotel waiter brought some meals and fruits.

Sun Zhuo was very surprised and asked, "Didn't I call Roomservice?"

The waiter said: "A gentleman ordered these things for you."

Sun Zhuodun was surprised, sir? Could it be that they made a mistake and it should have been ordered by Jessica?

Sun Zhuo came to Jessica's room and found that Jessica had already started eating. While eating, he said to Sun Zhuo: "I didn't expect the Roomservice in this hotel to be so great. Thank you for booking it for me."

Sun Zhuo replied seriously: "Jessica, I didn't order this for you."

Jessica Alba was also confused, "Who could it be if it weren't you?"

Sun Zhuo shook his head, "I don't know either. Someone just sent it to me. I thought it was you who ordered it."

Jessica immediately put down her knife and fork, not daring to eat any more, and her expression became a little nervous, "Don't scare me, I won't dare to sleep alone."

Sun Zhuo comforted him: "Don't be afraid, I can stay with you..."

Guess who did it?

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