Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 188 Who said I interpreted it wrong!

Meet Shaun Livingston again!

In the previous meeting, across the screen and more than 10,000 kilometers apart, what Sun Zhuo saw was a 32-year-old veteran. As Stephen Curry's first substitute, he worked conscientiously to complete his work in the finals, taking advantage of his tall height. With his body, he used his best post-up and fadeaway shot to score on the court again and again.

At that time, he had a broken leg, was homeless, and was unable to play in the NBA for a time.

At that time, he had the most ordinary crew cut and a little beard. He was unsmiling, did not talk trash, and had no unnecessary movements. He was just an ordinary veteran role player.

Now, what Sun Zhuo sees is a confident young man with the most unique hairstyle and a full of vitality. He is completely different from the Livingston wearing the Warriors jersey...

"Livingston... how good would it be if there were no injuries?" Sun Zhuo couldn't help but sigh when he saw Livingston.

Livingston's career can be summed up in six words: talent, injury, and rebirth.

When he first entered the league, he was called the second magician. Pat Riley once said that the most perfect number one position in future basketball is to be tall and flexible, with long legs and wingspan, excellent strides and breakthrough rhythm. Good vision and excellent dribbling ability, this is exactly what Livingston is talking about. Livingston now has a short attack range, no three-pointers, poor defense, and a very stubborn personality.

Livingston gradually improved himself, secured his position as the Clippers' starting number one, and his skills had taken shape. But at this moment, at the age of 21, when many professional players' careers were just beginning, their careers were ruined!

That was an injury in February 2007, which is really unbearable to look back on. After the injury, what he faced was not the question of whether his career could continue, but the question of whether his left calf could be saved.

In the end, luckily among misfortunes, he saved the leg and spent 18 months recovering. No one regarded him as a genius boy anymore. When people saw him, they would only think that he was a 2-meter-0-meter tall boy. Three's driving shell, what else can this guy do? No team will want him.

Livingston did not give up his basketball dream. He was doing helpless training time and time again on the court. He was not willing to start the second half of his life at such a young age of 23!

So, between the ages of 23 and 28, the golden age for professional players, he wandered around, trying out, signing contracts, trading, and being laid off, in a constant cycle.

Finally, as the saying goes, God is strong and a gentleman is constantly striving for self-improvement. Livingston finally found a stage to prove himself in the Warriors. As the first substitute for the team's core Stephen Curry, he helped the team win the championship and was the team's key player. An indispensable hero.

Sun Zhuo was filled with emotion when he saw Livingston. Livingston definitely deserves the respect of any professional player. His spirit of never giving up is admirable. However, now that Sun Zhuo has been reborn, he returned to Livingston uninjured. , can he prevent this tragedy from happening? Why let Livingston go through that torture and pain again? He should have always been an excellent NBA player!

"Although I only roughly remember that Livingston was injured in 2007, no matter what, I will try my best to prevent tragedy from happening to him again. Not only him, but also McGrady and Yao Ming. McGrady has also experienced too many injuries. Due to illness and mental blow, Yao Ming has never won a championship in his entire career. If there is a chance in the future, we two brothers can win one together, as well as Paul George. His injury was too tragic, and Dwyane Wade, I want him to Win the respect of more people..."

For a time, Sun Zhuo felt that in addition to pursuing championships and personal honors, he still had many things to do. He wanted to prevent tragedies from happening, and he wanted to try to extend the career of every star. This seemed to be his rebirth. meaning.

No matter how strong a person is and has won all the honors, how can he compare with a group of stars with different talents?

"Why did he smile at me?" Livingston was a little puzzled when he saw Sun Zhuo's relatively friendly expression. The smile was so warm that he could not understand Sun Zhuo more deeply and speculate whether Sun Zhuo had other meanings.

After the game started, Livingston did not start. The Clippers started with Jaric, Maggette, Simmons, Brand and Wilcox. The Clippers were also among the weak teams. Today, the Lakers It’s about trying to win.

Clippers head coach Mike Dunleavy was a little emotional because last season, Kobe took the initiative to contact him and talked about the possibility of joining the Clippers. Unexpectedly, in the end, he still failed to see Kobe put on a Clippers jersey.

There was no suspense in the game. After a few minutes, Clippers rookie Shaun Livingston was sent on the court, and there was a lot of discussion at the scene.

"Shaun Livingston, a high school star player, was sent on the court. He was the fourth pick in the first round. I wonder if Sun will bully this kid like he did with J.R. Smith and Dwight Howard."

"You're playing in Los Angeles, so don't do dunks. Such an action is a bit harsh. Sean doesn't seem to be an optimistic big boy like Dwight Howard. A dunk may cause a shadow in his heart."

Many people were talking about it, and Livingston, who had just come on the field, also felt this atmosphere and suddenly became a little nervous.

"I don't know if this guy Sun will target me, but since we are in different positions, there should be no chance of fighting." Livingston thought.

As soon as Livingston came on the court, he used his agile and slender steps and dribbling to give everyone a pleasing visual experience. His rhythm was very good, and watching him play made people feel spiritual.

Sun Zhuo was also very happy to see Livingston, who was completely different from what he knew before. So, when the Lakers attacked, Sun Zhuo specifically hooked Livingston, indicating that he should guard him.

Seeing Sun Zhuo's action, the scene immediately went into an uproar.

"Oh, look, Sun is taking the initiative to challenge Shaun Livingston! Haha, it's a good show. Sun really has different feelings for the rookie player!"

There are rumors that Sun Zhuo likes to torture rookies, and Livingston has heard about it for a long time. Since Sun Zhuo takes the initiative to ask for a fight, how can Livingston, a conceited young man, be afraid of him?

Livingston immediately stepped forward to guard Sun Zhuo alone. Sun Zhuo was about the same height as Livingston, but heavier than Livingston. He kept hitting the opponent with his body, and Livingston moved back step by step.

"If one day, Kobe and McGrady both leave the league, and the person with the most elegant post-up shooting in the NBA is you, would you believe it?" Sun Zhuo said to Livingston while leaning on the ball.

"What did you say?" Livingston didn't pay attention to what Sun Zhuo was saying.

Sun Zhuo didn't reply and just turned over and shot a fadeaway jumper, just like the Warriors' Livingston often did.

Accurate hit.

"As a tall No. 1 position, you must develop my post-up ability." Sun Zhuo said to Livingston.

Livingston replied stubbornly: "Don't think that you are the only one who can do it, I will not be worse than you!"

"Come on!" Sun Zhuo patted Livingston on the shoulder to encourage him.

This friendly gesture made Brand of the Clippers dumbfounded, "Sun kept hitting Sean's body, and after the fight, he didn't forget to touch Sean again... Who the hell said I interpreted it wrong! "

Thanks to the leader of Little Ink Squid for the reward! There will be another update soon. I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

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