Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 189 The feast is here!

Shaun Livingston was a little confused about the situation. He tried to fully integrate himself into the NBA and adapt to NBA confrontation, even in terms of trash talk. After he was provoked by Sun Zhuo, he fought back hard, but Sun Zhuo did not. He continued to argue with him, but instead offered words of encouragement, which surprised him.

Livingston and Sun Zhuo are not related, and they have no common friends. Why is Sun Zhuo so friendly to Livingston?

"This may be a conspiracy. Sun is so good at using tricks. I heard that before he dunked on Dwight Howard, he had a good chat with Dwight and gained Dwight's trust. I can't let down my guard against Sun because of this." Livingston Think so.

However, in the eyes of teammate Brand, all this is easy to understand...

Immediately afterwards, as the game continued, Sun Zhuo would occasionally come up to defend Livingston. Livingston always broke through resolutely when facing Sun Zhuo and never flinched. Livingston dribbled well and was already considered very good for someone of the same height. Yes, but it was still not perfect. Sun Zhuo found the opportunity and knocked Livingston's ball away.

After being intercepted, Livingston quickly turned around to reach the ball. When he was intercepted, his center of gravity was already a little unstable. In a hurry to pick up speed again, he accidentally fell to the ground!

It stands to reason that it is normal for a rookie to fall down on the court. Yao Ming and Sun Zhuo have both experienced it. It's just that Sun Zhuo's tragic experience was covered up by him using repeated challenge cards, so no one knew about it.

Sun Zhuo originally wanted to rush forward to get the broken ball in his hands, and then score directly on a fast break. However, when he saw Livingston falling to the ground and heard the scream from his mouth, Sun Zhuo unconsciously thought of 07 The scene where Livingston broke his leg was so shocking.

Sun Zhuo had no choice but to abandon Livingston like this. Livingston's safety was more important to Sun Zhuo than scoring fast break points. Sun Zhuo quickly stopped, bent down, and asked about Livingston: " How are you?"


The basketball rushed to the front court rhythmically, getting farther and farther away, and finally rolled out of bounds.

The audience at the scene was shocked and confused.

"Sun completely ignored the ball he broke, but stopped to care about Shaun Livingston. This action is very loving."

"Do they have a good relationship in private? This doesn't seem to be Sun's usual style, right? If he does things based on his opponent's personality, then why did he dunk on Dwight Howard? Howard's personality is better than Shaun Livingston's All right?"

Although the audience was surprised and even questioned, Sun Zhuo's act of caring about his opponent still aroused applause from some fans at the scene. After all, whether they are Lakers fans or Clippers fans, everyone is a fan of the city of Los Angeles. I want to bring glory to this city.

Livingston was actually fine. He just fell down accidentally and was not injured. However, Sun Zhuo stopped to care about himself instead of grabbing the ball, which shocked Livingston greatly.

"Who said there was something wrong with my interpretation!" Captain Brand sneered and looked at Sean Livingston lying on the ground with ambiguous eyes.

Livingston shuddered unconsciously, and suddenly remembered Brand's interpretation yesterday. Yesterday, he thought Brand was full of nonsense, but now he suddenly felt that it made sense...

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Livingston quickly got up from the ground and moved away from Sun Zhuo.

Immediately, Livingston walked towards Coach Dunleavy with a bad expression and said to him: "Coach, I suddenly feel uncomfortable. I can't play today."

After that, Livingston never played again!

Sun Zhuo felt a little melancholy.

"How could this happen? Against J.R. Smith, he played 12 minutes in the entire game. This was indeed what I did on purpose. But Dwight Howard, after I accidentally dunked on him, he was completely distracted even on the court. He is completely out of shape. When we met Livingston today, he stopped playing after one session. The rookie of the 2004 class is really boring!"

In the end, the Lakers easily defeated the Clippers. After the game, people paid more attention to Sun Zhuo vs. the rookies. JR Smith, Dwight Howard, and Shaun Livingston were all dealt with by Sun Zhuo. Some fans have already dubbed Sun Zhuo " Rookie Harvester”.

After winning this game, Sun Zhuo's personal level also rose to level 38, only two levels away from the level 40 mark.

Next, the Lakers will face a huge challenge. Their opponent is the Phoenix Suns, who have not lost a single game since the start of the regular season.

The Suns' regular season record in the 2004-05 season was terrible, with 62 wins and 20 losses, tying the league's best record. D'Antoni also won the honor of Coach of the Year. They also ushered in the small ball era. In this season, Taking the league by storm with their gorgeous running, gunning and fast breaks, the team's core point guard Steve Nash even won this season's regular season MVP.

The Lakers' visit to Phoenix did not attract much attention from the Suns. After all, the Lakers no longer had O'Neal. They were invincible at the start of the season and did not take the Lakers seriously.

In fact, both Sun Zhuo and Kobe wanted to end the Suns' winning streak, but it was too difficult. On the one hand, the Suns' morale was high. They had just acquired Nash and Richardson, and the chemical reaction between the players was very good. Well, they haven't lost since their first game, and Stoudemire and Shawn Marion, with Nash's help, have become unstoppable monsters.

The Lakers have always lacked an excellent point guard. In the end, they failed to stop the Suns and allowed the Suns to continue their winning streak and become crazy.

Although they are the defending champions, the Lakers' limelight has been completely stolen by the Suns this season. Their games are enjoyable and entertaining to watch, and they have won consecutively and no one can beat them. In comparison, they win one game and lose one. In this game, the Lakers, whose winning rate has always hovered around 50%, seem relatively ordinary.

Kobe doesn't have much sense of crisis at this time. He thinks that the Suns are just starting well, and their winning rate will definitely drop slowly. If Sun Zhuo tells him that the Suns will have the best record in the league and Nash will be the MVP, Kobe will definitely Laugh out loud.

Sun Zhuo had been thinking about this issue on the plane leaving Phoenix. He was unwilling to have his limelight this season completely stolen by the Suns. Now that the league has seen the small ball trend led by the Suns, it is already using the media to expand its publicity. Even after every win by the Suns, reporters will ask their opponents how they evaluate this year's Suns team.

The Suns are not the only ones who can play a pleasing game. Sun Zhuo and Kobe also have the same ability, but they lack Steve Nash.

Sun Zhuo's dunking ability quickly reached the maximum level. Regardless of whether the team has Nash or not, Sun Zhuo will fly.

In the game two days later, many people are still paying attention to the Lakers, because this time the Lakers' opponent is the Chicago Bulls. The Bulls have three rookies who just joined the NBA this year, one is Ben Gordon, one is Luol Deng, and one It’s Nocioni of the Argentina national team.

This is a big meal for "rookie harvester" Sun Zhuo!

More updates for the leader! I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival~ If you have a monthly ticket, please vote~

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