Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 188 Power Suppression

"You... who are you?" The young man sat on the ground and looked at Zhao Xu in horror. ..

"Of course it's a man! Hehe, can't you see that brother is a pure man?"

Zhao Xu raised his eyebrows and bent his arms to show his muscles, but he didn't expect this action to startle the young man, and he quickly backed away with both hands and feet.

"Just kidding, do you need to be so scared? Don't worry, I won't hurt you!" Zhao Xu's face collapsed, and he stepped forward helplessly to help the young man up.

Unexpectedly, the young man jumped up directly, Sa Ya ran away, and the other people watching by the side also scattered like frightened sparrows:

"Oh my god, the monster is going to kill someone!"

"Run, run quickly, what do I rely on you to drag me?"

"Nonsense, who told you to run in front of me, who else will you drag if you don't?"

"Oh, I've sprained my foot, my husband, come and help me... Damn, if you run away, I will know that your grandson is unreliable, so I will divorce you when I get back!"

The basketball court was full of people turned on their backs, the chaos was like flooding a mouse hole, everyone was afraid that they would be overtaken by "monsters" if they ran too slowly.

"Damn it, is it always that scary?" Zhao Xu rubbed his nose depressedly, only to see that those people stopped running after they ran out of the basketball court.

A group of people hid behind big trees, looking into the basketball court with their heads poking around.

Zhao Xu felt speechless for a while. Are these guys afraid or not? If you are afraid, just hide away and run outside the basketball court to be safe?

He helplessly shouted loudly: "Everyone, you'd better leave quickly, or it will be over when that guy wakes up, he is not as talkative as I am!"

"Brother, you'd better be careful of yourself, that guy has stood up." The young man who was the fastest runner just now stuck his head out from behind a big tree and yelled bluffing.

Suddenly, a sound came from behind, Zhao Xu's expression turned cold, and he turned around slowly, only to see Feng Tao standing up straight.


Feng Tao let out a beast-like roar, his scarlet eyes slowly swept around, and finally looked at Zhao Xu. An instinctive threat made his muscles tense instantly.


Are you afraid to do it? Zhao Xu narrowed his eyes and suddenly took a step forward.

Feng Tao, on the other hand, was like a lone wolf encountering a tiger, growling and took a step back. Although he acted instinctively, because of this, he was more sensitive to crises.

At this moment, he felt a terrible power from Zhao Xu, a power stronger than him.


Zhao Xu took another heavy step forward, and Feng Tao immediately backed away with a low growl like a dog. At the same time, his scarlet eyes looked around, as if looking for a chance to escape.

Suddenly, Feng Tao's body flickered, and he turned into an afterimage and rushed out of the basketball court.

Seeing this, the people hiding behind the tree immediately fled in horror, but a young girl was left far behind by the crowd because of a sprained foot.

Seeing this, Feng Tao rushed towards the woman like a hungry wolf.

"Ah, don't come here, don't come here!" The woman was frightened, her pretty face was so pale that there was no trace of blood, and she watched Feng Tao's palm about to pinch her neck.

At this moment, another afterimage shot out, knocking Feng Tao away with a "boom".

Who else but Zhao Xu could be faster than Feng Tao on the scene?

After the catastrophe, the girl was about to fall down, but suddenly, a strong arm wrapped around her slender waist.

"Is this considered a hero saving the beauty?"

Zhao Xu hugged the girl tightly, letting the bumpy body stick tightly to his body, feeling refreshed in his heart, but there was a cool smile on his face: "Beauty, are you okay?"

"No, it's okay!" Nuqiao blushed slightly, her watery eyes were full of shyness: "Thank you for saving me!"

"Don't worry, that guy can't hurt you with me around!" Zhao Xu smiled lightly, and his figure suddenly disappeared from the woman's eyes.

Feng Tao was knocked into the air more than ten meters away. Just as he was about to land, he suddenly flipped over, landed on all fours like a cat, and then bounced up again with momentum, swishing away into the distance.

But before he could take two steps, Zhao Xu had already blocked him like a shadow.

The trapped beast is still fighting!

Feng Tao knew he couldn't escape, so he finally unleashed all his strength. His back was bent like a bow, his right fist was tucked in his chest, and the next moment, with a whistling wind, he suddenly slammed into Zhao Xu.

"Haha, let's see how strong you are!"

Zhao Xu laughed, his muscles throbbing like a boa constrictor, as if a muffled thunder had erupted, and then he also punched him.


There was a dull impact, and the fists of the two were in a stalemate in the blink of an eye. Immediately afterwards, Feng Tao flew backwards in the air as if hit by a speeding truck.

On the other hand, Zhao Xu took a step back, then stagnated suddenly, and rushed out again the next moment, catching up with Feng Tao who was retreating in an instant.

"Haha, give me another punch!"

Zhao Xu laughed wildly, and while Feng Tao was roaring in horror, he punched Feng Tao hard in the chest.


There was a sound of thunder, and Feng Tao wailed, and his whole body was like a cannonball that was shot out. The speed of flying backwards was accelerated several times in vain, and he was directly thrown more than ten meters away, and tragically hit a big tree.


Immediately, the whole big tree was broken by the middle and crashed to the ground, while Feng Tao lay on the ground screaming, unable to get up for a long time.

Zhao Xu stood with his hands behind his back, a cruel smile pulled out from the corner of his mouth.

The girl next to her suddenly stared into starry eyes: "Handsome, really handsome! It would be great if he were her husband!"

Zhao Xu turned his head and showed a charming smile at the woman, who immediately spun like a fanatical star chaser and almost passed out with happiness.

At this time, the people who ran away just now thought it was all right, so they surrounded them cautiously. Zhao Xu frowned: "Everyone, don't come here, the matter is not resolved yet!"

"Didn't you beat that guy to death?" A young man asked.

"Death? How could it be that easy?" Zhao Xu shook his head and turned his gaze to Feng Tao. Only he knew best how much strength and recovery ability Feng Tao possessed with this strengthening pill.

Even the explosion didn't kill Feng Tao just now. Although he can suppress Feng Tao in terms of strength, it's not easy to kill him?

Sure enough, at this moment, Feng Tao suddenly groaned twice, then stood up again unsteadily.

He glanced at Zhao Xu with his scarlet eyes, then suddenly picked up the fallen tree next to him, threw it at everyone, and then fled quickly.

"Ah, help!" As everyone exclaimed, Zhao Xu's figure suddenly bounced up and appeared above the big tree in an instant.

At the same time, an amnesiac stick appeared in his hand, flashed white light at everyone, and then shot out of his body, quickly chasing after Feng Tao.

There was only a group of people left in a daze.


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