Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 189 Unexpected Surprise

In the urban area of ​​Dongjiang City, Zhao Xu and Feng Tao kept chasing and running one after the other. ..

I saw the figures of the two people tossing and moving around. One moment, the two were still fighting with fists and feet on the roof of the building, and the next moment they jumped down and galloped on the road.

A car was driving on the bus, and suddenly Feng Tao appeared on the side of the car, and then grabbed the bottom of the car with both hands and flipped it violently, and the nearly two-ton car was thrown flying out.

The car rolled in mid-air, and the driver screamed in terror.

The next moment, the rolling car stopped suddenly. The driver didn't know why, so he looked out, and saw a man with muscles all over his body lifted the car with ease and put it gently on the ground.

The driver wanted to see the person's appearance clearly, but it was just a blink of an eye, and the person had already disappeared.

"Superman, that must be Superman!" The driver patted his chest with lingering fear.

The two kept tossing and turning in the city.

Feng Tao ran almost recklessly, not caring about anyone's life or death at all.

Although Zhao Xu was faster and stronger than Feng Tao, but because he had to help Feng Tao clean up the mess and save people, he couldn't stretch his body at all, so he could barely maintain the status quo.

The two kept chasing each other like this, gradually ran out of the urban area, and came to the Broken Dragon Mountain outside Dongjiang City.

"Huh? Strange, why is this guy running up Broken Dragon Mountain?" Zhao Xu looked at Feng Tao who was running fast ahead, and gradually frowned.

He remembered the last time Mr. Mi ran into Broken Dragon Mountain after taking the strengthening pill, and now Feng Tao did the same thing. Is it just a coincidence, or is there something special in Broken Dragon Mountain that attracts them?

With this doubt, Zhao Xu did not rush to catch up with Feng Tao, but followed closely behind.

After a while, the two came to a steep cliff in the depths of Broken Dragon Mountain. Below it was a canyon as deep as two meters.

Standing on the cliff, Feng Tao seemed to sense something, and immediately jumped down.

"What the hell is this guy doing?" Zhao Xu appeared on the cliff in the blink of an eye. He looked down at Feng Tao who was falling rapidly, and he was full of doubts.

He was sure that Feng Tao was looking for something right now,

But here lies the problem. It stands to reason that Feng Tao should have acted instinctively under the effect of strengthening the potency of the medicine.

But now this guy's performance, no matter how you look at it, it seems that he still has a certain ability to think.

"It's inexplicable! Forget it, let's go down and have a look first!"

Zhao Xu didn't think about it anymore, and jumped down the mountain wall. During this period, his hands kept grabbing the raised rocks on the mountain wall to slow down, and he reached the bottom of the canyon after a while.

Feng Tao was still running ahead, and Zhao Xu hurriedly continued to follow carefully, trying not to make loud noises.

A minute later, Feng Tao finally stopped in front of an ordinary-looking mountain wall.

At this time, Feng Tao suddenly tore open a wound on his left shoulder, and then pulled out a chip the size of a mobile phone card from it.

As soon as the chip came out of Feng Tao's body, strange signals came out. Zhao Xu only felt dizzy for a moment, and then he woke up.

"This is……"

Zhao Xu was horrified that this was actually a chip that could affect brainwaves. He had complete sanity and was still affected by the chip at such a distance.

Feng Tao is irrational, and because he is so close to the chip, he must be more affected. It seems that he came here under the influence of this chip.

Thinking about Mr. Mi in the past, Zhao Xu couldn't help guessing in his heart: "Could it be that everyone in the Liberty League has a chip implanted in their bodies, and when they encounter danger, as long as they eat the strengthening pill, the chip will be activated, and then they will be guided to come back to the city. to here?"

"But what's the use of coming here?" Zhao Xu looked again in doubt, and suddenly his eyes widened.

Under the control of the chip signal, the ordinary mountain wall in front of Feng Tao suddenly opened like two doors, and six small planes only two meters long were parked inside.

Suddenly, the upper part of one of the small planes opened, revealing a long cabin inside, which could just accommodate a person lying inside.

At this time, Feng Tao inserted the chip into a small slot on the head of the small plane, and then lay down in it.

Immediately afterwards, the small plane closed again, and with a strong gust of airflow, the small plane slowly floated up, and the next moment, it rushed out of the mountain wall and flew into the sky.

"I'm going!" Zhao Xu was stunned, and quickly took out his mobile phone and threw it into the mountain wall. He believed that Zhong Zheng would be able to follow his mobile phone signal to track him here.

Good guy, there is actually such a "stopping airport" in our country's territory, not to mention who can guarantee that such a "stopping airport" exists in other places?

It seems that the Liberty Alliance is really plotting something wrong!

Zhao Xu didn't dare to delay, so he hurriedly made a flying backpack, soared into the air as soon as he spread his wings, and quickly chased the small plane, reaching an altitude of thousands of meters in a short while.

Zhao Xu chased the small plane and continued to fly west without causing any waves. This surprised him, knowing that the small plane must be made of special invisible materials.

Many countries in the world have stealth aircraft, but the so-called "invisibility" is not really invisible to the naked eye. It's just that the materials used in these aircraft can absorb electromagnetic waves and are difficult to be detected by radar.

In fact, the materials used to make up Zhao Xu's jetpack also have the property of invisibility. Otherwise, he would have been flying over the city in a big way, and he would have been spotted by the military's radar long ago. How could he be so happy?

Time passed minute by minute, one hour...hour...six hours...ten hours...

Zhao Xu followed the small plane all the time, and flew over Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, and finally flew from China to northern Africa, and came to a vast and boundless desert.

Here is the famous Sahara Desert.

Looking at the endless yellow sand and the heat waves rising from the ground, Zhao Xu really admired himself for having the patience to fly for more than ten hours.

At this moment, the small plane in front finally started to slow down, and then fell downward.

"Looks like we've reached the place!" Zhao Xu thought for a while, then quickly followed him down.

I saw the small plane landed on a sand dune, and then there was no movement.

Zhao Xu landed on another sand dune a few meters away, observed carefully for a while, and suddenly his ears trembled, as if he heard something.

So he mobilized his original energy to create a big hole on the sand dune, and buried himself in it. Then he made a periscope, stretched out of the sand dunes to carefully observe the surrounding movement...


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