Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 207 The Death of Jim

"Damn it, everyone should die!"

The stone splashed on Dr. Jim's head created a wound, and blood kept gushing out of the wound like a spring.

He fled the square, quickly got into an elevator, and descended towards the escape passage below the base: "My poor daughter, you died so badly because of that damn guy John, don't worry, I will definitely avenge you , I’m going to activate the self-destruct device and let him and the entire base be buried with you.”

After a while, the elevator door opened, and there was a huge hangar, in which dozens of small aircraft with a length of five to six meters were parked. In the distance directly opposite the elevator, there was a long escape passage.

Dr. Jim did not run away in a hurry, but turned around and came to a room on the left side of the elevator.

I saw a computer placed in this room. Dr. Jim came to the computer and quickly entered a series of instructions. Suddenly, a red box appeared on the computer screen, which read: "The self-destruct device is activated, counting down tens of seconds Let's start, ten, twenty-nine, twenty-eight..."

"Hahahaha, die, everyone!" Dr. Jim yelled crazily, and ten seconds passed quickly, followed by a violent vibration, and the walls of the room shook.

"John, so what if you have Iron Man armor, I don't believe you can withstand the explosive power of a small nuclear bomb, unless you can also enter the escape route, but the elevator has been blocked by me, how can you get down? Hahahaha , This is the price you paid for killing my daughter!"

Dr. Jim waved his arms with a ferocious face, and immediately took out a flight suit from the closet next to him. Now the base must be full of radiation from nuclear bombs, and this flight suit can just resist the radiation damage to the body.

He quickly put on the flight suit, then left the room and boarded a small plane. As the engine was started, a strong airflow suddenly spewed out from under the plane, and the entire fuselage slowly floated up.

"It's a pity that the secret key of the Holy Land has not been taken away in time. I'm afraid it has been destroyed by a nuclear bomb now?" Dr. Jim felt very regretful, shook his head helplessly, and was about to control the plane to fly to the escape route.

At this moment, a strange sound came from the top of the hangar.

"What?" Dr. Jim looked up suspiciously, his eyes widened in disbelief.

Suddenly, a big mouth opened weirdly on the top of the hangar, and then Zhao Xu, who was wearing Iron Man armor, slowly landed, and behind him was a Batman chariot floating.

" is this possible?" Dr. Jim was dumbfounded.

He really couldn't understand why the top of the hangar, which was originally intact, suddenly cracked a big hole? And why did Zhao Xu fly out of his mouth again?

Does the Iron Man armor have the function of burrowing? What are you kidding?

"Hey, Dr. Jim, where are you going?" Zhao Xu floated towards the plane with a strange smile, "I have to say, I really admire you for being so ruthless that you don't even let your colleagues go!"

"It's a pity that I couldn't kill you in the end! Just wait, I will come to you in the future." Dr. Jim gritted his teeth, and immediately moved the joystick. A strong stream of flames spewed out from the tail of the small plane, and flew into escape route.

"And in the future? Can you run away today?" Zhao Xu sneered, leaned forward, and chased after him in an instant.

In the escape route, small planes and Iron Man armor chased back and forth, and the jets of flames were like two streamers of light, one in front and one in back.


Suddenly, Dr. Jim felt the entire fuselage shake violently, as if something fell on the plane.

He immediately looked back, and saw Zhao Xu squatting on the fuselage in a leisurely manner: "No, how could you catch up with me so quickly? This plane is the fastest in the base, you..."


It was Zhao Xu who answered him with a fist that slammed on the plane. The armor made of aviation titanium alloy directly dented the top of the plane.

"I told you, you can't run today!" Zhao Xu said with a sneer.

"No, I don't want to die, please don't kill me!" Dr. Jim screamed in horror, and moved the joystick to throw Zhao Xu off.

It's a pity that no matter how the plane shakes, Zhao Xu still squats firmly on the top of the plane, as if stuck to it: "I'm dying, haha, I'm not interested in playing with you anymore, just die!"

Zhao Xu laughed, jumped up suddenly and got out of the plane, then stretched his hands in front of him, and the two beam cannons in his palms quickly lit up.

Dr. Jim was horrified: "No, don't kill me!"

The next moment, two streams of beams suddenly shot through the plane, leaving two black holes in the fuselage. Then Zhao Xu didn't even look at it, and suddenly accelerated to fly forward. The Batman chariot was tightly follow him.

In the rear, the plane is still flying smoothly, and it seems that the two streams of particle beams did not cause serious damage to the plane.

Dr. Jim was stunned and silent for a moment, and suddenly he looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "Hahahaha, it's okay, I'm not dead, okay, this is really..."


The next moment, his voice stopped abruptly, drowned in a huge explosion, and the plane exploded without warning, and the entire fuselage was directly blown into two pieces.


Due to the high speed of the previous flight, the plane that was broken into two pieces fell to the ground and rolled quickly in the escape channel. The violent vibration caused the explosion.

Immediately, the two planes turned into two rolling fireballs, illuminating the entire passage. Of course, Dr. Jim, who was inside, died long ago.

In front of him, Zhao Xu stagnated suddenly, turned around and looked at the two fire balls in a levitation: "It's finally solved, Holy Spirit, can you estimate how powerful the nuclear bomb explosion outside is?"

"Hehe, don't worry, Iron Man's armor and Batman chariot both have the ability to defend against radiation, so the radiation outside will not cause any damage to you and Qin Yinxue!" The Holy Spirit replied with a chuckle.

"That's good, let's take a shortcut and get out of here as soon as possible, I don't want to stay here for a second! Haha, let's go!"

Zhao Xu laughed, and the yellow manufacturing energy suddenly gushed out, opening a huge gap in the top of the escape tunnel, and then he and the Batman chariot rushed directly into it.

After a while, he had rushed out of the ground.

In the boundless golden desert, a huge mushroom cloud was slowly dissipating in mid-air. The scene was quite spectacular.

The surrounding air is filled with terrifying radiant light waves. I am afraid that starting today, this desert will really become a dead zone. Even many desert creatures cannot survive here.

"Fortunately, this is a desert. If it exploded in a city, how many people will be killed by this nuclear bomb?"

Zhao Xu shook his head and sighed. As soon as he turned around, he flew towards the distant sky...


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