Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 208 Zhao Xu and the Big White Pig

Africa, Nigeria. ..

Lagos is the former capital of Nigeria, and it is also the second largest city and the largest port city in Nigeria. There are many high-rise buildings in it, which look extremely prosperous.

As night fell, in a hospital located north of Lagos, the patients had already fallen asleep, and the whole hospital seemed very quiet.

Suddenly, a figure appeared at the door of the hospital.

This man's actions were very sneaky. If he hadn't carried a big white pig on his shoulders, people would definitely think he was a thief who came to the hospital to steal things.

big white pig?

What kind of person stays awake in the middle of the night and brings a big white pig to the hospital. Could it be that he wants to treat brother Bajie?

"You bastard, don't let people see you, otherwise people will misunderstand that you are crazy, and you actually go shopping in the middle of the night with a pig on your shoulders!"

Zhao Xu looked around furiously, and when he found no one around, he immediately jumped over the gate, and the afterimage of his body shot into a window of the outpatient building in an instant.

It has been five hours since the Freedom Alliance base was blown up. After Zhao Xu flew to Lagos with Qin Yinxue, he found a hotel and settled Qin Yinxue down.

Qin Yinxue woke up once two hours ago. As expected, she developed a strong dependence on the dream night, just like a drug addiction attack. The pain made Zhao Xu very distressed.

In desperation, Zhao Xu could only inject Qin Yinxue with a sedative to let her sleep peacefully.

Fortunately, the Holy Spirit finally found a way to cure Qin Yinxue, so Zhao Xu followed the Holy Spirit's instructions, found a big white pig, knocked him out, and then sneaked into the hospital to do some experiments.

"Hey, Holy Spirit, will your method work? You have seen how much Yin Xue was in pain just now. If she can't be cured, I will die of heartache!"

Zhao Xu avoided the hospital's surveillance cameras and arrived at the drug testing laboratory in a short while.

"According to the analysis, the success rate of this method should be more than 98 out of 10, but to ensure safety, I let you conduct animal experiments first!"

The Holy Spirit's tone seemed very confident: "You can rest assured that I have complete human body data in my database. I compiled a set of human body simulation programs based on these data, which can simulate the reactions of various drugs in the human body.

The accuracy rate reached 99%, and if you want to save Qin Yinxue, this is the only way now! "

"Oh, I hope you guys aren't bragging!"

Zhao Xu had no choice but to put the big white pig on the ground, and then took out two injections from his pocket, which contained two medicines, red liquid and green liquid.

Among them, the red liquid is Dream Night, which was extracted from Qin Yinxue's blood, and then copied by Zhao Xu with the power of manufacturing.

And the green liquid is the medicine used to treat Qin Yinxue.

These green medicines are not the antidote to the dream night, but a strengthening potion born out of the blue pill.

In fact, it is very difficult to find an antidote for things like poison, so it is very difficult for people who are addicted to drugs to quit.

Since the antidote could not be researched, the Holy Spirit thought of a way, which was to simply help Qin Yinxue strengthen her body.

One of the reasons why humans have a strong dependence on poison is that the body is not strong enough to resist the erosion of poison.

Think about it, one gram of Dream Night can make Qin Yinxue become dependent.

But what if Qin Yinxue's physique was as strong as an elephant?

That is also a gram of dreamy night, how much damage can it do to her?

Another example is Zhao Xu, according to the Holy Spirit's calculations, with Zhao Xu's current physique, let alone a gram of dream night, even if he injected a kilogram, it would be the same as drinking too much alcohol at most. Still refreshed.

So as long as Qin Yinxue's body is strengthened, it will naturally be able to resist the dreamy night.

But the only problem was that Qin Yinxue didn't create primordial energy and couldn't decompose the blue pill. If she took the blue pill directly, her only result would be to become an idiot, which was not what Zhao Xu wanted to see.

However, this is not a problem for the Holy Spirit. Although Qin Yinxue does not have the ability to decompose the blue pill, Zhao Xu can do it for him. He uses the original energy to decompose the blue pill into a new type of strengthening medicine, and then injects it into Qin Yinxue's body. .

Although the blue pill has many side effects, after being decomposed by the manufacturing element, a new type of strengthening agent is formed. At least for now, this new type of strengthening agent has not shown any side effects on Zhao Xu, which means It is safe.

Of course, considering that the new fortifying medicine might conflict with Dream Night, so before giving Qin Yinxue the injection, do some animal experiments first.

Then why not choose other animals, but choose the big white pig?

In fact, many people do not know that pigs are animals whose body structure is closest to that of humans. Apart from the external shape of the body, pigs are highly similar to the human body in terms of internal organ structure and size, fat composition, etc.

So pigs can be regarded as one of the most suitable animals for drug testing.

Human beings are the rulers of this world, and pigs are destined to be human food since they are born, but are these two species with completely different fates actually "close relatives" in some respects?

This world is really strange to weird!

Zhao Xu injected Dream Night into the big white pig, and then waited quietly.

After a while, the unconscious big white pig hummed, and the pair of slightly opened sexy eyes showed a blurred brilliance, obviously falling into hallucinations.

It's just that I don't know what kind of hallucinations will appear in its simple head, maybe...a group of big white sows?

"Hey, Bajie, I'm sorry, let me feel wronged first, it will benefit you later!"

Zhao Xu held his chin and carefully observed the reaction of the Dabai people. Every half an hour, he would draw a little blood from the Dabai pig and analyze it with the instruments of the drug laboratory to check the reaction of the dream night.

Time passed slowly, and just after the fourth hour passed, the big white pig suddenly began to convulse all over, rolling on the ground in pain, this is the manifestation of drug addiction on the dream night.

After waiting for a while, the Holy Spirit suddenly said: "Okay, let's inject a new strengthening potion!"

"Okay!" Zhao Xu nodded, forcibly holding the big white pig still, and then injected another green injection.

Soon, the big white pig gradually calmed down.

However, Zhao Xu felt a little strange. He remembered that when he was strengthened by the new medicine that was decomposed, he had a strong itching feeling in his body. At that time, he even thought of suicide.

But now the big white pig is really quiet, and it doesn't even feel itchy at all.

"Could it be that it's a pig, and my buddy is a human, with a different physique, so there's a difference in reaction?" Zhao Xu curled his lips, feeling that it was really awkward to compare himself with a pig.


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