Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 219 I like to be direct

Sure enough, there is no time for a woman to be jealous!

Zhao Xu rubbed his nose with a wry smile and asked, "Xin, who is going to kill you?"

"A guy named Matthew Fox!" Chu Xin gritted her teeth. ..

"This name sounds familiar!" Qin Yinxue frowned, and suddenly said in surprise: "Sister Xin, you are not talking about the current helm of the Fox family, are you?"

"Yes, that's him!" Chu Xin nodded,

Zhao Xu asked suspiciously: "The Fox family, what's their background?"

"The Fox family is a huge business family in the United States. Its business fields cover many industries. Most importantly, they are one of the largest arms dealers in the United States with strong financial resources. Many politicians in the United States are funded by them!"

Qin Yinxue paused for a moment, then said: "According to reliable sources, the several foreign wars launched by the United States in recent years were controlled by arms dealers, among them was the Fox family, which shows how much influence this family has in the United States power, and Matthew Fox is the current helm of the family!"

"You have such a big background?" Zhao Xu looked at Chu Xin in surprise, and asked, "Xin, why did you mess with this guy?"

"Some time ago, I was invited to a reception. Unexpectedly, when I was in the bathroom, I happened to see Matthew Fox carrying a woman's body away. At that time, I called the police and promised to testify in court!"

"So that woman must have been killed by Matthew Fox?"

"That's the problem. I only saw him carrying the corpse, but I didn't see him kill with my own eyes!"

Chu Xin smiled wryly and said, "During the police's questioning, Matthew Fox claimed that the woman was not killed by homicide. He just happened to see the woman's body. In order not to affect the normal progress of the reception, he wanted to quietly move the body out! "

"This reason seems a bit lame!" Zhao Xu touched his chin and said playfully.

"No matter what the reason is, anyway, Matthew Fox's huge legal team has a way to convince the judge that he is innocent by virtue of this, so there is no conclusive evidence that can do nothing for him, so the police continued to investigate, and finally found another Two witnesses, who were the waiters at the reception at the time, witnessed the murder of Matthew Fox with their own eyes, and then the police handed over the evidence to the prosecutor for prosecution!"

Chu Xin's face was pale: "Originally, the court was planning to officially start the trial in half a month! But I didn't expect that,

Just two days ago, those two witnesses were assassinated one after another. This incident finally caused a sensation, so they sent special agents to protect me! "

"Tsk tsk, murdering a witness, this Matthew Fox is really arrogant!" Zhao Xu narrowed his eyes.

"Don't be surprised, similar things happen almost every day!" Qin Yinxue said with a sneer: "Matthew Fox has ten thousand ways to prove that this matter has nothing to do with him. No one can do anything to him!"

"Then what should I do now? It seems that Matthew Fox is not willing to let me go!" Chu Xin's eyes were terrified, and what happened today really frightened her.

"Don't worry, since Zhao Xu has come, he will never let you have an accident!" Qin Yinxue smiled: "By the way, sister Xin, I heard that you have been nominated for the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, congratulations is you!"

"Sister Yinxue, stop laughing at me, I don't even have the mood to care about this now!"

Chu Xin smiled wryly and shook her head: "Agent Tony said that for my safety, he suggested that I not go to the Oscar party. Now I haven't decided whether to go or not?"

"Go, why don't you go?" Zhao Xu raised his brows and said domineeringly, "Don't worry, with me here, let's see who dares to touch a hair of yours!"

What kind of man is the most attractive?

Of course he is a confident and domineering man!

As a result, the eyes of the two women became blurred in an instant, and the delicate and charming appearance was really exciting.

Chu Xin thought for a while, then asked shyly, "Zhao Xu, what are you going to do about this?"

"I like to be direct. In a few days, I will go to see Matthew Fox in person and have a good talk!"

Zhao Xu narrowed his eyes, and a sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth: "But before that, I need to contact a few friends to see how powerful the Fox family is?"

In the next few days, everything seemed to be calm. Zhao Xu took this opportunity to contact some of the company's collaborators in the United States, and conducted some necessary investigations on Matthew Fox and the Fox family from the side.

Time passed by so slowly, and a week later, the Oscar Awards Gala was finally grandly opened under much anticipation. Many international stars gathered here, attracting the attention of countless people.

Accompanied by Qin Yinxue, Chu Xin went to the party, which was arranged by Zhao Xu. I believe that with Qin Yinxue's protection, no one can hurt Chu Xin, and he himself came to the northern part of Los Angeles alone. A luxury villa.

After being carefully watched, several bodyguards led Zhao Xu into the villa.

In the lobby of the villa, a middle-aged white man with brown hair was sitting on the sofa. This man was Matthew Fox, the current helm of the Fox family.

At this time, Matthew Fox was playing with a revolver, which was an artistic revolver with exquisite patterns carved on its surface.

When he saw Zhao Xu walking in, Matthew Fox sneered and said, "Mr. Zhao Xu, you are so brave. How dare you come to see me alone?"

"You're not here, so why didn't I dare to come?" Zhao Xu walked slowly to the sofa and sat down gently, while several bodyguards stood around the sofa, staring at him.

Zhao Xu shook his head amusedly: "Mr. Fox, you don't have to be so careful, you actually let these guys look at me, are you still afraid that I will kill you here?"

"It's always right to be careful!" Matthew Fox picked up the remote control on the side and turned on the TV, and saw that it was the Oscar Awards Gala.

At this moment, the stage of walking the red carpet was just underway. The celebrities were all dressed up in fancy dresses, and they raged around, attracting everyone's attention.

After a while, Chu Xin, wearing a blue evening dress, walked onto the red carpet.

"She's a beautiful woman!" said Matthew Fox suddenly.

"Yeah, it's a pity that even for such a beautiful woman, someone wants to kill her!" Zhao Xu licked his lips and looked at Matthew Fox: "Okay, let's stop talking nonsense and talk about how you want to solve the current situation situation?"

"If I say I must let Chu Xin die, what are you going to do?" Matthew Fox shook the revolver in his hand.

Zhao Xu smiled, but his eyes were extremely cold: "If you want to know what I should do, you can send another killer to try!"

"Threat me? Hehe, no one has dared to threaten me for many years!"

"Sorry, but you met one today!" Zhao Xu raised Erlang's legs slightly.

"It's better for young people not to show their sharpness!"

Matthew Fox's complexion changed, and he sneered, "It's okay if you want me to let Chu Xin go, but you have to pay a price. I want a super water-purifying fiber assembly line!"


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