Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 220 Strong oppression

"What, you want an assembly line of water purification fibers?"

Zhao Xu seemed to have heard the biggest joke in the world. His face was full of sarcasm: "As the helm of a big family, I think you should have some self-knowledge! You are not entitled to own everything in this world!"


Matthew Fox was so angry that his face flushed red, and his chest heaved violently. Whether he was the heir of the Fox family or the current actual helm, he had never been so underestimated. ..

"Young man, don't be self-righteous, you think you can control everything?"

He gritted his teeth and stared at Zhao Xu, and suddenly pointed at Chu Xin on the TV screen: "Do you think she is safe now? Do you believe that there is a sniper rifle pointed at her head, as long as I shoot her A phone call, and your little lover will be turned into a honeycomb?"

"Believe it, of course I believe it!"

Zhao Xu grinned, and suddenly approached Matthew Fox: "So do you believe that there are five sniper rifles pointed at your head now, as long as I make a gesture, you will also be beaten into a honeycomb?"

"What do you mean?" Matthew Fox's face changed wildly.

"Don't you know what I mean?"

Zhao Xu's eyes were cold, and he poked Matthew Fox's forehead with his finger: "Don't think that being rich and powerful means you can be unscrupulous, you are not the only one who can hire killers in this world, guns are not only for others I can kill you, too!"

Seeing that his boss was being threatened, several bodyguards around him were about to surround him, but suddenly there was a "crash", the glass of the villa was suddenly shattered, and a few of them passed through the window, almost hitting their heads and shooting into the ground.

A layer of cold sweat broke out from behind the bodyguards, and they didn't dare to move at once, but their eyes widened in horror.

"You really sent a killer?" Matthew Fox's face paled instantly, as if he could clearly feel that there was a black muzzle aiming at his head from nowhere at this moment.

He swore that he had never felt so clearly that he was on the verge of death like this moment.

"Yeah, since you can hire a killer, why can't I?"

Zhao Xu smiled brightly: "I don't know if the killers you hired cost a lot? Anyway, the ones I hired are very cheap, and each one costs 100,000 U.S. dollars.

I was wondering if I would hire 80 killers when I go back, and then ambushes at your door every day, hitting the windows of your house with bullets when I have nothing to do. What do you think of this idea? "

Matthew Fox seemed to have eaten a fly, and his face was extremely ugly: "The United States is a society ruled by law. It is against the law for you to hire a killer. As long as something happens to me, you will also be punished by law!"

"Hehe, do you still know the law?" Zhao Xu grinned and showed his white teeth: "But what evidence do you have to prove that I hired the killer? As long as you don't have evidence, even if you become a dog, you won't be able to kill me!"

"You crazy!"

"It's ugly. What I'm doing now is different from what you did to those two innocent witnesses and Chu Xin? If I'm crazy, then what are you?"

"You..." Matthew Fox gritted his teeth, and finally collapsed: "You won, and I will not trouble Chu Xin again. From today on, we will not make troubles!"

Zhao Xu sneered and said, "You seem to have made a mistake. The key now is not whether you will trouble Chu Xin, but whether I will let you go!"

"What on earth do you want, do you really want to kill me here?"

Matthew Fox was about to cry. He had never regretted it so much before. If he had known that he would attract a difficult guy like Zhao Xu, he would never have provoked Chu Xin.

"Hehe, everyone's life and death should be in their own hands!"

Zhao Xu smiled cunningly, and suddenly took the revolver from Matthew Fox: "It's really a good gun, I'll give you a chance to live, we play Russian roulette, as long as your luck is better than mine, today Naturally survive!"

So saying, he opened the revolver of the revolver, and poured out the six cartridges inside.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang..."

The bomb fell on the coffee table, and there was a crisp knock, but to Matthew Fox's ears, it was like a death knell, making his heart almost stop beating.

"Russian...Russian roulette?"

"That's right, this is a very fun game, show some courage like a man!" Zhao Xuji urged.

At this moment, the situation of the two of them seemed to be reversed, as if Zhao Xu was the bad guy, while Matthew Fox was just an unlucky ghost who was threatened by evil forces.

Poor guy, how did he know that Zhao Xu was just playing with him.


As a bullet was put into the wheel, Zhao Xu closed the revolver, then rubbed the wheel with his hands and spun it rapidly: "Hehe, do you come first or should I come first?"

"I, I..." Matthew Fox was completely frightened, his lips were trembling and he couldn't speak at all.

"Okay, you come first!" Zhao Xu handed over the gun in a good manner.

"No, no, no, I mean you come first!" Matthew Fox was about to cry, waving his hands non-stop.

"Then what are you'me, me' doing for a long time? I always thought you were more worried about you!" Zhao Xu curled his lips and aimed the gun at his acupoint.

Matthew Fox seemed to have grasped at straws, and suddenly his eyes were fixed on the revolver. He expected that the bullet would be in the first shot, and then Zhao Xu would be killed directly.

"Haha, what a stupid guy. He has clearly controlled the situation, but he still plays Russian roulette with me. He is looking for death. God bless, he must be killed by this shot!"

Matthew Fox prayed devoutly in his heart, but with the "click" sound of an empty gun, he was dumbfounded: "No, how could this happen? God, didn't you hear my prayer, why didn't you kill him? "

His eyelids jumped wildly: "It's my turn? Oh, dear God, you must bless me that there is no bullet in the second shot. Yes, I still have a chance. There is only one bullet, and it cannot happen to be in the second shot. I will never be so unlucky!"

Just as Matthew Fox was still comforting himself in his heart, there was another empty gunshot: "Crack!"

He looked up in astonishment, only to realize that Zhao Xu had fired a second shot at himself: "You... What are you doing?"

"It's nothing, I think you seem to be quite scared, so I want to relieve you a little pressure. I will fire the first five shots, and you will take the last shot. How about it, am I very kind?" Zhao Xu said with a smile on his face. .

Matthew Fox nodded vigorously, thinking: "God, is this guy stupid? The probability of five shots is much higher than the probability of one shot. It seems that I don't have to die today, haha!"


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