Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 235 The Powerful Prophet

In the icy hinterland of Nanzhou, icebergs stretch endlessly into the distance. This is a truly barren land. Only a few cold-resistant plants can survive here. Cold, lonely, and boundless are the true portrayal of this place. ..

Suddenly, a roar came from the endless underground, breaking the silence here.

The earth began to shake, and around a bottomless abyss, two icebergs stood shoulder to shoulder. At this time, waves of terrifying roars were coming from the abyss, as if a giant hell beast was raging and roaring.

The shaking on the ground became more and more intense, and terrible cracks began to appear on the two icebergs. Suddenly, five figures shot up from the abyss, with flames spraying from their feet and suspended in the sky.

They were the five judges including Jester.

"It's over, it's over!"

The first judge, Nicholas, had a sad face: "The headquarters of the Freedom League, which has been passed down for thousands of years, has been destroyed in our generation. Shame, this is a shame for all of us!"

The other four people also looked livid, staring fixedly at the bottom without saying a word.


Suddenly, there was another terrifying explosion, and the cracks on the two icebergs expanded rapidly, and then the entire iceberg began to collapse. Countless huge ice cubes fell from the icebergs and smashed into the abyss.

"Who is that?" Sean the first judge suddenly fixed his eyes and asked aloud.

In the abyss of the collapsed iceberg, a figure suddenly appeared.

This person is terrifyingly strong, and his movements are as swift as a monkey, constantly jumping in the abyss, or with the help of the abyss's mountain wall, or stepping on the falling boulders.

In a moment, he had rushed out of the abyss, and continued to run to the distance as fast as lightning.


The fifth inquisitor, Yale, widened his eyes and said in surprise, "What a powerful force, Jester, who is your subordinate and why is he so powerful?"

The other judges also stared at Jester: "Everything is strange today. Why did Alice go to Warehouse No. 10? Why did the Prophet escape? Also, what does this Victor have to do with these things? ? Jester, shouldn't you give us an explanation?"


Do you think I did all this? Bastard, am I so indistinguishable? My purpose is to seize the right to succeed the Prophet, but is it good for me to release the Prophet? Not at all, so absolutely none of this has anything to do with me! "

Jeste gritted his teeth and said coldly: "As for Victor, you really can't guess who he is now? Who else in the world has such a powerful sexual power now? Hmph, didn't you always want to kill him?" Absorbed into the tissue, as a test to study the potential of the human body?"

"You mean, he's Zhao Xu?" The other four opened their mouths in surprise, "Jester, I really didn't expect you to cooperate with him. Hasn't this guy always resisted joining the Freedom Alliance?"

"People's thoughts will change. He and I just get what we need. He provides me with an intelligent monitoring system to enhance my combat effectiveness, and I promise that the organization will not trouble him in the future!"

Jester waved his hand helplessly: "Okay, what's the use of saying this now? The most important thing for us now is to find a way, how to deal with the Prophet?"

"What else can we do, run for our lives, we can't be the prophet's opponent!" Yale didn't have any confidence in the current situation.

"Escape? Can we escape? The Prophet will hunt us all!"

Nicholas shook his head helplessly: "Let's meet up with that Zhao Xu first, he is not an ordinary person after all, maybe we can work together to fight against the Prophet, and I heard that Zhao Xu can always come up with some weird things. Powerful thing, our people have been planted in his hands more than once, maybe, he can have no way to deal with the prophet!"

In fact, everyone didn't have any hope for this. After all, they knew very well the power of the prophet, but they still flew towards Zhao Xu quickly on the principle that one more person would give them more power.

But at this moment, a figure glowing red rose from the ground and quickly approached the five of them.

"No, it's a prophet!" The five of them turned pale with shock, and immediately launched an attack at the same time.

I saw their hands turn metal parts one by one, turning into gun barrels one after another, and then ten small missiles shot out with screams, rushing towards the prophet.


Ten small missiles collided with the Prophet, and suddenly exploded into a ball of shocking flames, completely engulfing the Prophet.

But the five of them didn't show any excitement at all. Instead, they immediately turned around and ran away. They wouldn't be so stupid as to think that a few small missiles could kill the Prophet.

Sure enough, the next moment, the Prophet rushed out from the shocking flames of the explosion.

Red nuclear energy was shining all over his body, forming a strange magnetic field around his body, which interacted with the gravity of the earth, allowing him to fly in the air, and the speed was quite fast, almost in the blink of an eye, he caught up with Fei at the end Sean the first judge.

"Ah, Prophet, don't kill me, help, come and save me!"

Sean screamed in horror and kept asking Jester and others for help, but it was too late.

The Prophet's eyes were full of mad killing intent, and he instantly fell into Sean's arms. His right hand flashed a terrifying red nuclear energy, and it was directly inserted into Sean's chest. The Man of Steel couldn't hinder him at all.


Sean's chest was cut open, and the self-destruct device inside was actually pinched and exploded.


The scorching flames exploded in an instant, and with countless parts flying in all directions, Sean was directly blown into pieces, while the Prophet remained unscathed.

Seeing this, the four of Jester were terrified, and quickly sped up to escape. After all, Jester's strength has increased greatly and his speed has become faster, so he has already left the others behind in a moment.

The next moment, the Prophet had caught up with the man again.

People panicked and desperately poured all their weapons on the Prophet. Missiles and laser beams kept attacking the Prophet.

It's a pity that the speed of the missile was too slow to hit the Prophet at all, but the laser beam played a role.

After all, light is the fastest thing in this world, even at the speed of a prophet, it cannot escape the past.

But it's a pity that the laser beam emitted by the judge is not powerful enough, it can't penetrate the nuclear energy protection around the prophet at all, and can only slightly hinder the prophet's flying speed.

The Prophet was obviously very tired of this tickling attack, he frowned slightly, and suddenly said a word coldly: "Kill!"

The next moment, his figure disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Everyone's hearts were beating wildly, and they hurriedly searched for the trace of the prophet. Suddenly, everyone looked at Yale.

Yale realized something was wrong in an instant, and his face changed wildly, but before he could react, an arm had penetrated his chest from behind.

" is it possible?" Yale looked at the arm on his chest in disbelief, and the next moment, it exploded into countless pieces.


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