Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 236 Armor as Cabbage

It was terrifying, no matter in terms of speed or strength, the Prophet was far superior to the judge, but in less than a minute, the two judges, Sean and Yale, were already dead.

Standing on the iceberg in the distance, Zhao Xu watched the battle that lasted less than a minute, and felt his hands and feet were cold. This was the first time he felt fear of a person since he had superpowers.

With the power of the Prophet, perhaps only Jester, whose strength has been greatly increased recently, can barely resist.

But it was just barely resisting. Zhao Xu estimated that even if Jester faced the prophet head-on, he would definitely not be able to last long.

What's even more frightening is that although the prophet has become crazy, he is different from those enhanced people who have completely lost their minds and can only act on instinct.

The Prophet has the ability to think, which can be seen from the fact that he knows how to detonate a nuclear reactor and wipe out the entire base at once.

In fact, the current state of the Prophet is more like those psychopaths or serial killers on TV. Although they can think, they cannot control their thoughts of killing because of mental illness.

"Grandma, do you really want to be planted here today?"

Zhao Xu scratched his head vigorously and asked, "Holy Spirit, do you think there is any way to get rid of this guy? By the way, check the information downloaded from the base computer and see if you can find any clues about the prophet's weakness?"

"Don't think about it, there are only a handful of descriptions of the prophet in those materials. I advise you to escape as soon as possible, or you won't be able to escape after the prophet solves Jester and the others!" The Holy Spirit persuaded helplessly.

Zhao Xu gritted his teeth, and sighed secretly: "Unfortunately, I don't know how the Prophet was transformed into a human-shaped nuclear reactor, or else I would transform it myself, and not torture him to death?"

At this time, the battle in the sky changed again. After the two judges were killed, the Prophet flashed and appeared behind Jester in an instant. At the same time, his palm was like a knife, and he stabbed Jester directly. Back heart.

"not good!"

Jester was shocked, and immediately turned on all the horsepower. The flames under his feet were almost two meters long, and a huge force instantly pushed him up into the sky.


This is the first time the Prophet's attack has been dodged!

Jester's current strength is indeed much stronger than other judges!

But Jester himself is not proud at all,

If he could sweat, the sweat would have already soaked his clothes by now.


Jester's expression was cloudy and uncertain, and he finally gritted his teeth, spread a pair of wings behind his back, turned around and flew towards the distant sky, he didn't want to face the Prophet anymore, he wanted to run far away.

Without Jester, Nicholas and Staley were no match for the Prophet, but they were blown into two balls of fire by the Prophet in an instant.

Then the prophet looked around with cold eyes, and suddenly rushed towards Zhao Xu in the distance.

"I rely on it!"

Zhao Xu was so frightened that his eyelids twitched wildly. Without hesitation at all, he jumped into the air, and at the same time created the original energy to surround him like a storm, creating the iron man armor.

The next moment, he sprayed out four flames from his hands and feet, and chased after Jester who had already flown away with a howl.

However, although his flying speed was faster than that of the Judge, it was still far from being able to compare with Jester and the Prophet. So two minutes later, not only did he fail to catch up with Jester, but was chased closer and closer by the Prophet.

Seeing that the distance between the two of them was less than a thousand meters away, Zhao Xu was so anxious that he suddenly yelled, "Holy Spirit, let's fight hard, increase the propulsion power of the armor, don't worry about energy loss and damage to the armor, if it breaks, it's a big deal and we'll just rebuild it." set!"

"Understood! Haha, Iron Man's armor is so precious, you are the only one in the world who can use it as cabbage!" Holy Spirit shouted excitedly, and immediately changed the output power of the thrusters of Iron Man's armor.

The next moment, the flames sprayed out by Zhao Xu's hands and feet immediately became like a fire dragon, which was four meters long, and then he was pushed out like a shooting star by a huge force. It has been accelerated more than ten times out of thin air.

However, the price of such a burst of speed is that after only flying for more than ten minutes, the energy of Iron Man's armor has been completely consumed. At the same time, the armor itself was seriously damaged due to the strong kinetic energy of the rapid flight.

Zhao Xu's speed also dropped in vain.

But it didn't bother him, he saw that Iron Man's armor was quickly rejuvenated as the manufacturing energy surrounded his body, all damage was repaired, and the energy was filled.

Then the holy spirit turned on the output power of the armor with all its strength again, and Zhao Xu's speed increased rapidly again.

What the holy spirit said was right. Anyone who got something like Iron Man's armor had to treat it like a treasure, and only Zhao Xu could use it regardless of loss.

So the situation was reversed, and the Prophet was still the fastest among the people, but Zhao Xu, who was originally the slowest, surpassed Jester at this moment.

All of a sudden, the Taoist figure broke through the sonic boom and flew continuously in the sky at a terrifying speed. After a long while, it flew out of the range of the south and came to the sky over the Pacific Ocean.

People don't know that at this moment their flight has attracted the attention of detection radars from various countries.

In particular, their flying speed is faster than the most advanced aircraft in the world today, which has seriously aroused the nervousness of all parties.

Everyone wants to know, what is it that has such a terrifying flying speed?

A secret aircraft newly developed by a certain country?


So under the orders of the upper echelons of various countries, the satellites all aimed their observation angles at this part of the sky on the Pacific Ocean.

Everyone was shocked when they saw that the flying object turned out to be a humanoid object.

Especially after seeing Zhao Xu, countless people were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped to the ground: "Steel...Iron Man? God, haven't I woken up yet? Don't tell me this is a movie, crazy, I must be crazy!"

In a certain military base, a group of soldiers opened their mouths wide open, looking at the images on the big screen in disbelief.

A general with the rank of general had a serious expression on his face: "Who can tell me what's going on, and where did this guy come from?"

"General, judging from their flight trajectories, they should have flown from the south!" A lieutenant colonel said after looking at the data on the computer.

"Nan? Immediately send a reconnaissance plane to Nan to see what happened there?"

The general ordered, and then he looked at the others: "Everyone, what do you think of this guy?"

Everyone was silent, and they didn't dare to make judgments, but there was a young second lieutenant who hesitated to speak.

The general noticed the second lieutenant's expression, so he asked: "Second lieutenant, do you have any opinions? It's okay, just say it, I need various opinions to make a judgment now!"

"Yes, General!"

The second lieutenant stood at attention, and said a little embarrassedly: "General, I have no opinion on the other two guys, but Iron Man is a superhero in American movies. I wonder if this is a new type of weapon developed by the Americans, and then made it on purpose. Like Iron Man?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, this idea is really unique.


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