Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 237 The Food Delivery Fighter

While all countries were paying close attention, Zhao Xuren was still flying rapidly over the Pacific Ocean. .

After destroying a set of armor, Zhao Xu finally caught up with Jester, and the prophet was less than five meters away from them.

"Bastard, why are you flying in the same direction as me? We can always escape one by flying separately!"

Jester yelled angrily. He finally had a chance to escape. Unexpectedly, Zhao Xu attracted the Prophet here again. He even wanted to kill Zhao Xu now.

"Fart, fly apart, who knows if he's chasing you or me?"

Zhao Xu retorted without showing weakness: "And the old man flies faster than you, as long as he surpasses you, his target will definitely aim at you!"

Jester was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

He had heard a story about two people being chased by a bear in the forest, one of them took out his running shoes and put them on, and the other said contemptuously, "Dude, don't worry, you can't outrun a bear with your running shoes on! "

The first person proudly retorted: "Hey, idiot, I don't need to run faster than a bear, I just need to be faster than you!"

Jester felt like he ate a fly, and now he felt like that idiot!

Time continued to pass quickly, and after destroying two more sets of Iron Man armor, Zhao Xu finally had fun and left Jester behind.

And the distance between the Prophet and Jester was less than a meter.

At this moment, Jester twisted his figure, and suddenly flew towards the direction of the United States at a high speed. Sure enough, the Prophet followed suit.

Now Zhao Xu was safe.

But just when Zhao Xu was about to clap his hands and cheer, Jester's call request came from Iron Man's armor.

After connecting, Jester laughed wildly: "Zhao Xu, do you know where I want to lead the Prophet? Los Angeles, Hollywood, hahahaha, as far as I know, your girlfriend Chu Xin seems to be there, If you don't want her to be buried with me, you can obediently catch up and help me deal with the prophet!"

Zhao Xu's good mood disappeared immediately, and he yelled, "I bought a watch last year!"

Although Jester didn't understand what it meant, he also knew that it was not a good word, but he didn't care at all, and laughed triumphantly: "Haha, scold me,

Scold as much as you want, if you don't come, then look at me and Chu Xin, who will die first? "

"Damn bastard, you dare to threaten a woman, you Liberty League members are really embarrassing!"

Zhao Xu was furious, but he could never let Chu Xin go, so he could only turn around and quickly chase after the two of them.

Clouds pass by, and the wind howls around.

I don't know how long it took to fly, and finally entered the sky over California, USA, and continued to quickly approach Los Angeles.

At this time, the prophet was less than 20 meters away from Jester, while Zhao Xu was still about two meters behind them.

At this moment, there was a sudden roar from ahead, and then black dots appeared in the sky ahead, which turned out to be dozens of fighter jets.

Suddenly, Iron Man's armor received a call signal, opened it and listened to the inside saying: "...Warning, you have entered our country's airspace, please land immediately, otherwise we will attack you..."

It seems that the arrival of the people has aroused the high attention of the US government, so the air force was sent.

Zhao Xu's expression changed immediately: "A bunch of idiots, aren't they looking for death?"

Despite the fact that there are dozens of fighter jets in front of them, there is really no threat to Jester and the Prophet. These guys are simply dying in vain.

At this time, seeing that the people did not intend to land, after dozens of fighter jets warned again, they finally launched an attack.

Just hearing a scream cut through the air, dozens of missiles lined up in a dense formation and shot at people head-on.

But is it useful?

The speed of people at this time is more than 10,000 kilometers per hour. For them, the speed of these missiles is simply not enough to eat dust, not to mention the difference in agility.

So the two sides quickly approached, and then the people just passed through the dense formation of dozens of missiles with just a few evasive actions, and then continued to fly and shoot at the dozens of fighter jets.

Zhao Xu was so angry that he stared, and directly used the communication channel to say to the pilots of the fighter jets: "Get out of the way immediately, don't block those two guys, do you know who you are facing? Fighter planes, you just want to deal with them with a few broken missiles, you are sending yourself to death!"

But it's a pity that the two sides are now in a state of hostility. Of course, those pilots could not listen to Zhao Xu's words, so the next moment, dozens of missiles flew over.

"It's over!" Zhao Xu lamented, this is lighting a lantern in the hut, looking for death!

Sure enough, those missiles were easily avoided again, and then Jester and Prophet plunged into the middle of the fighter group.

Jester is fine, after all, he is running for his life. Although he was very unhappy with the attack of the fighter jets, he did not deliberately fight back, but when the two fighter jets passed by, he suddenly shot two laser beams, which penetrated the fuselage. Let the two fighter jets roll and fall to the ground with black smoke.

But the Prophet is not so easy to talk about. For him who is now focused on killing, the planes around him are like a living target for him.

I saw the prophet's body twisted, and suddenly began to spin rapidly like a top, and then streams of red nuclear energy were continuously shot out of him like sharp arrows.

All the fighter jets that passed by him were hit by these nuclear light streams, and then exploded one after another. Suddenly, there was a continuous explosion sound from the whole sky: "Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

Fortunately, the cabins of these fighter jets have escape ejection devices, and all pilots were ejected in time before the explosion.

Fortunately, the Prophet's target is still on Jester. In comparison, the energy level of ordinary people like pilots does not arouse his interest for the time being.

So instead of attacking the poor pilot again, he chased Jester and left the airspace quickly.

Of course, there were also some unlucky ones who happened to be ejected into the explosion flames of other planes. Fortunately, there was Zhao Xu here. Withstood the power of the explosion.

"Fortunately, no one is dead!" Zhao Xu breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately continued to speed up the pursuit. Of course, when he left, he did not forget to turn the steel armor around those unlucky guys into ashes, otherwise these guys would not even be able to pull out the parachute open.

This delay had opened the distance between Zhao Xu and the two people in front, but he was not in a hurry at all.

Because the Prophet was about to catch up with Jester, once the two of them fought, the flying speed would definitely drop, and he would naturally be able to catch up with the two of them easily.

Sure enough, not long after, there was a sudden explosion in front, and Jester and the Prophet finally fought.


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