Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 238 Super Assistant

In downtown Los Angeles, there are countless high-rise buildings, and the streets are full of traffic, creating a bustling scene. .

But at this moment, no one cared about the prosperity around them. Everyone raised their heads and widened their eyes, staring at the sky above in horror.

Vaguely, people can see two figures fighting fiercely in the sky, and violent roars continue to erupt:

"Who are those two people?"

"Superman, must be Superman!"

"No, I said it was The Matrix, haha, I knew that our world is actually in the network!"

"Aren't you crazy? You still have the heart to talk about movies at this time? This is the real world. Have you ever thought about the consequences if those two guys suddenly came to the ground to fight?"

"It's really scary. Who are they? Are there really supermen in this world? I can't imagine how much damage they would cause if they fought in the city?"

People talked a lot, some people were happy, some people were frightened, but no matter what, at this moment, people in the whole Los Angeles were watching the fierce battle happening above...

In the endless sky, the figures of Jester and the Prophet kept colliding, and there were deafening bangs.

Jester's combat power was indeed much stronger than other judges. Although he was completely at a disadvantage, he had persisted for five or six minutes under the prophet's attack, and he was still not completely defeated.

The battle between the two is more of a physical confrontation.

Jester knew very well that things like guns and missiles were too slow to attack the Prophet. The only weapon on him that could work against the Prophet was the laser beam.

So he can only use his steel body to resist the prophet's attack, and then counterattack with laser beams from time to time.

However, ordinary laser beams cannot penetrate the nuclear energy protection layer around the prophet. If he wants to hurt the prophet, Jester must adjust the power of the laser beam to the maximum, but in this way, the energy in his body will be consumed. quick.

Fortunately, Zhao Xu finally arrived at this time.

Zhao Xu had never been on the battlefield close to the two of them, but was suspended meters away, using beam cannons or laser cutting devices from time to time to harass the Prophet so that he could not attack Jester wholeheartedly.

At the same time he also shot a blast of primordial energy,

It enveloped Jester's body, and reminded with a communication signal: "Jester, don't worry about energy loss, attack with all your strength, and I will help you replenish energy!"

"Are you kidding me? There is no energy transmission device here, how can you replenish energy for me?" Jester didn't believe Zhao Xu's words at all, but immediately after, his eyes widened in disbelief.

Because he felt that in a moment, the energy in his body was full again: "How did you do it?"

"Don't talk nonsense, ask me if you have time, you might as well put your mind on fighting the prophet, or you won't know how to die in the end!" Of course, Zhao Xu would not say anything about creating primordial energy.

The battle was still going on, and with Zhao Xu's help, Jester could maximize the power of the laser beam regardless of energy loss.

At this moment, the Prophet suddenly shot a burst of red nuclear energy, directly cutting off Jester's left hand.

"It's over!" Jester was terrified. Losing an arm would reduce his combat effectiveness by at least 20%, which would make the already passive combat even more dangerous.

But in the next moment, Jester's eyes widened, because he found that the severed left hand grew back inexplicably: "What's going on?"

Suddenly, he looked at Zhao Xu, guessing that this must have something to do with Zhao Xu.

"How the hell did this guy do it?"

The strange situation made Jester extremely horrified. At this moment, in his opinion, Zhao Xu was even more terrifying than the Prophet, because he suddenly realized that since Zhao Xu could easily repair his body, wouldn't that mean he could treat him at will? His body wreaked havoc?

This kind of thing was terrifying. If it was normal, he would have killed Zhao Xu immediately, but now, he could only rely on Zhao Xu to fight against the prophet.

But that's good too, with Zhao Xu's ability to repair, he can completely disregard physical damage and use his life to fight against the prophet.

So under Jester's almost desperate counterattack, the battle was stalemate for a while.

At this time, the sound of rotors suddenly came from around, and more than a dozen military helicopters were seen flying from afar.

However, the helicopter did not dare to approach Zhao Xuren, and hovered in the air when there were still a few meters away.

Zhao Xu's heart moved, and he suddenly said, "Holy Spirit, help me connect to their communication frequency!"

"Okay!" The Holy Spirit quickly connected the communication frequency.

"Hello, Steel...Iron Man!" The other party obviously didn't know how to address Zhao Xu.

But Zhao Xu didn't care about this, and said directly: "The situation is urgent, so we don't need to talk nonsense. I want to talk to your senior management, and I hope you can contact me as soon as possible!"

"Okay, wait a moment!"

In a certain military base in the United States, countless soldiers are busy, and report various situations and data to several generals standing in front of the big screen from time to time.

On the big screen, it was the scene of Zhao Xuren's battle.

At this time, the big screen was suddenly divided into two parts. The left part was still fighting, while the right part was Zhao Xu alone.

"Hello, Iron Man, I'm Admiral Stewart!" said one of the generals.

"Hello, Mr. Admiral!"

Zhao Xu nodded: "I won't be nagging at this time, Mr. General, those two guys who are fighting are people who don't care about the life and death of ordinary people. If they are allowed to lead the flames of war to the ground, they will definitely There have been many casualties, so I hope you will cooperate with me, and I have a way to solve the current situation!"

"Why should I trust you? How do I know that you won't have any ill intentions towards us?" Admiral Stewart asked cautiously, "I think you might be able to tell us your identity, so that we can trust you!"

"I think you guys got one thing wrong. It's not me who is in danger now, but ordinary people in Los Angeles. To be honest, if I try to run, it's impossible for the two of them to catch up with me, but that way, no one will Then control their battle, I want to ask, Admiral Stewart, are you willing to pay the price of your life for your people?"

Seeing the hesitant faces of several generals, Zhao Xu continued to increase his weight: "I think you all saw clearly the confrontation between those two guys and your fighter group just now. You should realize that conventional weapons can't hurt them at all. Unless you dare to release a large nuclear warhead over Los Angeles!"

"But even then, it may not be able to kill the guy who is glowing red, because he uses a kind of nuclear energy, and he can completely absorb the energy of a nuclear warhead, so if you want to solve the current situation, there is no other way! "

Zhao Xu said decisively: "You have only two choices, either, release a nuclear warhead over Los Angeles, but it may not kill us personally, but the nuclear radiation will bring disaster to the entire Los Angeles, or you have to follow me Cooperate, let me take care of those two guys!"


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