Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 269 We are destined to lead the world

The largest conference hall in Shengtang Research Base is already full of people.

Except for the management and ordinary staff of the base, all of these people are scientific researchers, and each of them is an influential figure in their respective research fields, especially the gray-haired old people sitting at the front. The top Ketai Dou in China.

At this moment, all eyes were on Zhao Xu on the rostrum.

Today is the first plenary meeting after the establishment of the Shengtang Research Base. Everyone is looking forward to what the young man who founded the Shengtang Research Base will say.

After a few opening remarks, Zhao Xu turned to the main topic: "Everyone's time is precious, so we won't talk nonsense, but before the official start, I have a small gift that I want to give you first !"

As soon as he waved his hand, there were staff members who started to hand out things to everyone with boxes, only to see that those boxes contained things that looked like buttons.

When everyone got their things, Zhao Xu smiled slightly and said, "This little thing is called a button-type light curtain projector. I specially designed it to make it easier for everyone to use the base LAN. You can stick it on your chest. Then click to activate it!"

Everyone was so curious that they pressed the buttons on their chests one after another. The next moment, they saw a gleam of light shooting out from the buttons, forming a computer-like light curtain in front of everyone.

The light emitted by the light curtain is very soft and does not cause glare.

"I know that every minute and every second of scientific research is extremely precious, but sometimes we have to spend a lot of time looking up information in order to figure out a problem, so I prepared this button-type light curtain projector for everyone !"

Zhao Xu himself put a button on his chest, opened the light curtain and continued: "Everyone, please see, this is actually a portable computer. It is operated by touch screen, which is very convenient. With it, in the future, as long as you In the base, everyone can look up various materials through the local area network anytime and anywhere, without having to go to the reference room!"

The scientists nodded in praise. For them, this button-type light curtain projector is indeed a good thing, which can help them save a lot of time.

"Hehe, let's get down to business now!" Zhao Xu smiled: "I believe everyone should be satisfied with the equipment in the research base, right?"

A young researcher who looked very lively immediately replied happily: "It's more than satisfied, boss, you are amazing, you can get back so many advanced equipment, and most of them, we always thought they were just in sci-fi movies,

Ever since I came to the base, I always thought that I had entered heaven! "

The other researchers laughed loudly and echoed:

"Yes, the equipment here is really advanced!"

"My favorite is the full-environment simulation platform. My God, it can perfectly simulate various natural environments. With it, we can complete many experiments in the laboratory in the future, without having to go to the Go outside!"

"That's nothing. I think the best one should be the gravity converter. It can actually create an environment with double the gravity. It's really cool. I always thought that this thing only exists in novels! "

"No, no, I would say that the most powerful one should be the dark matter capture instrument. My God, the research on dark matter in various countries is still in the exploration stage. We can already capture dark matter here, and we can also make it Existing in our lab for more than ten minutes is incredible!"

The more the researchers talked, the more excited they became, and even the steady old scientists all smiled.

"Hehe, it seems that everyone is really satisfied!" Zhao Xu waved his hands with a smile: "But I can tell you that among all the things I got back, these advanced equipment are not the most precious!"

"What, there is something better?" The researchers' eyes widened suddenly, and the veteran scientists even shouted: "Tell us, what good thing is there?"

"Actually, I uploaded the things to the LAN of the base before the meeting, and now everyone just needs to go to the database to look it up, and you can see what the good things I said are?" Zhao Xu said with a smile.

"local area network?"

Everyone froze for a moment, and immediately began to manipulate the light curtain in front of them, and opened the database of the base. The next moment, everyone became dumbfounded:

" this?"

"Research results, these are all research results that surpass modern technology, and there are huge amounts of research data!"

"Look at what this is, the manufacturing process of nanorobots, my God, is it possible to manufacture real nanorobots now?"

"Super memory deformable metal, my god, this is a super memory metal that can really deform!"

"Higgs Bose's research data, Buddha, this is the legendary God grain, someone has already researched it to this extent?"

"The design data of the first generation of spaceships, I have to go, is this true or false, if this thing is perfected, we can really sail long distances in the air?"

The amazement of the crowd was beyond words. They thought that a large amount of advanced scientific research equipment was already unimaginable, but they never expected that Zhao Xu would surprise them again today.

"Chairman, can we check all these materials in the future?" A researcher almost jumped up excitedly.

"Yes, but some materials are classified as top secret and require higher authority to view. I hope everyone understands!" Zhou Xu said with a smile.

"Understood, we understand!" Everyone nodded quickly. Most of them are scientific researchers sent by the state, and they still have a strong sense of confidentiality.

"Hehe, in fact, those who can enter the Shengtang Research Base already have very high authority. Everyone can refer to most of these materials. Of course, they must not be leaked to the outside!"

"In the next few years or even decades, these scientific and technological achievements will be applied in various aspects. I probably divided all the scientific and technological achievements into parts. The first part is the top scientific and technological achievements, accounting for about one-third of the total. , these achievements will not be practically applied for at least a year, so they will only be used as reference materials for scientific research!"

"The second part accounts for nineteenths of the total. I call this part military scientific and technological achievements. As the name suggests, we will cooperate with the military on this part of scientific and technological achievements in the future, which will quickly enhance our country's military strength!"

"As for the last part, which accounts for about fifty-eight percent, these can be directly transformed into civilian use. In the next few years, I will choose for this part of civilian scientific and technological achievements in China, and even in the whole world. Appropriate partner company to develop together!"

"And this last part will bring us immeasurable funds. I say this to tell everyone that in future research, as long as it is not deliberately wasted, you don't have to worry about funding issues at all. My request is that everyone should Put all your thoughts into the development of advanced technology!"

Zhao Xu straightened his body and said loudly to everyone in a heroic tone: "Having these materials, it can be said that our Shengtang Research Base has stood at the forefront of the world, but are we satisfied with these?"

"No, I want to say that it is always shameful to stand still. I hope that everyone will not slack off. We must develop more advanced technology based on the existing achievements. I believe that as long as we are willing to study and work hard, we will never Not only now, but in the next decades, years, or even thousands of years, we can still lead the technological development of the whole world!"  …

Facing Zhao Xu's rhetoric, the scientists applauded excitedly.

That's right, the advanced technology brought back by Zhao Xu has already made us stand at the top of the world, but are we going to stand still?

No, such thinking is shameful!

Everyone has dreams, and so does every country. We must make our own efforts to make China Ming the leader of the entire world forever in the countless years to come.

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