Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 270 The Powerful Shen Haonan

The first plenary meeting of the Shengtang Research Base was successfully concluded. With Zhao Xu's instigation, the scientists quickly re-invested in their research work. Everyone's enthusiasm became even higher, and everything in the base was improving. direction of steady development. ..

Zhao Xu, who was free, paid attention to the news every day.

In the chairman's office of the base, Zhao Xu was watching TV boredly alone, and the controller in his hand kept changing channels: "Holy Spirit, there has been no movement for so many days, it seems that no one was infected with the dead zone virus on that small island at that time! "

The dead zone virus has an incubation period of one week, and erythema will start to appear after a week, and fever will start a few days later, and even during the incubation period, the dead zone virus can still spread continuously, so if an outbreak occurs in a short period of time, a large number of people will have the same symptoms symptom.

Zhao Xu has been paying attention to the news from all over the world these days, but now more than half a month has passed, and there is no report on the news, showing that there are a large number of people with red spots, so it is basically certain that the dead zone virus has not been spread.

The voice of the Holy Spirit sounded: "This is the best, the dead zone virus is powerful, I guess if it really spreads, you may be the only one in the world who will be fine!"

"No way, is it really that powerful?" Zhao Xu opened his mouth in surprise: "Snow Song has also been strengthened. Could it be that her physique can't resist the dead zone virus?"

The holy spirit said heavily: "It's very difficult. Although Qin Yinxue's physique is also very strong, it is still far behind yours. I guess if she can't find a cure, she may be able to last longer than ordinary people. , but in the end the disease is still inevitable!"

"I really can't figure out how anyone in the world would study such a perverted thing. If this thing really broke out, wouldn't it be the same as the end of the world? Forget it, anyway, it seems that no one is infected now, so there is no need to think too much !"

Zhao Xu shook his head, got up and walked out of the office.

The Holy Spirit's voice suddenly became a little teasing: "Are you really going to take Qin Yinxue home these few days?"

"Yeah, I even asked for marriage, so it's time to meet my in-laws, and since we both have time these few days, I have to go to their home to meet my father-in-law and mother-in-law!"

Zhao Xu scratched his head suddenly: "Thinking about it gives me a headache. I heard that seeing my father-in-law for the first time is a scary thing for every man, and I haven't figured it out yet. What should I prepare when I go?" Gift, oh, holy spirit, can you give me an idea?"

"Me?" The Holy Spirit was silent for a moment, "I'm sorry, there is no information about how to meet my father-in-law in my database.

So there is nothing I can do! "

"I knew it was useless to ask you, alas, the human world is really complicated!" Zhao Xu sighed helplessly.

When Zhao Xu was worried about how to go to see his father-in-law, he didn't know that when he was on that small island, he found that the people at the base were indeed not infected, but those people took away the only remaining copy from the small island. Dead domain virus samples.

United States, New York.

More than a dozen black commercial vehicles stopped at the door of a building, and dozens of men in black suits got out of the vehicles. These men were all strong and expressionless, and their eyes were like knives. They scanned the surroundings, and they were not ordinary characters. .

One of the men was holding a silver lockbox in his hand. The handle of the lockbox was handcuffed to his wrist, obviously there was something important inside.

The man looked around vigilantly, then walked directly into the building, and the others followed immediately, surrounding the man for protection.

Everyone sat in the elevator, and arrived at the tenth floor of the building in a short while, and saw a group of scientists in white coats, already waiting at the door of the elevator.

The leading scientist was an old western man with white hair. When he saw the elevator open, he immediately greeted him: "Hi, Colonel James!"

"Hello, Dr. Tom!" The man holding the box nodded calmly: "I have brought the things, I hope you can analyze them as soon as possible!"

"Please follow me!" Dr. Tom led everyone to a laboratory, and then Colonel James unlocked the handcuffs and put the silver lockbox on a table.

Enter the password, open the box, and there is a sealed glass tube inside, and some purple liquid is stored in the glass tube.

"Is this the dead zone virus you got from the Liberty League?" Dr. Tom gently picked up the glass tube and looked at it obsessively like looking at a beautiful woman.

"Yes, we were in that base at the time and got two samples of the dead zone virus. Unfortunately, one of the samples was shattered due to an accident. Fortunately, we were all wearing protective clothing and destroyed the base with incendiary bombs in time, otherwise The virus may well have broken out in the world by now!"

Colonel James said with lingering fear, then opened the lower layer of the lockbox, and took out two USB flash drives from inside: "Here is the dead zone virus data we downloaded from the base, but unfortunately we only downloaded part of it due to haste at that time, I hope you can it works!"

"Okay, we'll leave the rest to us!" Dr. Tom carefully put the sealed glass tube back into the lockbox, and then took the USB flash drive.

Just when Colonel James was about to bid farewell to leave, suddenly, a chilling voice sounded in the laboratory: "Hehe, the last copy of the dead zone virus is indeed here with you!"

Everyone was shocked, turned their heads quickly, and saw a person standing outside the laboratory window.

No, to be precise, he was suspended in mid-air.

This is an oriental young man in his twenties. He is well-dressed, and there is a cruel evil look on his face, which makes him not handsome, but looks like he has a unique charm.

If Zhao Xu were here, he would have recognized at a glance that this young man was Shen Hongtu's son, Shen Haonan.

At the beginning, Shen Haonan was beaten into a vegetative state because of the strengthening potion given to Zhao Xu. Later, after Shen Hongtu and Feng Tao reached a deal, Shen Haonan was sent to the Freedom Alliance for treatment.

It's just that I don't know why he appeared here, and he obviously possesses such a powerful force that he can levitate out of thin air?

"Who are you?" Everyone was shocked, and James and a group of men even took out their pistols and pointed them out of the window.

"Why are you so excited, do you think the pistol will work on me?"

A sneer appeared on Shen Haonan's face, and suddenly, his whole body emitted a hot red light, which directly melted a big hole in the window and wall in front of him, and then slowly drifted into the laboratory.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang..."

Horrified, James and the others immediately pulled the trigger, and saw countless bullets flying towards Shen Haonan, but when they got close to him, they were all vaporized by the red light.


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