Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 34 Gecko Gloves

The six terrorists were getting closer and closer. Zhao Xu could only feel anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

"Grandma, if only I was really Spider-Man!"

Zhao Xu cursed anxiously, and suddenly his heart lit up as soon as he said the words, that's right, wouldn't it be enough for me to become Spider-Man?

Spider-Man can not only spray spider silk, but also has a strong climbing ability. The mere cliffs are nothing to Spider-Man.

But Spider-man's climbing ability was mutated, but although the original energy was magical, it still couldn't transform the living body. Of course, it was even more impossible for Zhao Xu to mutate.

But Zhao Xu couldn't be bothered. With his extensive knowledge, he was able to solve this problem.

Zhao Xu remembered that he had read a book called "The Amazing Animal World", and a part of it was devoted to the climbing ability of geckos.

From ancient times to the present, countless people have been curious about the climbing ability of geckos, and many people have conducted research, but no one has found an accurate answer.

It was not until the 1960s that the secrets of geckos were truly solved by scientists.

Scientists have discovered under a microscope that there are millions of tiny bristles on the soles of the gecko's feet, and the tips of these bristles branch out into hundreds of finer hairs, which look like small brushes .

These "small brushes" greatly increase the area of ​​the gecko's feet. When the gecko climbs on a rough wall, the countless hairs on the "small brushes" can fill the small pits on the wall surface, creating a van der Waals force.

The so-called van der Waals force is a kind of attraction that occurs between molecules. The van der Waals force generated by one fluff may be insignificant, but the force generated by billions of fluff is enough to make the gecko firmly adhere to the wall. superior.

Nowadays, some scientists have used the principle of gecko climbing to create gecko gloves. In the movie "Mission: Impossible 4", Cruise also used gecko gloves to climb steep buildings. Wouldn't it be easy to get rid of terrorists with gecko gloves?

Thinking of this, Zhao Xu became excited, and immediately sank his consciousness into the primordial energy spar. With countless orange rays of light surging, the manufacturing primordial energy condensed into tiny silk threads and began to build the model of gecko gloves.

And what Zhao Xu built was not only gloves, but also foot covers. In this way, both hands and feet could be used hard, wouldn't the climbing speed be faster?

Gradually, the model of a pair of gecko gloves was completed first, which looked like the soles of a frog's feet, with five fingers spread wide. Zhao Xu's consciousness could clearly see countless tiny fluffs on the gloves with the help of his manufacturing power.

Immediately afterwards, the original energy spar began to build the model of the glove. At the same time, Zhao Xu manipulated the original energy to make gloves directly on his hands.

With streaks of orange light rippling on the palm, in less than a minute, a pair of fan-sized gloves had been manufactured.

"Try the effect now!"

To be on the safe side, Zhao Xu wrapped the spider silk around himself first, so that even if he let go of his hands, it would not fall off.

He raised his hands, stuck a pair of gecko gloves on the rock wall, and then exerted force with his arms, transferring the weight of his body to the gecko gloves, so that the spider silk on his body would no longer be strenuous, and the gecko gloves were still firmly attached. On the rock wall, there is no point of falling.

However, such a large adsorption force,

It is not easy to take off the gloves, which still has to learn from the gecko's method.

Every time a gecko lifts its foot, it first curls the tip of its toe back. This is like tearing off the tape. The tape cannot be torn off as a whole, but it is quite easy to pull off a corner first, and then tear it down.

When the original energy spar was building the model, the glove was filled with elastic metal sheets, and a trigger device and a battery as an energy source were also designed on the back of the glove.

Zhao Xu gently arched the back of his hand and pressed the trigger device on the back of the glove. The elastic metal sheets in the glove immediately curled up under the action of the current. First the fingertips of the glove were rolled up, followed by the whole The glove is naturally detached from the rock wall.

"It's done, I'm such a genius, mortals, you just obediently submit to my feet, hahahaha!" Zhao Xu laughed triumphantly, flattering himself shamelessly.

Of course, he was even more amazed at the wonder of the original energy spar. This original energy spar is really like an exquisite smart computer, which can perfectly construct the item model according to his vision.

The terrorists who were struggling to climb below were startled by the laughter, and looked up one after another. They all opened their mouths in disbelief, and saw Zhao Xu above him doing pull-ups coquettishly.

The terrorists' eyes widened, staring at the pair of huge gloves. They couldn't figure out where Zhao Xu got such an advanced thing?

Zhao Xucai didn't care what they thought. At this time, the model of the gecko's feet was also built. He immediately made them on his feet, and then moved four "frog feet" to climb up quickly.

Although it looks weird, I have to say that these four "frog feet" are indeed effective. Zhao Xu can use his hands and feet to use his strength. The ease is almost as good as climbing stairs, and the climbing speed is of course several times faster. After a while, they climbed to the top of the rock wall, and at this time, the six terrorists had only climbed halfway.

"Haha, what the great man said is true. Science and technology are the primary productive forces. A group of simple-minded and well-developed cowards actually want to catch me. You deserve it for being exhausted!" Zhao Xu grinned.

He suddenly waved his hands, and an orange light instantly reduced the gecko's gloves and footmuffs to ashes, and then the light continued to flash on the ground.

When the light disappeared, he was like a fox, tiptoeing carefully down the cliff, his movements were weird, he was still walking forward in the last step, but he stepped to the right again in the next step, it looked like there was something on the ground. What kind of trap, as if I was afraid of stepping on it.

The six terrorists were sweating profusely, and finally climbed up the cliff after a while. They looked at the boy who was walking leisurely under the cliff, and they jumped up and shouted:

"Boy, don't run away!"

"Damn it, don't let me catch up with you, or I will tear you apart today!"

"I'm so pissed off, everyone chase after him, don't let that kid run away!"

The six people were in a state of desperation, shouting and ran down the cliff, but within two steps, a strange sound suddenly came from under their feet.

This sound is too familiar, it is the sound of a landmine being triggered.

The six people burst into tears, and couldn't figure out why there were landmines here?

They suddenly discovered that ever since Zhao Xu was brought back, they had been inexplicably unlucky. The team members died one by one, and now they themselves stepped on landmines. This is ten thousand times more unlucky than drinking cold water between their teeth .

"God, did you send this kid to punish us?"

The terrorists were speechless to ask the sky, but suddenly found that a grenade appeared strangely in the midair. They could see clearly that this grenade was gradually formed bit by bit, and the scene was like magic in a movie.

Suddenly, the safety tab of the grenade disappeared inexplicably, and then the safety shrapnel broke off, and the grenade fell to the feet of the terrorists with a "clang".

"This..." The incredible scene made the six people dumbfounded.

How could a grenade be generated out of thin air?

And where did the landmines we step on come from?

Did we really see God, but God is merciful, why would he bomb us with landmines?

The six people felt that their eyes were gloomy, and their whole life was full of sorrow!

They looked up into the distance, and saw that nasty boy was waving goodbye to them, his smile was so hateful: "God, let's strike him dead with a thunderbolt, compared to him, we are kind Good man!"


The next moment, the grenade caused the landmine to explode, and the huge roar instantly resounded through the sky, and the roiling heat wave spread in all directions. A section of the entire cliff was cut off, and countless debris flew into the sky, and then fell to Below the rock wall...

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