Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 35 Upgrade Summary

Looking at the huge flames erupting from the top of the cliff from a distance, Zhao Xu finally breathed a sigh of relief and sat directly on the ground.

Although he possesses superpowers, he is considered a unique existence in this world, but after all, he has never experienced such a dangerous thing before, and it is impossible not to be afraid at all. I didn't want to move a single finger.

After panting violently for a long time, Zhao Xu finally felt that he had regained some strength.

He loosened the spider silk that bound himself and Qin Yinxue, went back to the mountain and made some arrangements, removed all suspicious traces, then reduced a pair of spider web launchers to ashes, and then copied his mobile phone, His original mobile phone was searched by terrorists long ago.

When he dialed 110, he said weakly, "Hello, the Public Security Bureau? I was kidnapped by terrorists, and I..."

Before Zhao Xu finished speaking, the policewoman who answered the phone on the opposite side comforted her with a sweet and gentle voice: "Are you Zhao Xu? We have been looking for you since you disappeared a few hours ago, don't be afraid, can you say Tell me about the current situation?"

Zhao Xu smacked his lips. It seems that the police have been tracking his phone number: "It's all right now. The terrorists don't know why. Suddenly, they killed each other. I took the opportunity to escape!"

"But you'd better send someone over here as soon as possible. There is an agent of our country who was injected with a drug to force a confession by terrorists. He is still not conscious. You'd better send her to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible. In addition, I have a terrorist I don’t know what’s inside the password box left by the molecules?”

The other side was silent for a few seconds, maybe they were asking for instructions, and then the sweet voice of the policewoman came again: "Zhao Xu, you must not open that lockbox, the contents inside are very dangerous, you can wait at ease, don't hang up the phone, we I have locked your location with satellites, and I will send someone there immediately!"

"Okay, I'm not going to hang up the phone, that... Sister policeman, I'm so scared, you can chat with me for a while... What's your mobile phone number? Let's make friends, and we will keep in touch in the future. Your voice is really It sounds good!"

When there was no danger, Zhao Xu immediately became dishonest. Even the police dared to tease him.

There was a faint "puchi" laughter from the other end of the phone. It was obvious that there were other people beside the policewoman, all of whom were amused by this perverted guy.

The policewoman seemed to be gnashing her teeth, and replied gently and sharply: "Okay, I would like to make friends with you. When is your birthday? I will definitely give you a pair of scissors as a gift!"

Zhao Xu was still imagining the policewoman's pretty face blushing and wanting to refuse, but this sentence immediately gave him a cold shudder, lamenting in his heart why all the women he met were so tough?

The police acted very quickly. More than ten minutes later, the siren sounded faintly from the foot of the mountain, and at the same time, the buzzing of a helicopter came from mid-air.

Zhao Xu looked up, and his jaw almost dropped in shock. It turned out to be a military helicopter.

The helicopter was still in the air, when a rope was thrown out suddenly, and then more than a dozen special soldiers slid down the rope, and as soon as they hit the ground, they quickly formed a tactical formation, protecting Zhao Xu and Qin Yinxue in the middle. Multiple pairs of wolf-like eyes scanned the surroundings.

The whole process was clean and neat, like flowing clouds and flowing water, Zhao Xu couldn't help but sigh, this is the real elite.

After confirming that there was no threat around, the special forces called the helicopter to land, and at the same time quickly set up a stretcher,

Put Qin Yinxue on it, and then a special soldier lifted the password box on the ground and said to Zhao Xu: "Hello, you are Zhao Xu, right? Those terrorists are really dead, why did they have an internal fight?"

"I don't know, I'm just running for my life, why do I care so much?" Zhao Xu shrugged and said helplessly.

"Well, wait until you get on the plane with us, and we will send you back to Dongjiang City immediately. Your body needs to be checked as soon as possible!" The special soldier stopped talking after finishing speaking.

It wasn't until the helicopter flew into the sky again that Zhao Xu saw that not only the police, but also four or five military vehicles came down the mountain.

At this time, teams of soldiers were getting off the vehicles and quickly launched a search on the mountain.

Fortunately, he had already made arrangements on the mountain to eliminate all the evidence that he was fighting the terrorists, and believed that he could guarantee that no one would doubt him.

As for the spider silk hanging on the cliffs and woods, he never worried about being discovered, because Spiderman's spider silk will decompose by itself within half an hour. In the world of Spider-Man, wouldn't there be spider webs hanging everywhere?

After returning to Dongjiang City, Zhao Xu was immediately arranged to enter the military's guest house.

According to the military, that group of terrorists still had accomplices in Dongjiang City, and they might pose a threat to Zhao Xu at any time, so Zhao Xu was asked to live in the guest house with peace of mind, and wait until they cleared away all the terrorists before leaving.

Zhao Xu didn't refuse, and lived in the guest house peacefully, and stayed there for half a month, during which time he studied the newly upgraded manufacturing ability.

He found that the original energy of orange manufacturing is simply a miracle. When manufacturing fantasy items, as long as you know the function and use of the item, the original energy spar can design the most reasonable model by itself, and then manufacture the item.

For example, when he made the spider web launcher before, Zhao Xu knew that the spider silk was very sticky and could decompose by itself. He also knew the shape of the spider web launcher. As a result, the original spar perfectly designed the model.

As for other things, such as the chemical ratio of the spider silk, such as how the launcher's ejection device ejected the spider silk, Zhao Xu didn't need to worry about it.

It's like an emperor wants to do something, as long as he tells his courtiers the desired result, the courtiers will naturally try their best to make it happen. The emperor needs to worry about it.

Of course, if you can know detailed data, operating principles, etc. when manufacturing items, the less time and manufacturing energy you need to spend.

For example, Zhao Xu made gecko gloves before, and he knew that gecko gloves used the van der Waals force, so they consumed much less raw energy than the spider web launcher.

Sometimes Zhao Xu wondered if there was really hidden in the primordial energy spar, an artificial intelligence that surpassed modern technology?

In addition, after research, Zhao Xu also found that after the manufacturing energy was upgraded to orange, although the difficulty of manufacturing items still had to be considered in terms of volume and weight, they were no longer the main factors.

Now the most important factor has become the technological content of the item. The higher the technological content, the more difficult it is to manufacture. For example, the technological content of Iron Man's armor is obviously much higher than that of the spider web launcher, so he previously made steel Hero armor was unsuccessful.

In addition to the above two points, Zhao Xu also found that he was able to absorb electric current again, which continuously enhanced the original energy of manufacturing. He guessed that electric current should only be used as an energy source to enhance the original energy of manufacturing.

But if you want to upgrade the original energy spar, you must absorb heterogeneous energy other than electric current, just like the energy produced by the grenade explosion this time, and he estimates that the heterogeneous energy is not fixed, the grenade can only be used once, and you want to upgrade next time , I'm afraid we have to choose other energy.

But no matter what, Zhao Xu couldn't hide his excitement in his heart. He almost didn't dare to think about how capable the creation of original energy would be in the future? Maybe one day in the future, all the crazy fantasies in his mind will come true!

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