Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 340 America's Response

"Are you OK?"

Looking at Yang Chan's pretty pale face without a trace of blood, Zhao Xu asked worriedly. He could feel that Yang Chan's body was very weak at this moment.

"It's okay, just take a rest, this is a normal performance of fully operating the wisdom eye!"

Yang Chan shook her head, took a deep breath, and suddenly the wisdom eye opened again. As long as it is not working at full capacity, the normal wisdom eye can be used at any time.

As a golden light shot out, a mirage-like image suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

In the image, it is the scene in the Holy Land. On the World Tree, the rock giants have fallen asleep again, and their bodies are wrapped in amber-yellow crystals. In the central space of the World Tree, Truss is still alone. Sitting in front of the house, don't know what you are thinking?

As the image moved, the scenes of the holy land flashed one by one, and finally it was frozen in the city of God. At this time, many supernatural beings were surrounding the destroyed temple to repair it.

"As I expected, the holy land is now doing its best to restore the light-brain godhead, and has no intention of doing other things!" Zhao Xu said softly.

"This is a good thing. The longer it takes, the better it will be for us!" Yang Chan said, her wisdom eyes closed again, and the mirage in front of her suddenly disappeared.

"Okay, don't worry about the current situation in the Holy Land, just take a break and come back to the scientific research base with me!"

Zhao Xu shook his head: "I have to get rid of the trouble you caused first. Heh heh, you Huiyan clan's kaleidoscopic ability is really powerful, and it's so easy, you made the base a mess!"

"How do you want to solve it, make me look like you again, and prove that it was just a fake Zhao Xu who gave orders a while ago?"

Yang Chan smiled mischievously: "You don't have to make such an idea, I will never cooperate with you, hehe, people want to see how you solve it?"


You don't need your cooperation. I have already recorded everything that happened in our battle just now. When the time comes, just show the video to the people at the base, and everyone will understand everything! "

"When did you record it?" Yang Chan stared in surprise.

"You don't need to know that!" Zhao Xu curled his lips, of course he didn't actually record it.

However, with the presence of the Holy Spirit, everything I saw can be recorded. At that time, I only need to use the original energy to make these images into CDs, and everything will be solved.

After Yang Chan regained some of the power she consumed, Zhao Xu took her back to the scientific research base, gathered everyone, and told them that Yang Chan had pretended to be him.

Unsurprisingly, when they found out that Yang Chan was actually a descendant of the prehistoric Ming Dynasty, the scientists in the entire scientific research base were shocked, and they all cast their eyes on Yang Chan so enthusiastically that they wanted to slice and study.

And Zhao Xu also took advantage of the situation and told the scientists about the extinction of the prehistoric civilization, the holy land and the rock giants.

These scientists are the elites of mankind. Their brains and knowledge will be a huge force against the Holy Land. Only by letting them know the truth of the matter can they work harder to help mankind and overcome the difficulties of the world. .

Now that Yang Chan's matter has been clearly explained, and the leak of state secrets has been proven to be a slander, Qin Yinxue has naturally resumed his position as president and once again took charge of the operation of the scientific research base.

However, Qin Yinxue solemnly expressed her dissatisfaction with Zhao Xu for getting a beautiful woman back again. The final result was that Zhao Xu's waist was tragically used by Qin Yinxue to practice dozens of two-finger Zen moves .

All the days that followed were peaceful.

But Zhao Xu was quite annoyed by this calmness, because he had been waiting for the people from the Ark Holy Hermitage to come to rescue Yang Chan, but it was a pity that the wait was almost over, and the other party did not show up.

However, although the matter of the Ark Holy Hermitage has not been settled, Xu Shicheng has sent good news from the capital. After several emergency meetings, the country's high-level officials finally decided to fully support Zhao Xu's global integration plan and make every effort to provide Prepare for the future against the Holy Land.

So Zhao Xu immediately rushed to the capital to meet with high-level officials. After discussions, he determined a series of plans to promote global integration.

After the plan was determined, the top-secret emails were sent to the intelligence departments of all countries in the world through the special channel of the General Staff, and then those intelligence departments forwarded them to the high-level officials of each country.

The contents of these emails were all prepared by Zhao Xu, which included a plan for promoting global integration and a video of the Holy Land.

In the plan, Zhao Xu emphasized the power of the Holy Land and the danger of the Holy Land to today's human beings, in order to show the necessity of promoting global integration.

And that information was recorded by the holy spirit, what Zhao Xu saw and heard in the holy land, and the battle scenes with the supernatural beings and the rock giants.

Of course, when making these scenes into discs, Zhao Xu asked the holy spirit to make some modifications, which concealed the existence of the original energy.

After seeing those scenes, all countries would only think that Zhao Xu had the ability to directly manipulate electricity. In addition, he also deleted the scene where he used Transformers to fight Tesla at the end.

After all, without knowing the existence of the original energy, the appearance of Transformers is unreasonable. Do you want to tell others that Transformers are summoned out of thin air?

That's bullshit!

As expected, when these top-secret emails were sent to various countries, they immediately caused a shock at the top levels of the countries, so various emergency meetings were held one after another. Of course, only a few top-level people participated in the meetings.

In the United States, the White House, and the Office of the President, top officials from seven or eight countries are negotiating.

"Has the technical department confirmed it? Has the video data been modified!" The president sat at his desk and asked solemnly.

A general replied immediately: "It has been confirmed. The video data has not been modified, nor is it made by special effects of the movie. I can be sure that this is a real shooting scene!"

"It's hard to imagine that there are prehistoric races inside the moon, and they have plans to destroy the world!"

The president took a deep breath, clapped his hands and said: "Okay, gentlemen and ladies, it seems that this time there will really be a global disaster, let's discuss how to deal with it now!"

"Mr. President, what China means is to promote global integration, eliminate national boundaries, form a federal government of the earth, and gather the power of all human beings to fight this crisis!"

"And Mr. President, China has secretly sent invitations to other countries to hold a joint meeting in Beijing to discuss this matter. What do you think?"

"It is imperative to promote global integration, but the details and the conflicts over the interests of various countries may not be easy to resolve. By the way, does the video show that Zhao Xu entered the Holy Land from Muda Point?" President asked.

"Yes, sir!"

"Well, now we have two things to do. First, send high-level officials to China to attend a joint meeting to discuss the promotion of global integration!"

As the president said, he turned his head to look at the general: "Second thing, the military will immediately dispatch a fleet to seal off the waters of Cape Muda, looking for the space gate described in the video data!"

"Yes, Mr. President!" Everyone agreed.

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