Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 341 Zhao Xu's Non-Proliferation Treaty

Of course, the United States is not the only one who has taken action. In fact, after watching the video materials, all countries have shown a strong interest in the place of Muda Point, and have expressed their intention to send a fleet to Muda Point. intention of.

At the beginning, the United States wanted to stop it stubbornly, but as one country after another sent troops regardless of obstruction, the United States had to give in. After all, even if they are the only superpower today, it is impossible to fight against all countries in the world.

Of course, the troops of so many countries were dispatched at the same time, and the public had to be given some explanation, otherwise the public would probably think that the Second World War had broken out, causing global panic.

So in the next period of time, the public was shocked to find that the governments of various countries announced the plan for the global joint military exercise at the same time, and the plan had already begun to be implemented at the same time as the announcement.

This joint military exercise plan appeared too suddenly, and there was no sign at all in the early stage, so it immediately aroused discussions among people all over the world.

Of course, what confuses everyone the most is that a global military exercise is held at Cape Muda. What is the military significance of it, and who is the goal to deter?

Of course, the governments of various countries gave official explanations, saying that pirates are becoming more and more rampant now, and the joint military exercise is to promote the cooperation of various military forces and deter those rampant pirates.

This explanation is really unconvincing. After all, if you want to deter pirates, you don’t go to Mali, Malaysia, Indonesia, or Nigeria. Why do you go to Cape Muda for a stroll?

No one can give an accurate answer, but this makes the media of various countries very happy. After all, the focus of the public is the guarantee of ratings.

So the media invited military experts one by one to study and discuss this.

But to be honest, the military experts are all confused and can't analyze the purpose of this joint military exercise at all.


Some media not only invited military experts, but also experts in supernatural research.

After all, Cape Muda is a special place. There have been many supernatural events, and compared to discussing military purposes, most of the public are obviously more interested in mysterious events.

As a result, those supernatural research experts became very popular, jumping around more happily than monkeys, and then various theories sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

What an alien invasion!

What hell's gate was opened, and ghosts rushed out of the world!

What prehistoric civilization appeared!

Why is Mu Dajiao the gate of space!

Ironically, on the contrary, these seemingly unreliable supernatural theories are closer to the real situation...

Just when the fleets of various countries were rushing to the Mu Dajiao, and when the people were discussing, no one knew that the high-level officials sent by various countries had come to China one after another, gathered in the capital and held a joint meeting in secret.

However, this meeting did not go smoothly from the very beginning, and all countries were secretly playing tricks.

Everyone agrees to promote global integration, and also agrees to gradually form the Earth Federation Government to integrate the power of all mankind to fight against the Holy Land.

But the key issue is that after the establishment of the federal government, how to distribute the interests of the countries now, people are selfish, and the country is the same, no one will willingly contribute their own interests.

A secret meeting room in the capital city was in a mess. Representatives from various countries were scrambling to express their views. When they encountered dissatisfaction, everyone tore their clothes and ties one by one, fighting for their own interests.

The advanced scientific and technological materials of the scientific research base in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the strengthening medicines that China currently possesses, etc., all these things are the objects of competition for these people.

As an advocate of promoting global integration and the only person in the world who has been to the Holy Land, Zhao Xu also attended the joint meeting as a matter of course.

However, since the beginning of the meeting, he has been silent, watching with cold eyes, and did not express his views at all. He felt quite speechless for these guys who slapped the table and stared at them in order to compete for interests.

"How is it? Are you uncomfortable with this kind of scene?" Xu Shicheng leaned over and asked in a low voice.

"It's a bit of a surprise!" Zhao Xu nodded. "Although I had expected that the process of promoting global integration would not be smooth, I really didn't expect these guys to compete so fiercely from the very beginning!"

Xu Shicheng smiled faintly: "This is politicians, they only care about interests in their eyes!"

"But in my opinion, these so-called benefits are really ridiculous. If we don't gather the power of the entire human race as soon as possible, once the rock giants come, they won't even be able to save their lives. What benefits are there?" Zhao Xu sneered disdainfully.

"It's not surprising. After all, the threat of the Holy Land is still far away, so they are more concerned about the immediate benefits!" Xu Shicheng waved his hand and asked, "Hehe, how do you plan to solve the current situation?"

Zhao Xu rubbed his chin and smiled: "Since they feel that the threat of the Holy Land is still far away, then I will put the threat in front of them, let them truly feel the threat of death, and see if they care about their interests. , or do you care more about your own life?"

"What are you going to do?" Xu Shicheng asked with interest.

Zhao Xu shook his head: "Hehe, you are an official of the country. It's better not to know about this matter. I hope that our country will not be deeply involved in this matter, so as not to cause future troubles!"

"It's mysterious, but you're right, some things are indeed inconvenient for the country to participate in!" Xu Shicheng agreed.

Zhao Xu fell silent, his eyes turned around those disputing politicians, and his expression was meaningful: "A bunch of idiots, it seems that I won't give you a little bit of trouble, you guys still can't recognize the reality, hehe, I hope that when the time comes Don't be scared to piss your pants!"

In the next few days, the joint meeting was going on every day, but it was a pity that the progress of the meeting was slower than a snail, and those politicians were still chattering for interests.

For this reason, they did not hesitate to drag anyone into the water, and even later, someone proposed to restrict Zhao Xu's actions.

Because from the video data, they not only saw the power of the Holy Land, but also saw Zhao Xu's power beyond imagination.

In some people's eyes, the current Zhao Xu has become a nuclear weapon in another sense. If it is not managed properly, it is likely to pose an immeasurable threat to mankind.

For this statement, Zhao Xu really couldn't laugh or cry, and doubted whether these guys would finally come up with a "Zhao Xu Non-Proliferation Treaty" based on the "Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty"?

So in order to end this meaningless dispute, Zhao Xu finally decided to teach each country a profound lesson after enduring the noise of a group of flies for a few days!

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