Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 424 Sisters, Here I Come


Zhao Xu's eyes were playful. It was the first time someone called him that, and he really got goosebumps all over his body. He looked at Gu Dixin, wondering whether to play with this guy first, or pack it up and take it away?

After he hesitated, Di Xin laughed again: "Hahahaha, why, beauty, you are still shy, dare not come over?"

A group of women in the bath came over laughingly, and one of them poured her body into Di Xin's arms and said:

"My lord, Sister Daji is not a human being after all, she should be shy, giggling, such a coquettish beauty, you should be gentle at night, otherwise people will not be able to stand your conquest!"

Di Xin was stunned for a moment, and frankly touched the woman: "Yes, yes, Aifei is right, I must be gentle and considerate tonight, if you are worried that Daji can't bear it, why don't you come and accompany me together? Ha ha ha ha!"

The women suddenly became coquettish one by one, and Zhao Xu stared straight at the beauty of the flowers at that moment: "Yah, bah, this is the real emperor's enjoyment. Sure enough, the faint king is better than the bright king." Live comfortably!"

His eyes rolled wildly, and his eyes swept back and forth on the delicate bodies of those women, feasting his eyes unceremoniously.

At this time, a court lady hurried in and saluted respectfully: "My lord, Prime Minister Bigan is seeking an audience, saying that he has something important to report!"

"Bigan?" Zhao Xu frowned slightly. This is a famous person.

According to historical records, Bigan was the uncle of Emperor Xin of Zhou.

In the myths and legends, Bigan had a seven-apertured exquisite heart, but in the end, because he offended the demon concubine Daji, he was dug out by King Zhou and died!

Di Xin stared with dissatisfaction: "It's a disappointment. The widow is in high spirits, but I came to disturb you at this time. If I have to do everything by myself, what do you want these ministers to do? Go and tell Bigan that the widow is not feeling well." , I won’t see anyone today, let him report something tomorrow!”

"Yes!" The maid promised, turned and walked out.

Di Xin snorted coldly: "These old guys know to disturb the peace of the widow all day long with state affairs. Huh, they are all excuses. There are so many things in this world. They just don't want to see the widow happy!"

"My lord, why are you angry at such things? Come,

Sisters, take good care of the king! The women rushed forward laughing, rubbing their delicate bodies against Di Xin's majestic body one by one.

"Sister Daji, what are you doing standing there, why don't you take off your clothes and serve the king? You can't be like a lump in the future, the king won't like you like that!"

A woman saw that Zhao Xu was still standing, so she came out of the pool and walked towards Zhao Xu gracefully. The thin gauze was already transparent, and when it was soaked in water, it immediately outlined her curvaceous and delicate body. Every detail is revealed.

"Damn it, girl, you are so unrestrained!"

Zhao Xu was dumbfounded, his eyes stared unscrupulously, and his saliva was about to flow down.

At this time, the woman had already come to the front, holding Zhao Xu's hand, and was about to walk towards the bathtub.

But suddenly, the maid who went out was thrown in from the outside, and fell to the ground hard with a "bang".

Then, a serious voice suddenly came from outside: "My lord, didn't you say that you are unwell? Why are you still interested in playing with these bitch women? Could this cure your illness?"

Zhao Xu was dumbfounded when he heard it. Although the Shang Dynasty had not formed a strict ritual system of monarchs and ministers like the feudal society that followed, it was still unimaginable that a minister would dare to reprimand the emperor like this.

And in his impression, Bigan should be an extremely refined and wise person, and he shouldn't just speak ill at each other so casually!

"Could it be that this Bigan was also affected by Jiuding, so his temper became very irritable?" He guessed in his heart.

"Bold!" Di Xin was furious, a stern light flashed in his eyes, and he stood up suddenly: "Bigan, you dare to talk to the widow like this. Is it really the sin of the widow not daring to punish you?"

"Hmph, it doesn't matter whether you punish or not. It's better for your majesty to care about state affairs. If not, I'm afraid you will lose your harem!" Bigan didn't show any weakness, and the cold voice came from outside again.

Zhao Xu's jaw almost dropped in shock. Is this really what a minister said?

Be tough!

It seems that the courtiers of this great merchant were really deeply poisoned by the Jiuding!

"Hmph!" Di Xin snorted angrily, and shouted, "Tell me, what happened to let you break into the harem regardless of the rules?"

Bigan's voice became calmer, and he said in a deep voice: "Just now we got the intelligence report at the border, there is a sudden rebellion in Beihai, and the soldiers are pointing at Chaoge. If we don't send troops to suppress it immediately, I'm afraid they will hit Wangcheng within a month!"

"What? Those barbarians from the North Sea dared to rebel. They were so daring. They immediately summoned a group of ministers, and I want to send troops to the court!" Di Xin was furious, jumped out of the bath, and then walked out.

When he walked past Zhao Xu, he suddenly stopped and said greedily: "Beauty, I have state affairs to deal with, so I can only pamper you at night. Now you might as well play with those sisters, so that they can teach you a lesson." The rules of your palace!"

"Huh? Are you sure you want me to play with your wife?" Zhao Xu's heart beat wildly, and he almost asked.

"Poor guy, it's like sending a sheep to a tiger's mouth!" The holy spirit suddenly roared in his heart: "Zhao Xu, are you a brother? If you are a brother, you have to do things kindly. You can't just take advantage of yourself. Give me half of these girls!"

"Don't say I despise you. Although you have a turtle head, it's a fake. What kind of woman do you want if you can't use it?"

Zhao Xu snorted coldly, and when Di Xin strode out, he immediately turned around and looked at the dozen or so women in the bath with joy, "Quack quack, what a surprise, what a surprise, I didn't expect to enter A royal palace actually has such benefits, hehe, this King Zhou is very kind!"

He suddenly turned around, and ran to the side of the bathing pool with a "thump, thump, thump", sweeping back and forth in the pool with his eyes shining.

A creepy feeling suddenly rose in the hearts of the women. They always felt that the eyes of this "sister Daji" were hotter than men's. Their hearts beat faster, as if a big rough hand was stroking their bodies.

At this time, Zhao Xu had already taken off only his little clothes, and then "Zhi Liu" got into the water: "Hey, sisters, let my sisters come and have fun with you!"

A woman had strange eyes and asked, "Sister Daji, why do you have eyes that are stronger than the king's, making people get goosebumps?"

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