Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 425 Refreshing

"Is there?" Zhao Xu swam towards the women with both hands and feet.

"That's true. Sister Daji's eyes make people feel as if they are being watched by a man!" Another woman nodded in agreement.

Other women also echoed, they all had the same feeling, but the Daji in front of them was clearly a woman.

But to be honest, although this Daji's eyes are very aggressive, it also brought them a very exciting feeling, which made their blood boil all over, and they really wanted to be held in their arms and ravaged hard.

At this time, Zhao Xu finally swam among the women, and asked lewdly, "Sisters, you are joking. She is obviously a woman, but why do she look like a man? The water is really comfortable. Come, let my sister wash it for you." Take a shower!"

"Hey, sister, why are your hands so strong? You're almost like a king!" a woman exclaimed.

The other woman's chest felt tight, and her legs immediately became weak, and she said in a delicate voice: "Oh, sister, where do you put your hands? Really, people are afraid of you. Your hands are like magic, making people feel all over their bodies. It feels wrong!"

"Hey, sister, your skin is so good, and your body is so enviable to my sister, come, let my sister take a good look!" Zhao Xu's eyebrows were beaming, and he immediately began to play with his hands in the bathtub, having a great time.

At this time, Di Xin, who had just walked out, suddenly felt dizzy, and then his eyes were full of green light: "It's strange, why does the widow suddenly have a bad feeling, is it because of the Beihai rebellion? A group of damned guys, look at the widow Immediately dispatch troops to destroy you, and then go to pamper Daji at night, tsk tsk, such a beauty is really rare in the world!"

Throughout the afternoon, women's exclamations kept coming from the bath, which made the maids outside feel itchy. They couldn't figure out what happened?

In the past, this kind of movement was only made by the concubines when they were serving the king, but today, there are obviously women in the bath, why are they screaming like this...*?

In the evening, the bathing pool finally became quiet, and the maids looked in curiously, only to see "Daji" come out.

"I've seen Empress Daji!" The maids hurriedly saluted.

"Yeah!" Zhao Xu nodded: "Take me to the bedroom, I need to prepare, the king will come tonight!"

"Yes!" A court lady immediately cited in front.

"That's right!" Zhao Xu stopped suddenly,

Looking back at the ladies in the palace: "It's been a long time to play around today, please go into the house and help the ladies back to the palace, lest they catch a cold!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, while the maids walked into the bath immediately, their eyes widened.

In the bathing pool, more than a dozen women were limp on the edge of the pool, out of breath, with flushed faces, as if they had just finished something.

"It's strange, the king has already left, why are the ladies so tired?" The maids were suspicious, and immediately went up to help the women up...

In the bedroom of a palace, Zhao Xu was lying on the bed, rubbing his fingers happily: "It's so cool, the women in this palace are indeed selected from all over the country, all of them are, but it's a pity that today I can only enjoy it with my hands. There can be no substantial development!"

"Do you want to have any substantive development?"

A little turtle came out from between his eyebrows, and said whiningly, "You big pervert, stay away from me in the future, I'll be upset when I see you!"

"Hey!" Zhao Xu smiled and asked, "Okay, let's get down to business. Do you feel that this palace is filled with a strange magnetic field?"

"Well, I feel it!" Holy Spirit nodded his head: "Not only the magnetic field, I also felt a wave of space power, and there is also a feeling of meeting the same kind!"

"Same kind?" Zhao Xu was shocked: "You mean there is also an artificial intelligence here?"

"Yes, there is indeed an artificial intelligence, and if I feel right, it is an artificial intelligence that has awakened self-awareness!"

The holy spirit's black eyes rolled around: "It's just a little strange, I feel that this artificial intelligence seems to have been greatly traumatized, so it is always in a deep sleep!"

Zhao Xu touched his chin and guessed: "You said that the main cauldron of the nine cauldrons is in this palace? And that artificial intelligence was made to manipulate the nine cauldrons, but I don't know what The reason, let it awaken the self-awareness?"

"It's very possible, but it's a pity that we can't determine its location. It seems that we can only get information from Di Xin!"

The Holy Spirit thought about it, and suddenly smiled at Zhao Xu: "Quack, beauty, I leave this arduous task to you. Serve Di Xin well tonight and try to get some news out of him!"

"Don't worry, I will 'serve' him well tonight, and I will definitely make him want to stop, quack!" Zhao Xuyin smiled, his fingers creaking.

Holy Spirit shivered subconsciously: "Hey, someone is going to be unlucky!"

In a large hall of the royal palace, Di Xin was feasting all the ministers at this moment.

With regard to the Beihai rebellion, they have already discussed a countermeasure, and the person who will lead the troops to Beihai to suppress the rebellion has also been determined, and the army will leave in five days.

According to the rules of the Great Shang Dynasty, before each large-scale war, the monarchs and ministers must gather together to give a banquet to send off the generals leading the troops, in order to win the hearts of the people.

The matter of this judgment is very urgent, the army only has five days to prepare, so it will delay the schedule, so Di Xin decided to host a banquet immediately after the court meeting to see the general off.

After drinking and eating, all the officials returned to the residence one after another, while Di Xin staggered towards the bedroom, smelling of alcohol all over his body. He did not forget that there was still a beauty waiting in the bedroom at this time What about him!

After a while, Di Xin walked outside the bedroom. He looked at the faint lights in the room, and laughed proudly: "Hahaha, concubine, the widow is here!"

He waved away the guards, then walked into the bedroom alone, and when he came to the bedroom, he immediately saw a charming woman sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at him with a smile on her face.

"Tsk tsk, what a beauty of Zhong Tiandi. Although I have seen countless beauties, I never thought that there are such beauties in the world. Maybe Chang'e in the sky is not as good as her!"

Di Xin's mouth was parched, he was a licentious and stupid king, and now he drank a lot of wine. As the saying goes, he has sex after drinking. Now when he sees the beautiful "Daji", his lust is immediately aroused, and the evil fire It was burning fiercely, wishing to pounce on it and ravage it wantonly.

He took a deep breath to clear his drunken head, and rushed into the bedroom in a hurry: "Quack, beauty, I can't wait!"

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