Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 426 Concubine, you are so energetic

Di Xin rushed to the bed in a hurry, then jumped up, and the vicious dog pounced on him like a prey: "Quack, concubine, you are really beautiful, come, let the widow love you well!"


The expected Wenxiang nephrite didn't come, instead, his body was hurt by the bed, Di Xin touched his body blankly: "Hey, where did the beauty go?"

He got up in a daze, only to see "Daji" running behind him at some point: "Aifei, what are you hiding, don't worry, I will love you very much!"

Looking at that slim and beautiful figure, he felt that his whole body was scalding hot as if it was on fire.

So impatient, he rushed forward again with all his teeth and claws, and his hands were honest and blunt, and touched "Daji"'s chest: "Haha, first let the widow take a look at the dear concubine!"

Seeing that his hands were about to grab those two mountain peaks, Di Xin wanted to slander, but at this moment, he suddenly found a slender hand that slowly grabbed his wrist.

Then a strong force came, and he felt dizzy, and fell to the ground with a "slap".

Di Xin's face was full of bewilderment, his head already paralyzed by alcohol made him a little confused about the situation, why did he suddenly fall down?

At this time, a delicate and soft voice came from beside my ear: "My lord, are you okay? Daji didn't even notice. Why do you like to lie on the ground? Are you not afraid of catching cold?"

"Hahahaha, the widow is as strong as a cow, how can I be afraid of catching a cold! Come, come, let the widow love you well!"

Di Xin turned his head, and suddenly saw a stunning beauty standing beside him, so his lust became high again, and he got up and wanted to hug the beauty into his arms.

But he suddenly found that his arm was grabbed by the beauty again, and then the beauty twisted his wrist lightly, and he "thumped through the clouds" and fell to the ground again.

"Hey, Concubine Ai, you have such great strength that you can even fall over a widow?" Di Xin said with a dull face. He instinctively felt that, but with his mushy head, he still couldn't figure out what was wrong?

"Hehehe, my lord, you can't blame Daji for this, you fell down yourself!" Zhao Xu teased.

"Really?" Di Xin nodded stupidly: "It's true, in this great Shang dynasty, no one is a match for the widow. How can you, a weak girl, fall down the widow? Come on, come on, Beauty, help a widow get up, *one moment is worth a thousand gold,

Let's go to bed early! "

"Hehe, the night is long, we have plenty of time, why worry, Daji, anyway, Daji can't escape from your palm, why don't you let Daji have a drink with you?"

Zhao Xu licked his lips, bent down like catching a chicken, lifted Di Xin up easily, and walked to the table.

He put Di Xin on the chair, and with a flash of the original energy in his hand, a bottle of Beijing Erguotou appeared: "Quack, come, my lord, I'll give you a taste, I guarantee you've never drunk this kind of wine before!"

"Google gurgle..."

After pouring down a bottle of Erguotou, the drunkenness in Di Xin's eyes deepened, and he smacked his lips in confusion: "What kind of wine is this?'s strong enough!"

"Come on, this is the five-star Erguotou provided by Xu Gete. It is brewed with pure grain. It has a strong aroma and strong alcohol. Brother Xu also specially added some seasonings in it. I guarantee that you will drink two bottles after drinking one bottle. Want to bottle, definitely enjoy, hey, let's come again!"

Zhao Xu smiled mischievously, made two more bottles of Erguotou, and poured them down vigorously for Di Xin.

Seeing that Di Xin's eyes became more and more blurred, he smashed his mouth and asked: "My lord, I heard that only you know where the main cauldron of the Nine Cauldrons is. Daji is curious and wants to see it. Can you tell Daji?" Where is the main cauldron?"

"No... no, the Nine Cauldrons are the country's most important weapon, and the main cauldron is even more important. How can I just tell you a woman... hiccup!" Di Xin waved his hand in a daze.

"Looks like you're not completely drunk yet. Damn it, I don't believe I can't knock your mouth open!" Zhao Xu touched his chin, and with a flick of his right hand, he created a transparent glass bottle.

What kind of wine is this without even a trademark?

If anyone in the modern society sees it at this moment, they will definitely be terrified. This is actually a bottle of pure alcohol, and it will kill people if they drink it.

Fortunately, Di Xin is not an ordinary person, his physique is extremely strong.

Seeing a bottle of pure alcohol poured down, Di Xin was choked and coughed violently: "Ahem, cough, concubine, what kind of wine is this? Compared with it, the wine I drank before is as bland and tasteless as water!"

"That's right, Daji brewed it specially for the king, and only a real man like the king can drink it!" Zhao Xu opened Di Xin's mouth, and poured another bottle of pure alcohol down, pouring Di Xin straight down. His face was as red as a monkey's butt.

After seeing that it was almost done, Zhao Xu asked again: "My lord, where is the main cauldron?"

"Actually, the main tripod is in this palace, but even if I tell you, you can't find it, because the main tripod only obeys the call of the emperors of the past. If you don't call, you will never see it!"

Di Xin waved his hand in a daze.

"Then you just summon it once, my lord, so that Daji can learn a lot!" Zhao Xu said seductively.

"This... the ancestor's precepts say that the Lord... the Lord Cauldron is the foundation of my dynasty, so don't show it to others!" Di Xin stammered and refused.

"You bastard, I have to force you to drink me, right?" Zhao Xu curled his lips, and immediately made two more bottles of pure alcohol, and poured them all into Di Xin's mouth.

At this moment, Di Xin was completely confused. He only heard a soft and charming voice next to his ear: "Your Majesty, you are so wise and powerful that you are invincible in the world. Are you still afraid that a little girl like me will not be able to steal the main cauldron? Oh, what a shame! Are you curious? Just take a look, okay?"

"Okay...Okay, I can only take a look at Concubine Yi Ai!" Di Xin sat up with his eyes blurred, and took a black square the size of a thumb from his neck. There were actually several buttons on it.

Zhao Xu raised his eyebrows: "Why does this thing look like a controller to me?"

"It's indeed a controller!" The Holy Spirit climbed out and said shaking his head.

At this time, Di Xin pressed a button on the controller, and then put the controller on the female seed on his forehead. Suddenly, a brainwave spread out and spread towards the entire palace.

The next moment, the magnetic field in the palace changed, followed by space tremors: "Om..."

Suddenly, layers of ripples appeared over the palace. Zhao Xu rushed out of the house and looked up, and saw a large bronze cauldron slowly appearing in the center of the layers of ripples.

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