Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 539 Target Stars Sea

Zhao Xu was choked immediately. He scratched his head and smiled wryly, "I mean I'm not in danger by myself, but it's not necessarily so if I bring you with me!"

"But have you ever thought about what will happen to us if you are in danger and can't come back? Are you really willing to leave us orphans and widows in the world?"

Qin Yinxue's face was full of sadness, and she hugged Mengmeng into her arms vigorously: "Daughter, look, Dad is going to abandon us!"

"And me!" Chu Zixin said with a firm face, "If you can't come back, then my life in this world will be meaningless, and I will go to another world to accompany you at that time!"

"The more you talk, the more outrageous it is!" Zhao Xu felt a big headache. What he couldn't stand the most was his woman's sad look.

"Quack, it's really strange that you are at a loss sometimes!" The Holy Spirit's gloating voice suddenly sounded from the bottom of my heart.

"Stop gloating. If you don't appease these two women, do you think I can leave in peace?" Zhao Xu snorted.

"Actually, what are you worried about? Since they want to go, why don't you take them with you?"

"How about that, what if there is a danger?"


The Holy Spirit smiled and said: "Although the universe is full of mysteries and crises, to be honest, the chances of us encountering them are not high, and the danger of the universe lies in its unknown, but the two places we are going to this time are the rocks. Both the giant and the split-species have been there, and according to their records, the celestial bodies near those two star fields are quite stable, and even after billions of years, the possibility of a huge change is very slim!"

"What's more, you have the ability to create. This magical power allows you to avoid danger to the greatest extent. Even if something happens, you can still deal with it. Let's not talk about anything else, just say that the space mother If the ship is destroyed in an accident, you can reproduce it yourself, so why worry about it?"

"According to my calculations, as long as you don't go to other unknown places during your interstellar journey this time, the chance of danger will not be much higher than falling into the manhole cover when you go out, so don't worry!"

"What a good metaphor!"

Zhao Xu shook his head dumbfounded. He looked at the two girls and asked, "Are you really going?"

"Yes, we don't want you to go so far alone!" The two women nodded seriously.

"All right,

In this case, we will set off together in half a month! "Zhao Xu finally agreed. In fact, the long interstellar journey is lonely. It is also a wonderful thing to be accompanied by two beloved women.

"And me!" Mengmeng jumped up suddenly: "Dad, I want to go too, I also want to see the distant starry sky, what does it look like?"

"Good girl, don't make trouble here, okay?" Zhao Xu smiled wryly.

"Why?" Mengmeng pouted dissatisfiedly: "Why can you go, but I can't, people also want to go and see!"

"You are still young, how can we rest assured if we go?" Zhao Xu persuaded softly: "Otherwise, Dad promises you, as long as you stay at home honestly this time, then next time, when you grow up Some, Dad will take you to play in the universe, okay?"

"That's right, Mengmeng, anyway, we have a spaceship. This time, Dad is going to do serious things. When the serious things are done and we are free, we will travel to the universe together. When the time comes, we will take you with us wherever we want." Can it be okay?" Qin Yinxue also persuaded.

Chu Zixin followed up and said: "Mengmeng, think about it, those spaceships on Mars belong to your father now, and they will be yours in the future. When you grow up, maybe you can drive a spaceship yourself. Go to the universe to play casually, but before that, you have to grow up, so that parents can rest assured!"

Next, the three of them took turns to salivate, and after a long while, they finally calmed down Xiao Mengmeng and agreed to stay at home honestly.

Zhao Xu breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Okay, let's prepare for the next few days and leave in half a month!"

Qin Yinxue and Chu Zixin looked at each other and nodded solemnly.

The next half month was spent in various preparations before departure.

Zhao Xu not only prepared things that might be used in the universe, but also made some necessary modifications to the space carrier.

After all, the space carrier is made by rock giants, and its usage habits are all catering to the requirements of rock giants, such as seats, rooms, bathrooms, consoles, etc., are all based on the huge size of rock giants. It is somewhat inapplicable to humans who are much smaller.

Zhao Xu's goal was to transform all these aspects to suit human beings.

In addition, Zhao Xu also bid farewell to his parents and friends during the past half month. Everyone was reluctant to part with him. Not sure what to expect?

At the same time, Zhao Xu also explained to the high-level human beings about various matters on Mars after leaving, and urged them to complete the human immigration as soon as possible, so that even if the Titan God King wakes up before he returns, it will not cause harm to human beings up.

In addition, the Holy Spirit has set a time limit for the space channel from the earth to Mars. He has poured a certain level of energy into the space channel, and this energy can continue to support the operation of the space channel for half a year after he leaves. After half a year, the space channel will be closed by itself.

The reason for doing this is to guard against the Titan God King. After all, if the space channel always exists, once the Titan God King wakes up, he can also enter the parallel universe, so human immigration will be meaningless.

Half a month passed quickly, and in the early morning of this day, all the people who had immigrated to Mars spontaneously rushed to the streets.

In the past few days, the news that Zhao Xu was about to go to the depths of the universe to find a way to deal with the Titan God King had spread throughout the world.

The people were very grateful to Zhao Xu and what he had done for mankind. They knew that they could not help much with the matter of the Titan God King.

But at least, they felt that they could bid farewell to Zhao Xu, and prayed for Zhao Xu with the most pious hearts. They hoped that this young man who had made great contributions to mankind would return safely.

On the street, in the square, and in the hanging city, everyone stopped their work and looked towards a certain direction in the sea. They knew that Zhao Xu's spaceship would take off from that direction today.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and at about nine o'clock in the morning, on the distant sea level, a huge space carrier finally took off.

Under everyone's gaze, the space carrier flew around the Martian sky for a week, as if saying goodbye to people, and then it quickly lifted into the sky and rushed out of the atmosphere under people's gaze.

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