Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 540 Hyperspace Leap

The space carrier rushed out of the atmosphere at a steady speed, and slowly flew towards outer space.

In the command cabin, the three of Zhao Xu sat in their seats, and in front of the command platform next to them, there were five Terminator robots driving the mothership.

This is the first interstellar travel in human history, and it is also the first space transition. It would be a lie to say that I am not excited.

Zhao Xu rubbed his hands together and said with a chuckle, "Two beautiful ladies, are you ready? Now is the time to witness a miracle!"

"Stop playing tricks, let's start!" Chu Zixin rolled her eyes and said coquettishly. To be honest, she was a little nervous just now, but she relaxed after Zhao Xu's gag.

"Haha, Holy Spirit, set the interstellar coordinates, we are ready to go!" Zhao Xu laughed.

"That's good, start setting the interstellar coordinates!" The Holy Spirit said, and immediately manipulated the five Terminator robots to issue orders to the space carrier.

Immediately, one after another of light and shadow shot out from the podium, forming a three-dimensional virtual model of the universe in midair in front of the three of them. The model is densely packed with countless clouds, which are countless galaxies in the universe. Each one is comparable to the Milky Way, or even larger than the Milky Way.

Suddenly, the model began to zoom in rapidly, and the three of Zhao Xu felt as if they were flying from the outer layer of the universe to the depths of the universe.

In just a few seconds, the entire virtual model of the universe has disappeared, and in the three-dimensional image, there is only a disk-shaped nebula cluster left, which is exactly the Milky Way where the earth is located.

Suddenly, other stars in the Milky Way began to dim, and only two stars became brighter and brighter. One of the stars was the sun on which the earth relied to give birth to life, and the other star was obviously in the middle of the moon. Sagittarius.

Immediately afterwards, next to the two stars, two planets revolving around them appeared, one of which was quite familiar to Zhao Xu and others, which was exactly what Mars had been transformed into, while the other was A black planet should be the target of this space transition, a super-elemental planet.

At this time, a green triangle appeared next to Mars, which was the interstellar coordinates where the space carrier was at the moment, and a red triangle appeared near the super-elemental planet in Centaurus.

"Okay, the interstellar coordinates have been set, ready, we are about to start the space transition!"

The voice of the Holy Spirit suddenly sounded: "In addition, it is necessary to remind that the space transition device of this space carrier,

The design standard is based on the strong physical fitness of the rock giant. Although Zhao Xu has carried out some transformations, ordinary humans still cannot bear it. Fortunately, the three of you are not ordinary people, so after starting the space transition, Qin Yinxue and Chu Zixin might feel some discomfort, but they will get used to it after a while, don't worry! "

The two women looked at each other, Qin Yinxue nodded and said, "Holy Spirit, we know, let's start!"

"Okay, get ready, activate the space transition device, release the transition gravitational field, and open the hyperspace channel!"

As the holy spirit gave orders one by one, the three of Zhao Xu discovered that outside the observation window in front of the spaceship, the space was suddenly affected by some invisible force and began to become distorted.

At this time, if you look from the outside of the spacecraft, you will find that the space carrier is still flying forward, and layers of transparent waves suddenly appear around the hull of the carrier, and an invisible force is releasing to the surroundings. Huge pressure.

I saw that as the layers of waves became more and more obvious, suddenly, the space carrier trembled slightly, and then disappeared very abruptly. At the same time, there were also those layers of waves that disappeared, and the entire space instantly disappeared. Restoring calm, as if nothing had happened.

In the space carrier, the three of Zhao Xu only felt the hull shake, and then everything outside the observation window changed. Originally, they could see countless stars as far as they could see, but now they all disappeared.

The entire space carrier seems to have entered an empty void, but through the observation window, it can be seen that there is an oval white light cluster in the distant void directly in front of the spacecraft.

"Is this hyperspace?" Zhao Xu muttered to himself.

In sci-fi movies, people have described the space jump and the scene after entering hyperspace countless times.

According to people's imagination, hyperspace may be a time-distorted tunnel, surrounded by distorted light;

Some people also imagine that after entering the hyperspace, all the light will become a streamer that can be seen clearly, extending to the rear continuously;

Some people even imagine that hyperspace is full of various spatial faults, in which there will be some images of human past historical events, or images of events that will happen to human beings in the future.

But Zhao Xu can now say with certainty that those are all nonsense.

In fact, in hyperspace, the speed of light propagation exceeds the original universe, and it also exceeds the limit that human consciousness can respond to. Therefore, there may be light around the spaceship, but it cannot be seen at all. Humans can only see a piece of blackness and nothingness. space.

And only the light in front of you, because it shines directly into the eyes, no matter how fast the transmission speed is, it will still fall into the eyes of the people in the end, and finally pass into the consciousness of the brain. "Yes, but it's just a disc-shaped light cluster.

Of course, this is only for ordinary people, but Zhao Xu is not an ordinary person. He has the ability to create, and he also has the Holy Spirit, an artificial intelligence capable of manipulating space turbulence and high-latitude space.

So in his eyes, although the hyperspace outside the space carrier is also an empty space, he can feel that there are huge and terrifying forces in it, which are constantly colliding. It is a distorted space-time.

"This feeling is really amazing!" Zhao Xu exclaimed in his heart: "Holy Spirit, where do you think we will go if we pass through those distorted time and space now?"

The tone of the Holy Spirit was also somewhat fascinated: "I don't know, maybe it's a new parallel universe, maybe it's the distant past, or a future that hasn't happened yet? No one has ever really been there, so no one can tell!"

"Unknown things always make people feel strong curiosity in addition to fear. I really want to see what is behind that distorted time and space?"

Zhao Xu shook his head and said, "It's a pity that there are too many concerns in this world. Maybe in the future, when I understand everything, I will take risks in that mysterious time and space!"

The Holy Spirit sighed softly: "Maybe, in fact, I am also infinitely curious about it, but in fact, even if we want to go there, we can't reach it, because even with the technological level of the rock giant, it is only possible to enter the space of this universe." Leap, as for traveling through time and space, that’s just a beautiful dream!”

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