Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 85 Against Missiles

"How... how could it not be killed?"

"Is this guy human? How could he even evade tracking missiles!"

"Look, what is he going to do?"

"My God, how is it possible that he can fly in dense woods?"

"My God, Amaterasu, is this a human or a bird? Really... What a hell!"

The two people in the helicopter almost bit off their tongues.

When they saw Zhao Xu in the sky, dodging the missiles again and again, their faces turned green.

And when they saw Zhao Xu lead the missile into the forest and explode it, their hearts almost stopped beating, feeling that the world was too crazy.

"No, that guy is charging up again, hurry up, put another missile to entangle him!"

Suddenly, the two of them saw Zhao Xu circling upwards, rushing towards him in a menacing manner. They peed in fright, and immediately pressed the launch button in a hurry, only to see another tracking missile launch with a scream piercing the air. out.

Boss Ikki once said that it is useless to use the same trick a second time against a Saint Seiya.

This sentence is quite pretentious, but it is very suitable here. The first missile has been dealt with by Zhao Xu, so can the second missile be expected to pose a threat to Zhao Xu?

These two guys obviously haven't watched "Saint Seiya" well. This is the result of not supporting domestic products and despising them.

When the missile was spraying flames from its buttocks, it rushed towards Zhao Xu at a speed of thousands of kilometers per hour. Suddenly, Zhao Xu made a sharp turn and took the missile with him again, playing fancy flying in the air.

The two people in the helicopter breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the missile could entangle Zhao Xu again for a while, but they were dumbfounded the next moment.

Because Zhao Xu didn't play in the air for long this time, and he didn't dive into the forest to destroy the missiles. Instead, he made a sudden turn and shot directly at the helicopter. Behind him, the missiles also quickly followed.

"What does this guy want to do?" The two were dumbfounded, their jaws almost fell off.

The ancients said that "a fool who thinks a lot can also gain something." The IQ of these two guys finally exceeded 70, and their minds were not completely muddled.

So at the critical moment, after spending hundreds of millions of brain cells, they finally realized that Zhao Xu was going to attract missiles to blow up the helicopter!

"Baga, you bad guy, this is a crazy bad guy!" His subordinates were about to cry, screaming at the top of their lungs as if they were being trampled by seven or eight strong men: "Hurry up, launch the last missile quickly, and we must not let it go!" Come here!"

At this time, the pilot looked uncharacteristically calm, and looked at his subordinates with contempt: "Why are you nervous? Remember, the more dangerous the moment, the more you must have the attitude of not changing your face when Mount Tai collapses in front of you. This is the Chinese Said!"

"Are you not sick?" The subordinates looked at the pilot like a fool, wanting to spit on the other side's face: "Baga, what the hell are you talking about at this time?"

"Calm down, you must be calm!" The pilot was extremely confident, holding his head high: "Hmph, our last missile is not ordinary. I guarantee that no matter how powerful that guy is, he will be blasted to pieces!"

"Really?" The subordinate's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

"Hmph, watch it!" The pilot twitched the corner of his mouth arrogantly, and pressed the launch button hard. The last missile,

Finally shuttled out amidst the unrestrained screams.

After the missile flew nearly 100 meters away from the helicopter, flames were suddenly ejected from the booster device on the side, and the entire missile spun at a very high speed.

Then the missile's cylindrical shell suddenly fell off, and there were hundreds of finger-sized miniature missiles inside.

This last missile was actually a cluster bomb!

Under the action of strong centrifugal force, hundreds of micro-missiles quickly broke away from the parent bomb, spraying flames from behind each of their little buttocks, roaring towards Zhao Xu, like a net that wanted to completely surround Zhao Xu.

"Damn it, the underworld has really broken through the sky these days!" Zhao Xu was dumbfounded.

It doesn't matter if there is a helicopter, and it has been converted into a semi-military armed helicopter, and not only has tracking missiles, but also cluster bombs?

Grandma, is this the underworld or the army?

Whether it was Zhao Xu or those tiny missiles, they were flying very fast, but in an instant, the distance between the two sides was already quite close.

Zhao Xu didn't dare to think about it anymore, so he quickly stood up and drew an arc, climbing rapidly.

I saw some of the miniature missiles catching up immediately, but the other part had no time to turn, and directly collided with the tracking missile following Zhao Xu: "Boom..."

A huge flame exploded in the air, and the terrifying shock wave shot in all directions at a terrifying speed. It hit the miniature missiles that were chasing Zhao Xu first, and the strong vibration immediately caused the miniature missiles to explode.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Groups of flames exploded one after another in the air, and the powerful explosion power quickly superimposed, and the power of the shock wave became more and more terrifying, and they quickly chased Zhao Xu in front.

At the critical moment, Zhao Xu folded his wings, then mobilized his manufacturing energy, and directly created a thick layer of wave-shaped sound-absorbing sponge around his body, wrapping his entire body.

Then he made a 20cm-thick steel plate on the outside of the sound-absorbing sponge. Unfortunately, due to lack of time, he could only do this. Otherwise, he would be happy to increase the thickness of the steel plate to one or two meters.

At this time, a terrible shock wave finally struck: "Bang..."

The ball made of steel plates was directly thrown into the air. The 20cm-thick steel plate was quite sturdy, and even the shock wave was stubbornly blocked out.

However, although the shock wave could not break through the steel plate, the two collided, and the powerful force caused the steel plate to vibrate violently, producing a strong sound wave, which was enough to injure the internal organs of the human body.

At this time, the innermost wave-shaped sound-absorbing sponge finally played a role.

The wave-shaped sound-absorbing sponge has a strong absorption effect on high-frequency sound waves. After the sound waves generated by the steel plate are transmitted into the interior, they are weakened at an astonishing speed by layers of wave-shaped sound-absorbing sponges.

When it finally reached Zhao Xu, the sound waves were no more powerful than human screams. Apart from making Zhao Xu feel harsh, they could no longer threaten his body.

However, although the power of the shock wave was offset, the impact just now also made Zhao Xu somersault in the air.

Zhao Xu was stuffed in the steel plate and sponge package, and when he flipped over like this, his internal organs seemed to dance, and he almost vomited: "I'm so pissed off, I'm so fucking pissed off, I'm so powerful! Those who are tormented by you, revenge, I must take revenge, hum, this time there are no missiles, let's see if I don't play you to death!"

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