Super Manufacturing Force

Chapter 86 Jump behind my back

After tumbling in the air for a moment, feeling that he was far away from the explosion range, Zhao Xu immediately reduced the sponge and steel plate to ashes.

The sun suddenly shone on his body, warm.

Zhao Xu opened his eyes, and his eyelids jumped wildly in fright. He was less than 30 meters away from the ground.

He immediately spread his wings, and the huge updraft directly supported him and slid out.

"Huh... Fortunately, the reaction is fast enough!" Zhao Xu wiped the sweat off his brow, looked at the helicopter in the distance, and circled up directly, "Haha, little kids, your grandpa is here!"

At this time, the pilot was fleeing in the helicopter, and the arrogant expression just now had long since disappeared. He really didn't expect that Zhao Xu couldn't even take the cluster bombs.

"It's not human, that guy is definitely not human!" The pilot was trembling, sweating profusely all over his body, as if he had just been fished out of the water.

"Huh? What's that sound?" His subordinate sat in the back, his eyes widened in surprise, as if he heard some kind of screaming sound.

The two turned their heads to look out of the window, almost peeing their pants in fright, only to see a small missile roaring towards them in the distant sky.

"Baga, where did this missile come from?" The subordinate jumped up from his seat in shock, and hit his head directly on the top of the helicopter: "Oh, it hurts me to death, hell, don't run fast, waiting to be caught What about blowing up?"

While manipulating the helicopter to escape, the pilot yelled in fear, "Zhao Xu must have made the missile, God Amaterasu, don't tell me you don't love us anymore, why do you let such a weird guy exist in this world?" , let down a bolt of lightning strike him to death!"

The speed of the missile was thousands of kilometers per hour, even Zhao Xu's jetpack couldn't match it, and it was even more nonsense for the helicopter to run.

I saw that the helicopter flew less than 100 meters away, and the missile slammed into it straight: "Boom..."

The helicopter was hit and swayed more than 20 meters before it came to a near stop.

The eyes of the two were bulging in fright, but after waiting for a long time, they found that the missile did not explode at all: "What's going on?"

At this time, Zhao Xu's figure suddenly appeared on the left side of the helicopter, and he waved to the two of them with a smile: "Are you guys happy, I just made a stink bomb for fun, didn't I scare you? Hehe, this is just an appetizer Cai, you guys, are you ready for the next show?"

"Don't come over here!" The pilot collapsed in fright, twisted the joystick, and the helicopter almost turned to the right. The men behind were unprepared and were almost thrown out of the plane.

"Baga, you're crazy!" the subordinates shouted in fear.

The pilot cried and said, "I'm going crazy, Baga, why did we provoke that guy, I... oh my god, he's catching up again!"

"Nani?" Turning his head, his subordinates saw Zhao Xu's figure appearing outside the window, and immediately trembled with fright: "Quick, run... You, why didn't you turn around this time?"

He was so angry that he scolded, but found that the pilot was in a daze, his eyes widened as if seeing a ghost, so he followed the pilot's gaze and opened his mouth wide in horror.

The joystick in the pilot's hand turned to ashes in a strange way from top to bottom.

"What... what's going on here?" The subordinate only felt a chill running down his spine and into his head, and asked stammeringly.

"How do I know?" The pilot almost suffered a cardiac arrest in fear: "It must be that guy, it must be his fault!"

"How is it possible? He never came in again. Could it be that this guy is... a ghost?" The subordinate trembled at the thought of this, and quickly shook his head vigorously, not daring to think about it anymore: "What should we do now, how can we land without a joystick?"

"'s okay, there's a sub-control stick!" The pilot had just finished speaking, and the sub-control stick was also reduced to ashes in the blink of an eye.

The two were dumbfounded.

The subordinate opened his mouth, hesitantly said: "Well... is there a third joystick?"

"What a fart!" The pilot yelled and turned on the auto-hover function, and then jumped up from his seat: "What are you doing so stupidly, why don't you hurry up and parachute, and wait until you run out of fuel and fall to your death!"

The men finally reacted, and hurriedly found out the parachute and prepared to carry it on their backs.

But at this moment, the parachute was also reduced to ashes in an instant, and his nose and tears came down directly: "Do you need to be so ruthless, and don't leave us a way to survive?"

Perhaps because he heard his inner voice, a small part of the pile of ashes suddenly began to condense rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a toy parachute the size of a palm, with a string of English written on it.

He couldn't understand English, so he wanted to ask the pilot to ask, but only then did he realize that the pilot was holding another toy parachute, and read the words on it with wide eyes: "Jump behind my back, it's so cool!"

The subordinate almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, this fucking is playing death without life.

Suddenly, there was an ear-piercing sound of "咔咚咚咚", and then the helicopter swayed violently. The two looked out in horror, and saw Zhao Xu flying in the distance, shooting strands of spider silk from his hand , tightly wrapped around the rotor.

After all, the rotational power of the rotor is quite large, otherwise it would be impossible to fly with the helicopter, so even though it was entangled by spider silk at the beginning, it could still rotate at a high speed.

But the spider silk in Zhao Xu's hand seemed endless, ten strands... twenty strands... fifty strands... one hundred strands... five hundred strands...

The terrifying spider silk seems to be endless, and finally almost wraps the rotor into a big cocoon, and there are many spider threads hanging down, binding the rotor to the fuselage of the helicopter. Unable to continue to rotate, only a harsh "click" sound can be made.

On the other side, Zhao Xu didn't dare to drag the helicopter directly with his arms. After all, the huge weight of the helicopter might break his arm.

He used the original energy to extend two steel rods forward on the jetpack, and then glued all the spider silk to the steel rods, so that the helicopter would hang in the air without falling.

"Haha, little brats, come and enjoy the last feast!"

Zhao Xu yelled at the top of his voice, then tilted his body slightly, and began to swing the helicopter around himself.

One lap...two laps...three laps...ten laps...thirty laps...

As the speed of rotation became faster and faster, gradually, the huge fuselage of the helicopter was thrown up, which looked like a meteor hammer being danced by someone, and the "whoosh" wind whistle was deafening.

The two people in the helicopter were already clinging to the wall of the helicopter under the action of centrifugal force, unable to move at all, they could only beg for mercy miserably.

"Don't retweet anymore, I can't stand it, I was wrong, I will be a good person in the future, please let me go!"

"Mr. Zhao Xu, Mr. Zhao Xu, please... please stop, I was wrong, I was really wrong, I don't want to die!"

But no matter how the two of them roared, their voices could only be drowned in the growing wind.

I don't know how many times they turned, the two felt that their bones were about to be broken. Suddenly, the sound of something breaking came, and then they felt that they finally stopped spinning, and began to shuttle far away at a very high speed.

They knew that Zhao Xu had finally let go of the spider silk, which meant that their lives were coming to an end, but at this moment, the two of them felt relieved for no reason: "Finally, I don't have to face this devil anymore. Love us!"

Obviously, in their opinion, facing Zhao Xu was a torture more terrifying than death!

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