Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1610: , Indomitable!

At this moment, although Qin Menglan and others could not see the fierce battle between the two, just by listening to the voice, they could feel how fierce the fighting between the two was!

Such a strong and heavy mountain rock has been punched out by the two of them so deep pits, one can imagine how terrifying the battle between the two is!

The muffled thunder in the "tiankeng" kept ringing for six or seven minutes, and then stopped for a moment.

Qin Menglan and others were taken aback for a moment, and thought, could it be said that the battle is over?

However, at this moment, a figure in between jumped out of this "tiankeng" like a frightened dragon, and jumped onto the flat ground next to it!

Although this figure looks thin, his figure is as straight as a javelin!

The clothes on him are gone, revealing a strong upper body.

The skin of wheat complexion shines with a healthy glow in the sun, and the smooth but not exaggerated muscle lines contain terrifying explosive power!

Although his body is full of scars, it does not make people feel ugly, on the contrary, it makes people feel full of masculine beauty!

He held a long sword in his hand and stood proudly there, like a knight who wielded a sword and walked around the world in ancient times!

And this man is Ye Fei who just jumped out of the "tiankeng"!

Seeing Ye Fei's not generous figure, Qin Menglan suddenly felt a sense of security as heavy as a mountain!

This little man has finally grown up, he has grown into an upright man!

Qin Menglan smiled, she really did not misunderstand the wrong person, such a man is worthy of her lifetime love!

At this moment, after Ye Fei jumped out, another thin figure jumped out of the "tiankeng"!

And this figure is the second elder.

It's just that the second elder at this time no longer had the feeling of high spirits and fairy tales. On the contrary, it was almost like a beggar.

His clean robe had been beaten to ragged pieces, and his body and face were stained with blood.

Even the head and face are still covered with stone chips and dust, and they look really embarrassed.

"Old man, is the stone delicious?"

Ye Fei asked with a smile.

"Damn brat!!"

When the second elder heard this, he was immediately blown up.

In the "tiankeng" just now, Ye Fei seemed to be a brutal demon, stupefied as he fought more and more fiercely.

Therefore, if he was not careful, he was directly punched into the rock by Ye Fei.

If it hadn't been for a high level of cultivation and a strong body, I'm afraid that this kid would have killed him with a punch.

However, because of this, the second elder was even more shocked by Ye Fei's strength!

This kid not only guards the sky with swordsmanship, but close combat is also terrifying!

It is really hard for him to imagine that this kid has experienced less combat before he has such a wealth of combat experience?

For a moment, the two of them stared at each other closely, and neither of them started doing anything first.

The battle has reached this point, and there are fewer flaws and vulnerabilities than anyone!

As the so-called master makes a move, it is one move.

Sometimes the key to victory or defeat is a trick.

At this moment, Ye Fei didn't have the patience to wait any longer, seeing that the second elder had not revealed any flaws.

He directly raised his body's muscle strength and true energy to the apex, ready to determine the outcome with one move!

After all, I have been fighting for too long, even if I am an iron man, I am a little tired. Instead of continuing to consume like this, it is better to solve the battle as soon as possible!

After all, the second elder is waiting for work at ease, and his body has already appeared exhausted, so it is not good for him to fight for a long time.

At this time, the second elder felt the soaring breath and coercion on Ye Fei's body, and a solemn look appeared on his face!

He also saw Ye Fei's decision.

It seems that this kid is ready to determine the outcome with one move.

That being the case, let's decide the outcome with one move!

Thinking of this, the second elder also instantly raised his breath and coercion to the top!

When the breath and coercion of the two climbed to the top, the whole Si Guo Cliff seemed to tremble slightly!

For a time, the wind was strong, the storm swept, and the gravel, dust, dead branches, grass blades on the ground... were all swept up by the storm, and then stagnated in the air, just like movie special effects!

Another minute passed.

Ye Fei slowly raised the long sword in his hand. His movements were very slow. Every movement could be seen clearly, just like slow motion playback, without letting people feel any lethality.

The second elder was taken aback, what's the situation?

Isn't this kid trying to determine the outcome with a single move, swinging his sword so slowly, what does he want to do?

No matter what he does, let's take the initiative!

Thinking of this, the second elder moved his body and drove a shocking hurricane towards Ye Fei!

Moreover, on the way to the rush, the second elder twisted both Xeon's fists at the same time, and blasted towards Ye Fei!

"Huang Tian Ba ​​Tuquan! Huang Ji Tian Xia!!!"

Boom! !

The two fists blasted out, like two giant fists from the sky, with the burning Fengyan, they smashed towards Ye Fei!

Bang bang bang bang! !

Wherever the fist passed, everything became crushed, and then burned to ashes!

The destructive power is extremely terrifying! !

Seeing the second elder make this move, Qin Menglan and others' expressions changed drastically!

There is no doubt that this should be the second elder Xeon's move!

At this moment, seeing the fists blasted by the second elder approaching infinitely, Ye Fei finally swung down the raised sword heavily!

"The King's Sword Intent!"

"Ancient swordsmanship!"

"Wan Jian is coming!!"

boom! !

It slashed with a sword, like a giant palm covering the sky, slashing towards the fist of the second elder!

Moreover, with this sword slashing, thousands of golden sword shadows also stabbed towards the second elder!

Whoops whoops! !

Countless golden sword shadows collided with the two giant fists of the second elder, instantly punching out countless small holes in the two giant fists condensed with true energy!

It's just that, because the true energy of these two fists is too strong, even if there are countless small holes, they did not collapse in the first place, but continued to crush them toward Ye Fei!

However, when Ye Fei's hand was smashed by the huge sword condensed by zhenqi, he only heard a loud "bang", and the huge fist shattered directly at this moment, and then disappeared!

"This this……"

The second elder was shocked!

His strong fist was destroyed! !

Seeing that the power of Ye Fei's sword had not dissipated after breaking the giant fist, the second elder was shocked, and quickly drew back!

However, he had no time to take a few steps back, and the sword smashed on his chest!


A screaming scream sounded, and the second elder flew out like a kite with a broken line!

With a loud "bang", the second elder fell heavily to the ground, his chest was split with a bone-bearing wound, and the blood flow continued.

And the second elder felt that his strength was emptied, and he passed out directly...

When everything subsided, the long sword in Ye Fei's hand had been completely shattered into dregs.

Ye Fei threw the only remaining sword hilt, took a deep breath, and walked towards Qin Menglan and the others who were in a daze.

At this moment, the eyes of these Qin guards looking at Ye Fei were the same as those looking at the gods. As soon as Ye Fei approached, they hurriedly backed away in fright.

The second elder was defeated by this kid...This kid is simply a devil! !

"Menglan, what are you still in a daze?"

Ye Fei smiled and looked at Qin Menglan, "Go, let's go down the mountain."

Seeing the man walking towards him and hearing the gentle voice of the man, Qin Menglan seemed to wake up from a dream, and she burst into tears of joy!


The man really did it!

He has surpassed himself, he has defeated all the enemies that stand in the way of happiness for himself and the man!

He is an indomitable hero!

Whether a man is a killer or a demon in the eyes of others, in her heart, a man is a hero!

At this moment, Qin Menglan didn't want to think about anything. She took three steps and took two steps before jumping directly into Ye Fei's arms. Her weak and boneless hands hugged the man's strong waist tightly.

Smelling the familiar smell of the man, and leaning on the man's solid chest, Qin Menglan felt so relieved for the first time.

Feeling the soft fragrance in his arms, Ye Fei was taken aback for a moment, then the corner of his mouth grinned, revealing a bright smile from the bottom of his heart.

"Menglan, I miss you..." Ye Fei gently hugged the woman's soft waist and whispered.

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