Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1611: , Deep love!

Qin Menglan couldn't stand it anymore when he heard the man's phrase "I miss you", and she choked up, tears falling down one by one like crystal pearls with broken wires.

At this moment, she felt it was worth the waiting, waiting, suffering and longing for more than half a year.

She knows that men have been thinking about themselves, thinking about themselves, and feeling the heavy love of men.

If a man's love for himself is not so deep, then he will not be an enemy of everyone in order to take himself out of here.

Then he won't be seriously injured again, instead of choosing to flee, but thinking about how to rise up to resist and make a comeback.

He doesn't have to do this, but for his own sake, he has carried all the difficulties and pains on his shoulders alone.

Moreover, only after more than half a year, the strength of a man has grown to such a level, it is impossible to imagine what the man has experienced in the past six months.

"Silly woman, why are you crying? If you cry again, you won't be pretty."

Ye Fei smiled softly, stretched out his hand, and gently wiped away the tears from the corner of the woman's eyes. Looking at the woman's face with rain, he felt even more pity in his heart.

"Don't you want me if you're not pretty?"

Qin Menglan lifted up that stunningly beautiful face, blinked his big red and swollen eyes, and asked with an anguish.

At this moment, the little woman's attitude from the woman made Ye Fei dazed, and he couldn't remove his eyes.

The woman's big eyes were slightly open, with a peach-like mature charm.

Her cherry sip breathed the air, and the breath was fresh and fragrant. And the woman's mature and charming body made Ye Fei a little lost.

It turns out that Sister Lan, who has always been strong and domineering, and belongs to the royal sister type, actually has such a small woman side.

No wonder I am so fascinated by this woman, not only because of her beautiful appearance, but also because of the woman's connotation like a mysterious treasure.

Ye Fei swallowed his throat, smiled softly, stroked the woman's face, and said firmly: "My dear, no matter what you become, I will like you...

Because, in this life, you can only be my woman...No one can take you away from me..."

"Really overbearing."

Qin Menglan snorted, although her heart is very sweet, but her face is full of worry, "Ye Fei, what if my father and those in the ancient martial arts won't let us be together?"

Ye Fei's eyes were cold, and he said in a shock: "If anyone disagrees, then I will fight until he agrees!

Don’t these guys in the ancient martial world always feel that they are superior, that they are superior to others? But now, isn't it still being abused by me and turned into a dog?

Menglan, for you, even if I am an enemy of the entire ancient martial world, why not? "


Hearing Ye Fei's domineering and powerful words, Qin Menglan's eyes widened, her small mouth opened slightly, and she was speechless.

In the entire China, who would dare to be an enemy of the ancient martial world?

Who would dare to challenge the people in the ancient martial arts world, and tear his skin apart?

Even today's high-level Hua Xia dare not do this!

After all, there are many masters in the ancient martial arts world, and even the current general thermal weapons can hardly compete with them.

Qin Menglan stared straight into the man's eyes, what she saw in the man's eyes was full of firmness.

She sighed in her heart, yes, since men are not afraid of this, why should she shrink?

It was at this moment that she made a decision in her heart.

In the future, no matter if he encounters any difficulties or obstructions, he will not shrink back, but will face it with the man.

Qin Menglan sniffed, looked up at Ye Fei, her eyes gleamed with burning light, and said firmly: "My dear, I will never back down again!

No matter how many people regard you as an enemy, I will stand firmly by your side and face it with you! "

"Silly woman, it's good if you can be by my side... As for those violent storms and enemies, just leave it to your man.

You have to believe that now, your man has enough ability to face and bear these.

Moreover, as long as I am here, I won't let you hurt a little bit. "


Qin Menglan nodded vigorously, with a happy smile on her face.

"Let's go, let's go down the mountain."

Ye Fei said softly, and he was about to take the woman's hand down the mountain.

But at this time, Qin Menglan blinked charmingly, her face puffed and said: "My dear, I want you to hug me down the mountain..."

"Hold you down the mountain?"

Ye Fei was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

Unexpectedly, a woman would still act like a baby.

"Okay? Huh?" Qin Menglan shook Ye Fei's arm and said.

"Well, well, then I will hug our dear down the mountain."

Ye Fei laughed, and then picked up the woman with ease.

With this hug, Ye Fei's right hand unconsciously touched the woman's hip.

Because she was wearing a tulle dress, Qin Menglan clearly felt the temperature from the palm of the man's hand.

Qin Menglan seemed to feel a current passing through her body, and the crunchy feeling made her face redder, like a ripe peach, almost dripping out of juice.

After picking up the woman, Ye Fei was about to go down the mountain. Seeing the Qin guards still standing there stupidly, he swept away coldly, and asked indifferently: "Why, don't you plan to get out?"

As soon as Ye Fei's eyes were fixed, these Qin guards trembled with fright, and then quickly let go.

Oh, it really is a group of bullies and fears of tough guys.

Ye Fei sneered in his heart, then hugged Qin Menglan and walked down the mountain.

Although the mountain was relatively high and the mountain road was long, Ye Fei did not feel strenuous.

Even after a series of battles just now, the physical strength has been consumed a lot, but for Ye Fei, it still feels very easy for Ye Fei to walk the mountain road with himself.

Because in the process of walking, the woman's whole person was attached to Ye Fei's body, so Ye Fei could clearly feel the softness and elasticity of the woman's body.

With this wonderful touch, Ye Fei was stunned.

In the process of walking down the mountain, Ye Fei's right hand deliberately rubbed the woman's hip a few times, and then said solemnly: "Menglan, how do I feel that you seem to be thin? The previous feel was not like this... …"

Although he had already had a skin-to-kin relationship with a man, Qin Menglan was still quite shy when he heard what the man said so blatantly.

The woman's red double 靥 became more and more charming.

Qin Menglan leaned against Ye Fei's chest and groaned weakly, "That's for sure. For the past six months, people have not thought about tea or food, so you will definitely lose weight!"

Hearing what the woman said, Ye Fei felt that his debt to the woman deepened.

I should enter the ancient martial arts sooner, so that women won't wait for so long.

"Sorry, Menglan, I am late, I should..."

Before Ye Fei's words were finished, Qin Menglan stretched out a plain hand, gently pressed Ye Fei's mouth, and said: "Stop talking, my dear, I am very happy that you can come here to find me.

Moreover, if you are late, it must be because you are late. Why should I blame you? "

When Ye Fei heard this, she felt more empathetic, and her feelings for women deepened.

Ye Fei kissed the woman's forehead, then looked ahead, and slowly said, "Menglan, do you know that when I watched you being taken away by those two old guys that day, I couldn't do anything. Keep you...

At that moment, I was desperate, and I hated why I couldn't be stronger...If I was strong enough, I wouldn't just watch you leave, but I couldn't do anything...

Since then, I have been fighting, cultivating, and comprehending...time and time again, I let myself break through and grow in the desperate situation of life and death...

Just for one day, I can be ashamed, and I can take you back in a fair manner..."

Ye Fei's voice was hoarse and mellow. Although his voice was not loud, it hit Qin Menglan's heart every word.

It is hard to imagine what kind of pain and training the man in front of him has gone through to grow into the strong man today.

Although she hadn't seen all this, she could feel it from what the man said.

Thinking of the various ordeals that Ye Fei had experienced over the past half year, Qin Menglan felt her heart throbbing, and she couldn't breathe.

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