Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1642: , What's the matter with you?

Speeding all the way, Ye Fei finally arrived at Ninghai Airport in half an hour.

Ye Fei stopped the car and got out of the car with Qin Menglan and Liu Yiyi.

Looking around, there are people rushing on the road with big bags everywhere.

However, no matter how many people there were, Ye Fei still saw Su Luoyan in the crowd at a glance.

Even though Su Luoyan wrapped herself very tightly, the temperament revealed by her body could not be concealed.

Even in the crowd, she is the brightest star.

"Menglan baby, Yiyi baby, let's go, my friend is there."

Ye Fei pointed to Su Luoyan who was playing with a mobile phone not far away.

Qin Menglan and Liu Yiyi looked in the direction of Ye Fei's fingers and saw a tall woman with fair skin and delicate features standing there.

This woman just stops at random, like the cover of a big fashion magazine.

Moreover, Qin Menglan and Liu Yiyi felt their eyes lit up when they saw this woman, and they felt a familiar feeling.

"Yiyi, do you think this woman looks like the hottest star now?" Qin Menglan asked.

"Yeah, I think she is very similar to Su Luoyan, a popular young queen." Liu Yiyi replied.

"Yes, yes, yes, when you said that, I remember it, it is indeed very similar!" Qin Menglan nodded repeatedly and said.

Ye Fei, who was walking in the front, smiled when he heard the conversation between the two women, and said, "Okay, don't guess, she is Su Luoyan."

"Ah?! She is Su Luoyan?!"

Upon hearing Ye Fei's words, Qin Menglan and Liu Yiyi both exclaimed at the same time.

Moreover, because the two women not only have good looks and nice voices, plus the three words "Su Luoyan" in their mouths, they immediately attracted the attention of people around them.

" did I hear those two beauties calling Su Luoyan? Where is my goddess Su Luoyan?!"

"The goddess shouldn't be here, right? Didn't the Internet say that the goddess will participate in the Spring Festival Gala of Mango, Lychee and Tomato Platform this year?"

"Who knows, if the goddess is really here, wouldn't it be a big profit?"

"Yes, yes, look for it!"

For a while, the passengers at the gate of the airport couldn't take care of their way, and they all started looking for Su Luoyan.

Ye Fei hurriedly gave Qin Menglan and Liu Yiyi a "hush" and said, "Menglan and Yiyi, keep your voice down. If someone finds Su Luoyan here, it will definitely cause a commotion."

Qin Menglan and Liu Yiyi also knew Su Luoyan's influence, so they nodded quickly, daring not to say "Su Luoyan" anymore.

So Ye Fei hurriedly took the two women and came to Su Luoyan.

"Luo Yan, hurry up, the people here are looking for you now. If they find out and want to leave, it will be difficult."

As soon as Ye Fei stepped forward, without waiting for Su Luoyan to come back to his senses, he grabbed Su Luoyan's hand and walked in the direction of the car.

Qin Menglan and Liu Yiyi also knew that it was not the time to have fun, so they hurriedly followed and got into the car quickly.

When Ye Fei drove the car for a while, everyone was relieved.

Su Luoyan took off his hat and sunglasses, revealing a pair of highlighting amber hair and big eyes that shone like jewels.

After not seeing him for a while, Ye Fei was stunned to feel that the woman was a bit more beautiful again.

"Honey, happy new year!"

Su Luoyan blinked at Ye Fei and yelled sweetly.

These words directly changed the expressions of Qin Menglan and Liu Yiyi in the back seat.

Ye Fei smiled awkwardly and said to Su Luoyan: "Luoyan, don't shout, I am the purest friend relationship with you!"


Su Luoyan smiled sweetly, and said, "But people have long regarded themselves as your woman!"

"Brother Ye Fei, is Miss Su really your woman?" Liu Yiyi asked.

"Yiyi, she is a crazy girl, don't listen to her nonsense."

Ye Fei replied with a smile.

"This sister, I didn't talk nonsense! I am his woman!"

Su Luoyan hurriedly interjected, then turned to Qin Menglan and Liu Yiyi and said with a grin: "Two sisters, how are you, my name is Su Luoyan."

"Well, Miss Su, I know you, and I have been listening to your songs before." Liu Yiyi responded with a smile.

"Really? Hey, that's great, it shows that we are very destined!"

Su Luoyan asked very enthusiastically: "Sister, what's your name?"

"My name is Liu Yiyi." Liu Yiyi replied.

"Then I will call you Sister Liu from now on, okay?" Su Luoyan asked with a smile.


Liu Yiyi smiled and nodded.

She thought that Su Luoyan, as a big star, should give people a sense of superiority, but she didn't expect Su Luoyan to be so approachable.

Su Luoyan turned to look at Qin Menglan again, and asked, "Sister, what's your name?"

"My name is Qin Menglan, you can call me sister Lan from now on."

Qin Menglan responded with a faint smile.

When she first heard Su Luoyan's voice on the phone, she thought that Su Luoyan was a coquettish bitch.

But when she saw it now, she knew that Su Luoyan was a child with a disposition, like to act like a baby, love to play and make trouble, but there is nothing bad about it.

"Yeah, yes, sister Lan!"

Su Luoyan smiled and nodded, then took out two exquisite packaging boxes from the packaging bag and handed them to Qin Menglan and Liu Yiyi.

"Sister Liu, Sister Lan, this is the last time I went to France Fashion Week and bought the Chanel Gabriel perfume locally. I hope you like it."

Qin Menglan and Liu Yiyi were taken aback, hesitating whether they should accept it.

But Su Luoyan immediately said: "Sister Lan, Sister Liu, you must accept it. This is a little gift from my sister, and it's not expensive.

If you don't accept it, it means that the two older sisters don't like their younger sisters. "

Qin Menglan and Liu Yiyi heard that Su Luoyan's words were up to this point. If they didn't accept it, it would be a bit unkind, so they said "Thank you" and accepted the gift.

After seeing Qin Menglan and Liu Yiyi accept the gifts, Su Luoyan smiled narrowly and asked: "Two sisters, are you all Ye Fei's women?"

Hearing this question, Ye Fei, who was driving, shook his hand and twitched the corner of his mouth. He was speechless.

This crazy girl, really dare to ask anything!

With regard to Su Luoyan's straightforward question, Liu Yiyi's face turned red with a "huh".

However, Qin Menglan was okay, she was very open to these, so there was no wave in her face, but she nodded gently.

Seeing the reactions of Qin Menglan and Liu Yiyi, Su Luoyan giggled and said, "Oh, that's great. I'm also Ye Fei's woman, and then we will be real sisters!

If Ye Fei bullies me in the future, the two sisters must help me! "

Ye Fei couldn't listen anymore and said, "Hey, Luo Yan, what's the matter with you here, is it really okay for you to intervene like this?"

Su Luoyan immediately squeezed out a few tears when he heard it, and Chu Chu said pitifully, "Ye Fei, you can't do this. You touched someone's body before, and now you don't recognize them..."

When Qin Menglan and Liu Yiyi heard this, they looked at Ye Fei in a daze, with doubts and questions in their eyes.

Seeing the eyes of the two women, Ye Fei's face turned green.

He quickly explained: "Menglan, Yiyi, don't listen to her nonsense!

I really didn't touch her... Uh, no, I did... but it's definitely not what you think..."

Just as Ye Fei was about to continue explaining, Qin Menglan, Liu Yiyi, and Su Luoyan had already chatted with them, and no one took care of Ye Fei at all.


Ye Fei was speechless.

He doesn't understand a bit now, this woman's relationship is too well established, so she gave a gift, and after a few conversations, can she be so familiar?

Ye Fei shook his head, and did not mix up with women. He concentrated on being a driver and rushed towards Maple Leaf No.6 Villa.

After driving for about thirty minutes, we arrived at Maple Leaf Villa 6.

Ye Fei stopped the car, and then took the three women, carrying large bags and small bags, and went straight into the villa.

As soon as he entered the room, Gu Xiaoran who was watching TV heard the movement and quickly turned his head.

"Brother Fei! You are back!"

"Oh! Sister Lan! Su Luoyan! Why are you here too?!"

Seeing the four of Ye Fei, Gu Xiaoran's face showed surprise and excitement.

But, Liu Yiyi, she didn't know him.

Who is this sister?

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