Super Master of Female President

Chapter 1643: , Have you eaten gunpowder?

At this time, Gu Qingcheng, who was cooking in the kitchen, ran out immediately upon hearing the movement in the living room.

Although the woman is wearing a house suit and an apron, her soft cloud hair is tied into a ponytail and she has no makeup, but she is still beautiful.

Moreover, women seem to be born with dignity and elegance, which makes the younger Liu Yiyi and Su Luoyan a bit inferior.

After more than ten days, when he saw the woman again, Ye Fei felt a sense of peace of mind that he had gone home.

No matter where he went or how far he went, he could feel that there was a woman at home waiting for her to go home.

In the past, Ye Fei fought the north and south with his brothers abroad. He was home from all corners of the world, just like a duckweed without roots.

It was precisely because of returning to Ninghai and meeting the Gu Qingcheng sisters that Ye Fei felt at home.

At this moment, Gu Qingcheng saw Ye Fei four in the living room, he was taken aback for a moment, and then his face showed surprise.

The bad guy finally came back.

Moreover, he did not break his promise and brought Sister Lan back.

It's good to be back, all back.

"Welcome home."

A soft smile appeared on Gu Qingcheng's face, and then opened his arms.

Seeing Gu Qingcheng opened his arms and walked towards him, Ye Fei immediately opened his arms, almost laughing from ear to ear.

As expected of the woman I had fancy to, after returning, I took the initiative to hug myself without having to take the initiative.

Not bad, this woman is really the best candidate for a good wife.

However, when Gu Qingcheng walked over, Ye Fei was just about to hug him, but Gu Qingcheng walked around directly in front of Ye Fei and hugged Qin Menglan next to Ye Fei.

"Sister Lan, long time no see."

Gu Qingcheng said in a soft voice, deep miss in the words.

Her feelings for Qin Menglan are undoubtedly very deep. The two cooperate with each other tacitly at work, and they are even more like sisters in life.

In the past six months, although Gu Qingcheng has changed several assistants, it is still the days when Sister Lan is here that really makes her accustomed to.

"Qingcheng, long time no see."

Qin Menglan's eyes were also hot, and she responded softly.

The feeling of yearning for Qingcheng in her heart is no less than Gu Qingcheng's feeling for herself.

After all, even before leaving Ninghai, the thing she couldn't let go of was Gu Qingcheng.

It is often said that true brotherhood is precious, and true sisterhood is equally precious.

"Sister Lan, how have you been recently? Why haven't you seen anyone in the past half a year?" Gu Qingcheng asked.

"Qingcheng, in the past six months, because something happened at home, I went back. I'm really sorry to say goodbye to you before I can't say goodbye." Qin Menglan apologized.

"Sister Lan, you don't need to apologize to me, as long as people come back."

Gu Qingcheng smiled, and then asked: "By the way, Sister Lan, I'm back this time, are you still leaving?"

"If nothing happens..."

Qin Menglan glanced at Ye Fei, "I shouldn't be leaving anymore."


Gu Qingcheng was overjoyed, "That's great!"

Seeing the two women talking about the pain of missing each other, Ye Fei's arms stretched into the air stiffened, then smiled awkwardly, and took it back.

Embarrassing, too embarrassing.

Ye Fei thought that Gu Qingcheng came to hug him, but he didn't know that the woman was just to hug Qin Menglan.

Liu Yiyi, Su Luoyan, and Gu Xiaoran on the side saw Ye Fei's behavior, and they all snickered, laughing that Ye Fei was affectionate.

At this time, after Gu Qingcheng hugged Qin Menglan, he turned and hugged Su Luoyan again, smiling and saying, "Luoyan, it's been a long time since I saw you, how are you doing recently?"

Su Luoyan said with a gloomy expression: "Sister Gu, me, it's not the same as before. I fly everywhere at home and abroad, and I'm so busy every day..."

"Hehe, Luoyan, I'm not busy with work. Don't you often say, is singing something you love?" Gu Qingcheng smiled.

"Yeah, if I didn't like singing, I wouldn't have been in this business for so long." Su Luoyan spread out his hands and said.

Gu Qingcheng smiled, and then wondered: "Luo Yan, shouldn't you be very busy these days? How come you have time to come here?"

Su Luoyan smiled like a little fox, and said, "Sister Gu, let me tell you, I came here secretly. My agent and team don't even know that I'm here!"

When Gu Qingcheng heard this, he couldn't laugh or cry, too, it was indeed like what Su Luoyan could do.

"You girl, you are as uncomfortable as Xiao Ran!" Gu Qingcheng scratched Su Luoyan's nose and said.

Gu Xiaoran quit when he heard it.

She had a pitiful face and said: "Sister, are you very good? How can anyone be a sister, like that!"

When Qin Menglan and the others heard it, they suddenly giggled.

Seeing these Yingying, thin, thin women with outstanding looks and posture, Ye Fei just stood aside and giggled.

He suddenly felt that this was also pretty good.

When the time comes to get all the women you like to live in one house, just thinking about it will make people feel very excited and excited!

However, the revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard!

Try to realize this beautiful dream one day as early as possible!

"Naughty boy, what are you smirking, don't you want to introduce this sister to me?"

Gu Qingcheng's abrupt words directly interrupted Ye Fei's reverie.

Ye Fei smiled and introduced: "Qingcheng, this is the girl who had the best relationship with my orphanage before, and her name is Liu Yiyi."

In order to prevent Gu Qingcheng from exploding his hair, Ye Fei decided to hide it from the woman temporarily.

"Hello, sister Gu, my name is Liu Yiyi." Liu Yiyi walked out and said to Gu Qingcheng.

Gu Qingcheng stepped forward, took Liu Yiyi's hand, and said, "Since you are Ye Fei's younger sister, then you are also my younger sister. Treat this as your own home, don't be restrained!"

"Yes, yes, Yiyi, just treat this as your own home!"

Ye Fei also interjected with a smile.

"What's the matter with you here?"

Gu Qingcheng rolled his eyes and Ye Fei, "Come on and cool off!"


Ye Fei was speechless, fucking, what happened to this woman, did he take gunpowder?

However, after another thought, Ye Fei also reacted.

It's possible that the woman was angry because she didn't answer the phone or reply to the text message.

Ye Fei scratched his head helplessly, and said his heart is too small, right?

It seems that after taking down this little girl in the future, he must reinvigorate her husband.

After greetings for a while, Gu Qingcheng smiled and said, "Sisters, you sit down for a while, I'll cook, and we'll talk later."

"Qingcheng, let me help you. With so many people, you can't do it alone." Qin Menglan said.

"Sister Gu, let me help you too!"

Liu Yiyi also offered to help.

Although Su Luoyan wanted to help too, she could only eat, not cooking at all!

Seeing that Qin Menglan and Liu Yiyi wanted to help, Gu Qingcheng immediately nodded and said, "Okay, I'm worried that there is no one to help!"

With that said, when Gu Qingcheng was about to enter the kitchen with Qin Menglan and Liu Yiyi, there was a sound of a car engine outside the door.

When Gu Qingcheng and others heard the sound, they walked towards the door and saw a white Porsche Cayenne parked at the door.

Everyone was taken aback, who is here?

After a while, the car door opened, and one was wearing a black woolen coat with a black close-fitting sweater inside, which outlined a round chest curve. He wore a pair of black lace tights and a gray skirt on his lower body and a pair of red high heels on his feet. , The cold temperament, and a little cool woman walked down carrying a few gift bags.

Maybe it was just not long ago that it was moisturized by rain and dew. In addition to the coldness of the eyebrows, the woman's eyebrows also revealed a touch of charm.

This woman is a beautiful, sexy, and tasteful woman.

Seeing this woman, Ye Fei was dumbfounded!

Li Shiyun? !

Why is she here? !

Not long ago, Ye Fei wanted to pick up Li Shiyun in the past, but in order to prevent Gu Qingcheng from exploding his hair, Ye Fei had to give up.

But now, the woman takes the initiative to come to the door, what else can I do?

As for Gu Qingcheng next to her, her face changed slightly with a frown.

She naturally recognized this woman.

Before, in that fashion magazine, the woman who hugged Ye Fei and kissed her was...

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